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 Sina Finance

Da Mo Investment: Coal Stocks Brave in the Market Shock

http://www.sina.com.cn 16:59, September 5, 2007 Sina Finance


Damao Investment

Although the Shanghai Composite Index hit a new high of 5357.93 points in the intraday yesterday, the rise and fall of the index obviously generated a relatively cautious operating psychology for the market. Today, the intraday shocks continued. Both markets made up for the gap of short jump on Monday. The number of stocks falling in the market exceeded the number of stocks rising, and some of the varieties that have seen rapid growth recently saw significant profit taking.

From the perspective of market hot spots, coal stocks and non-ferrous metal stocks have once again become the two most eye-catching stars, including a number of mainstream individual stocks such as Orchid scientific innovation Lu'an Huanneng Guoyang Xinneng And so on. As far as the coal sector is concerned, it is true that the overall average static valuation is not low, but from the perspective of the scarcity of resources, the advantages of coal price pricing power, the expectation of a steady increase in the future coal price and other comprehensive factors, the coal sector seems to have become another major group with the key participation of major institutions of all parties after the non-ferrous metal sector. In the short term, the coal sector and individual stocks with the advantage of coal power integration still have the opportunity to be active again and again.

In addition to the super performance of coal stocks, the non-ferrous metal sector today Chinalco Zhongfu Industry Guanlv Driven by the re strengthening of such varieties, there has also been a certain recovery after the recent adjustment. However, on the whole, except for some strong varieties, the rotation effect of most individual stocks in this sector has tightened to a certain extent. The two most powerful indicators in the recent market are undoubtedly China Unicom and SINOPEC (China Petrochemical Corporation These two stocks respectively set new highs in stock prices.

The market continued to fluctuate on Wednesday. Although the amplitude was not large, the short-term lethality of each stock was not small, showing a phenomenon of less rise and more fall, especially the decline of the Shenzhen Composite Index, which represents most small and medium-sized stocks, was relatively large. The gap between the two markets on September 3 has been closed.

Today, the market seems to have undergone some subtle changes. The Shanghai Composite Index has twice broken the top deviation of the MACD, which is not obvious in the Japanese K-line; However, the Shenzhen Composite Index has never broken the top deviation phenomenon, and the future market needs to be clear; The Shenzhen Composite Index just showed signs of breaking the top deviation, that is, it was hit back by a hidden line yesterday, which made the originally good situation uncertain.

At the same time, 601328, the only bank stock that has always worried me, did not hit a new periodic high. The situation is even more uncertain. When the bank stock rose sharply in the early stage, it did not adjust to a new high with the previous step. So, at the current stage when the bank stock is relatively depressed, the short-term performance of this stock is worrying. It is expected that this stock will go out of the short-term average of 12 weeks, similar to 601628, Then rely on the 12 week moving average to pull out of the upward attack of the big band market, it is still difficult to make a conclusion. In a word, this week's subtle stock should be a unique target for the linkage of 601398, 601988, 601998 and other super heavy banking stocks, and 601328 can radiate the synchronous trend of 601398, 601988, 601998 and other super banking stocks. If these stocks continue to adjust, then the market may turn around ahead of time without touching 5500 points, It is possible to build a shock box on the top of September wave band. If 601328, together with 601398, 601988 and 601998, make a strong attack in the past one or two days, then the short-term crisis of the market may be resolved.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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