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Short term opportunities in put warrants are very active

http://www.sina.com.cn 14:28, March 17, 2007 Securities Daily


Huizheng Finance Zhu Guozheng

On Friday morning, the "two sessions" ended smoothly, and the market began to accelerate its decline in the afternoon. ICBC, BOC, China Unicom, Sinopec and other weight index stocks rose first and then fell. Although the decline of the market is not large and lasts for a short time, the phenomenon that there are many stocks falling and the number of stocks trading up and down is greatly reduced indicates that the main forces of all walks of life are watching the wind. It is expected that the possibility of market high volatility will increase in the future.

In the process of market volatility, investors are most concerned about which plate is the most powerful? According to the trajectory of market rotation and the flow of funds, we believe that there are considerable opportunities in the put warrants sector. But why do you say that?

Warrants and

Market trend The seesaw effect has always been obvious, and the cumulative increase of related plates is large, which makes
The short-term opportunities of the market suddenly become smaller, and the opportunities for sharp rise are mainly concentrated in the warrant market that has not fully explored the low P/E ratio, high performance and high stock transfer, and has always had a seesaw effect with the market trend. Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets have always lacked short selling mechanism, but with the
Non tradable shares
With the successful completion of the reform, put warrants have become the only investment variety with short momentum in the current market, which makes the few put warrants in the current market the biggest highlight in the adjustment market. At the same time, benefiting from the T+0 trading rules, the actual profit space of actively traded put warrants has been greatly enlarged, becoming the fastest short-term profit making investment variety. The good performance of put warrants in the recent session proves this, and short-term investors are suggested to pay attention to the leading varieties.

Individual stock concern: Yage QCP1 (580992): rare warrant low price blowout

At present, there is a continuous wide range of market fluctuations below 3000 points, and the short-term adjustment pressure is more obvious, which makes the only put warrant with short function usher in a strong outbreak opportunity. Yage QCP1 (580992) is one of the lowest price put warrants at present, with a circulating market value of just over 400 million yuan. In addition to the extremely attractive feature of huge profits, it is very easy to get short-term funds, which deserves investors' attention.

The market price of Yage QCP1 (580992) is only about 0.7 yuan, which is one of the lowest price put warrants at present. The current market value is only 400 million yuan, so it is very easy to get short-term funds. This warrant is very similar to the Haier put with a daily profit of 700 times in the previous period. The daily fluctuation range is about 0.001-2.5 yuan. In addition to the impact of the T+0 system, it is the strongest short-term profiteering variety.

At present, there is a continuous wide range of market fluctuations below 3000 points, and the short-term adjustment pressure is more obvious, which makes the only put warrant with short function usher in a strong outbreak opportunity. In the context of the current market volatility, arbitrage funds are bound to choose put warrants as their chips to lock in earnings. At the same time, with the approach of margin trading and stock index futures, two-way profit opportunities will begin to emerge, and the strategic investment value of low price put warrants such as Yago QCP1 will gradually emerge.

Youngor is one of the leading enterprises in China's clothing and textile industry, of which the export business accounts for about 30% of the company's main business. With the continuous appreciation of the RMB, its main clothing export business will inevitably be greatly affected. At the same time, this stock is also one of the relatively high priced stocks in the clothing and textile sector. The price comparison effect makes it face greater adjustment pressure, which also increases the investment value of its put warrants.

In the secondary market, after the warrant built a double bottom, a strong reversal occurred, and market transactions continued to expand significantly, with the main funds involved in a quite obvious trend. In recent days, the backtracking neck line has been effectively supported, while multiple moving averages such as the 60 day moving average and the half year moving average have begun to bond. The adjustment ended on Friday and the large-scale upswing was resumed. The future market is expected to continue to erupt under the pursuit of short-term funds, and investors are suggested to focus on it.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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