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The securities companies are still cautious after repeated surprises

http://www.sina.com.cn 09:47, March 26, 2007 Daily Economic News

Yu Chunmin Daily Economic News

After all, the market stood at an unprecedented high. According to some data, just last week, more than 100 stocks hit a record high in the past year. Investors seem to feel that they are in a dilemma. They are worried about the rapid adjustment of the market and the possibility of going short once the index continues to rise.

How will the future be interpreted? Will the market continue to hit new highs, and how should investors operate? We integrate the views of many securities companies, which may have some guiding significance for investors.

The market entered the final rapid peak period

Haitong believes that the sharp fall on February 27 is the beginning of this intermediate adjustment. Although the current market is stronger than expected, it should still be regarded as a rebound. The rebound of blue chip stocks is still weak, and the low-cost stocks that rose significantly in the earlier period have also become loose, and many stocks have seen signs of climax.

The market is not far away from the substantial adjustment of Zhenzheng, which will take no more than two weeks. It is suggested that investors reduce their holdings at a high level and lock in earnings. It is difficult for this market peak to be more than 5% higher than the previous peak. However, if some heavyweight stocks, such as banks, rebound, it will continue the consolidation of the market at the current high level, but will not change the trend of the market entering intermediate adjustment. (Haitong

negotiable securities )

Will continue to make strong gains in selected stocks

Guotai Jun'an believes that

Market trend It can be seen that the gap of last Thursday has been completely covered, and the 3000 level has also played a significant role in supporting the market. Therefore, the market will continue to rise strongly in the future, and investors can actively and boldly go long. However, in terms of selecting individual stocks, we should choose those with good quality, because in the future, as the market continues to strengthen, the differentiation of individual stocks will become more and more obvious, and only some performance is expected to show significant growth
Is suitable for long-term holding and sharing the bull market. (Guotai Jun'an Securities)

Don't get used to being safe

Donghai believes that recently, new investors have entered the market quickly, and some institutions that are good at manipulating stock prices have a handy market foundation. If we do not stop the trend of institutional funds manipulating stock prices wantonly in time, the goal of healthy stock markets will be far away. At present, the best way to crack down on speculation is to carry out market-oriented risk education. In this way, it is only temporary to be safe from danger, especially the local risks of the market. Investors should be highly alert to the stocks in S plate that are seriously off the fundamentals. (Donghai Securities)

High position cross star, high space, big difference

Guoyuan believes that the market is currently on the upward track, and if it cannot effectively break through the upward track in the future, it may fall back. Investors should pay close attention to the trends and trends of the blue chip plate. It is estimated that the market will still fluctuate significantly in the future, and the principle of caution should be adopted in operation, with short-term access. (Guoyuan Securities)

Short term risks have to be prepared

Hua An believes that, from the recent market, although the market has fluctuated, it can always recover tenaciously after each dive, and the trend has shown several times. In the medium and long term, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets undoubtedly have a lot of room for development and growth, but we have to face short-term risks, especially the local bubbles in the market have been relatively serious. If they continue to develop, many new investors will suffer huge losses. (Hua'an Securities)

Focus on investment opportunities in blue chips

Huatai believes that the unilateral trading volume of Shanghai Stock Exchange again exceeded 100 billion yuan last Friday, indicating that there are still big differences in market funds. However, for the moment, we can make the following judgment: even if the index shakes at the current point, it is expected that there will not be a significant adjustment. Blue chips will become a good barrier to protect the market from falling. Investors need to be cautious about low price stocks that rise too high. (Huatai Securities)

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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