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Handan Steel JTB1: Surprising Leveraged Merger and Acquisition War

http://www.sina.com.cn 16:26, March 1, 2007 Sina Finance


Although the market has been greatly shaken recently, the warrant market has been extremely hot. In particular, the steel call warrants have sprung up together. The stock price of Baotou Steel's call warrants has doubled in two weeks, while Magang's warrants and Steel Vanadium's call warrants have also soared in a row. What's more surprising is that Haier's put warrants have created a miracle in the securities market with a daily profit of 700 times, The huge profit demonstration effect strongly attracted the crazy sweep of huge funds. It has become an indisputable fact that the warrant market has been completely activated Hangang JTB1 (580003) In terms of its shocking M&A, overall listing and brokerage themes, under the background of its low price of more than 3 yuan, it is very likely to be snapped up by the super main force.

1、 The overall listing of the acquired group assets is imminent

The company recently invested a huge amount of 2.036 billion yuan to acquire the high-quality assets of the group. The power plant, thermal power plant, Ministry of Transport, medium plate production line and other high-quality assets have all entered the listed company, so that the group will be listed as a whole. The high-quality assets it has acquired will contribute 164 million yuan of profits in 2006, so the overall listing theme of the company is very shocking, Recently, Baogang's warrant with the same overall listing theme has soared more than 20% in a single day, and doubled its share price in more than 10 days. As a lower share price and more prominent intrinsic value warrant, Hangang's warrant has a greater potential for continuous soaring of its share price, while the T+0 of the warrant and the enlarged ceiling effect make Hangang's warrant have a very broad space for rising.

2、 Baosteel's massive acquisition of warrants is imminent

As the number of Handan Iron and Steel's warrants reached 925 million, if fully executed by a single institution, it would threaten the controlling position of major shareholders, so Baosteel's affiliated companies scrambled for funds and triggered a battle of Handan Iron and Steel Group to scramble for funds. Handan Iron and Steel's warrants, as the best leverage acquisition tool, have been fully used by Baosteel, In the early stage, the leverage of Baosteel triggered the miracle that Handan Iron and Steel's warrants soared five times in a month. As Handan Iron and Steel's warrants are about to expire, the answer to the equity battle is about to be revealed, and the super main force's scramble for the position of major shareholders will become more intense. Therefore, Handan Iron and Steel's warrants with extremely low stock prices have been regarded as a chip for the super main force in the M&A war because of their small and broad characteristics, If the regular shares of Handan Iron and Steel Group doubled in the M&A war, the warrants would be more likely to rise at a double rate. Therefore, it is worth looking forward to Handan Iron and Steel Group's re performance of the miracle of the soaring warrant market.

3、 Huge capital participation in the bull market of securities companies makes huge profits

The company invested 150 million yuan to participate in Huaxin

negotiable securities , accounting for 20% of its shares, and investing 160 million yuan to hold 19.14% of the equity of Three Gorges Securities. Its brokerage theme is extremely powerful. In the first quarter, the brokerage earnings will hit a record high again, and its earnings will explode. Therefore, the company not only has a sharp increase in investment earnings, but also its equity appreciation is very rapid. With the continued popularity of the stock market, the repeated speculation of brokerage themes will be inevitable, For Handan Iron and Steel Warrants, the share price of more than 3 yuan and the theme of two major securities companies are available. Its powerful leverage is very likely to make Handan Iron and Steel Warrants soar crazily, and its excellent speculative effect is mouth watering.

4、 Outstanding intrinsic value, stock price soaring soon

The exercise price of Handan Iron and Steel Warrants is 2.73 yuan/share. Even without considering the time value of more than one month and M&A fluctuation opportunities, its intrinsic value is extremely prominent, and far exceeds the intrinsic value of Maanshan Iron and Steel and Baotou Iron and Steel Warrants. Therefore, many brokers have cancelled Handan Iron and Steel Warrants to show its strong intrinsic value. On the other hand, because the warrant is about to expire on April 4, and the fluctuation space of the warrant that is about to expire will be very amazing. In the early stage, Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.'s warrant market doubled crazily in a single day just a few days before its expiration. Therefore, as the decline space has been completely sealed, the rise space of Handan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.'s warrant is about to open, which can be focused on.

Guangzhou Boxin

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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