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Duolun Shares: catching up with the pace of RMB appreciation

http://www.sina.com.cn 19:48, November 14, 2006 Sina Finance


The index fluctuated sharply on Tuesday, and many parties took the opportunity to recover their lost ground. In the process of recent consolidation, the appreciation of the RMB has become the main focus of the recent launch of individual stock market. Among them, real estate stocks have performed well, as low price real estate stocks 600696 Duolun Shares There have been signs of stability, and its potential is expected to be tapped by the main funds.

Going east to Shanghai and north to Beijing

The company has transformed into a real local real estate stock in Shanghai. The company will register from

Fujian Move to Shanghai, strengthen the cooperation between Shanghai and Beijing
real estate
Market development efforts, and formulated the real estate development strategy of "taking Fuzhou real estate as the basis, going east to Shanghai, and north to Beijing". In 2005, the company concentrated its manpower and financial resources to promote the preliminary work of the second phase project of the protection and reconstruction of the historical and cultural landscape area of Duolun Road in Shanghai. In 2006, it strived to complete the demolition plan of the second phase project of Duolun Road. With the progress of the project, it is expected to bring strong impetus to the future development of the company.

Potential for asset restructuring

The company announced in June that it would sell the commercial stores on the first and second floors of Area A of Lijia City in Fuzhou in batches. The total area of some stores on the second floor sold this time is 2128 square meters, and the transaction profit is 13.45 million yuan. On September 28, 2006, it was announced that the company planned to sell part of its commercial stores on the second floor of Area A of Fuzhou Lijia City. The commercial stores sold this time were 677 square meters in total, with a total transaction value of 14.09 million yuan and a gross profit of about 5.17 million yuan (tax deduction). At present, the company has received about 15% of the total sales of house purchase funds. It can be seen that the company's asset optimization work is in progress, and after the entry of major shareholders, the company stripped off building ceramics and other assets, replaced with the property assets of Hong Kong Lijia Group, and placed large property assets with stable income, making the main business focus successfully shifted to the comprehensive development of real estate and property management. It should be said that after several years of development, the company's asset quality is gradually improving.

On the secondary market, as a potential variety of low-cost stocks, this stock has been under the care of large funds. It has performed well in the market in the first half of the year. After continuous adjustment, the short-term risk of this stock has been basically released completely, and the construction of the arc bottom is expected to bring strong rebound energy to it, which can be noted.


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Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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