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WISCO JTB1: short-term first choice of low price warrant

http://www.sina.com.cn 16:27, September 6, 2006 Sina Finance

Recently, the call warrants have been surging again, and have been continuously sought after by the main players in the market. After the listing of Guodian's call warrants, the limit has risen for two consecutive days, doubling its listing reference price. At the same time, the largest increase of the first call warrants in three trading days has exceeded 60% ( information quotation forum ) The increase is close to 50%. Considering the T+0 trading system, the short-term profit margin will multiply. and WISCO JTB1 ( information quotation forum ) (580001) As the lowest price warrant at present, the increase in recent days has lagged behind significantly, and there is a large space to supplement the increase. From the perspective of premium, the premium range of Guodian warrant and Capital warrant is about 40%, while that of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 is only about 30% ( information quotation forum ) The stock price is still operating near its net assets, and the undervaluation is quite obvious, which highlights the price comparison advantage of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1.

G. WISCO is the leader of high-end steel products in China. Cold rolled silicon steel, cold rolled sheet and other high-end products have outstanding competitive advantages. The company has actively upgraded its products in recent years. The proportion of products with high added value and high-tech content has rapidly increased from 56% at the end of last year to 74.8% at present, which provides a solid foundation for the company's sustainable development. The company is also the only enterprise producing oriented cold-rolled silicon steel in China, with a gross profit rate of 38%. It is the most profitable steel product in China at present, and is expected to become a booster of the company's future performance. Both at home and abroad, the demand for silicon chips is huge, the supply and demand are seriously unbalanced, and the price is also rising all the way. As the only manufacturer in China, WISCO has huge advantages. In the future, with the increase of production and price, it will bring greater profits to the company.

In recent years, the steel industry at home and abroad has been undergoing major restructuring. Mittal Group, the world's largest steel enterprise, announced the acquisition of Arcelor, the world's second largest steel enterprise, which attracted the attention of global investors. At the same time, domestic

Steel industry It has also entered the comprehensive integration stage,
Angang New Iron and Steel Company was established after restructuring with Benxi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. The successful restructuring of Masteel and Hefei Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. The restructuring of Jinan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and Laiwu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is in progress. Baosteel Group is attacking everywhere in the secondary market, while Wuhan Iron and Steel Group has also successfully restructured with Hubei Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. The large-scale restructuring and acquisition has brought huge imagination to industry leaders like G Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

In the secondary market, the warrant recently rebounded after reaching the low point of 0.569 yuan, successfully breaking through the suppression of the 30 day moving average, forming a golden fork between the 5 day moving average and the 10 day moving average, and gradually forming a short-term strong feature. With the continuous increase and limit of Guodian warrant, and the price comparison advantage of Wuhan Iron and Steel JTB1 began to appear, the future market is expected to carry out a substantial price increase with the strong rise of G Wuhan Iron and Steel, and investors are recommended to focus on it.

Huizheng Finance

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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