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November 17, 2006 Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market Institutions Dig Gold

http://www.sina.com.cn 07:42, November 17, 2006 Panorama Network - Securities Times

   Maotai JCP1 Main force layout

Maotai JCP1 (580990) is a late listed put warrant. Its last trading day is May 22, 2007, and there are still more than 130 trading days. At present, warrants are still scarce, and many warrants will withdraw from trading around the end of the year, which gives Maotai JCP1, which has a long history, a good advantage. Guizhou Moutai At present, the stock price is as high as about 65 yuan, and the P/B ratio and dynamic P/E ratio are about 11.5 times and 48 times respectively, far higher than those of the same sector Wuliangye For other individual stocks, some market participants analyzed that the pricing pressure was very obvious.

On the secondary market, the largest decline of the warrant after its listing has reached more than 75%, and the low price advantage is gradually emerging. Recently, the bottom transactions have continued to expand significantly, and the daily turnover rate is close to 50%. There are obvious signs of bargain hunting layout of the main funds. In the future, Maotai JCP1 is expected to be sought after by the market in the adjustment of the market, and it is recommended to focus on it. (Huizheng Finance)

   Qingdao Double Star Tire overlord

Since 2000, Qingdao Double Star (000599) has entered Qingdao Huaqing Industrial Group and formally entered the tire manufacturing business through holding, absorption and merger. In recent years, the company has continuously introduced the world's advanced tire production and management technology, and put into production the all steel radial truck tire project. After the successful implementation of the rights issue in 2006, the company relied on

capital market The company raised about 110.78 million yuan, all of which were invested in the second phase of the radial tire project. In addition, the company also completed the restructuring and acquisition of Dongfeng Tire. So far, the company has only spent a short period of five years to become the leader of the domestic tire industry. The tire industry is expected to maintain a stable and rising pattern in the next few years. As the industry leader, the company has broad development space.

On the secondary market, the stock has recently formed a bottom long arrangement of "Red Three Soldiers" at the bottom, which shows that many parties are eager to try, and the market is expected to go out of the bottom and rise sharply in the future, which can be focused on. (Jinmeilin Investment)

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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