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Dean Diagnosis: Cooperate with Oumeng to develop special project diagnosis

17:01, January 10, 2013    Panoramic network

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   Changjiang Securities Zou Peng

Key points of the report:

Event description:

   Dean Diagnosis Strategic cooperation agreement signed with Beijing Oumeng: Beijing Oumeng, as a leading enterprise in the field of autoimmune disease diagnosis and detection, will assist Dean Diagnostics to establish a special project diagnostic laboratory in the future; At the same time, Dean Diagnostics will use its own marketing network to represent Beijing Oumeng's product sales in Anhui and Jiangxi provinces.

Event comment:

Oumeng is a leading enterprise in the diagnosis of global autoimmune diseases: Oumeng Medical Experimental Diagnosis Co., Ltd. was founded in 1987. At present, it has branches in 11 countries around the world, with nearly 2000 employees. The research and development level of Ormont in the detection reagent of autoimmune diseases is at the forefront of the world. At present, more than 3000 laboratories in the world are using the products of Ormont. The company also has an independent reference laboratory, and has established a unified laboratory testing standard for autoimmune diseases worldwide. Differentiated product positioning and excellent academic ability make it stand out in the fierce industry competition and maintain rapid growth. Established in 2011, Beijing OMG is the production and R&D base of OMG in Asia.

Autoimmune detection has a large market space: Autoimmune disease is the third most common disease after cardiovascular disease and cancer, and its incidence rate in the population is about 5%, and is still rising. The increase in incidence will directly lead to an increase in the diagnostic market capacity. At present, the number of autoimmunity testing projects in Shanghai public hospitals has reached 55 (see the attached table for detailed projects and fees), which provides growth space for the future development of the company's autoimmunity testing business.

This cooperation will enhance the academic influence of the company: due to the complex pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, clinical diagnosis is difficult, and there is no perfect detection standard in China at present. The company cooperates with Beijing Oumeng to set up a special project diagnostic laboratory, which is expected to participate in the development of domestic autoimmune disease detection standards with its academic influence, which will establish the company's academic position in the domestic detection field.

Maintain the rating of "prudent recommendation": the independent testing business is still in its infancy in China. The grassroots of initial diagnosis and mutual recognition of testing results will promote the rapid development of the market. The business model of the independent testing center is in line with the development law of future medical services. Based on Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, the company has steadily expanded its laboratory network, radiating across the country. The high growth of mature laboratories has promoted performance growth, and the newly built laboratories are expected to gradually make profits. This cooperation with Beijing Oumeng has made up for the company's business gap, improved the overall academic ability, and is conducive to the company's business expansion. It is estimated that the company's EPS in 2012-2013 will be 0.65 yuan and 0.87 yuan, maintaining the rating of "prudent recommendation".

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