Sina Finance

Dong'e Ejiao said that the issuance of warrants was being actively promoted according to relevant procedures 10:53, January 29, 2008 Panorama Network

Investor: Do Dong'e Ejiao (000423) still remember the promise to send stock warrants during the share reform? It is strongly requested that the timetable be published and progress be announced regularly.

Thank you for your reply.

Reply of Shandong Dong'e Ejiao Co., Ltd.:

Dear investors

Hello! Thank you very much for your attention and support to Dong'e Ejiao. The reply to your inquiry is as follows:

The Company's share trading reform plan includes the plan to issue warrants, but the issuance of warrants, as a financing act of the Company, needs to be separately reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors and the General Meeting of Shareholders, and then submitted to the CSRC for approval.

The issuance of warrants by the Company is being actively promoted in accordance with relevant procedures. At the 17th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors held on November 9, 2007 and the 4th Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on November 30, 2007, the Proposal on the Feasibility Analysis Report on the Use of Funds Raised by the Company's Issuance of Warrants was reviewed and passed. In December 2007, the application materials for issuing warrants were submitted to the CSRC for approval.

At present, the application materials for issuing warrants are going through the approval procedures and waiting for approval. The Company will perform the obligation of information disclosure in a timely manner according to the approval of the warrants.

If you have other questions, please call the Investor Relations Hotline: 0635-3264069; 3264128。 Thank you again for your attention to Dong'e Ejiao. Thank you!

Shandong Dong'e Ejiao Co., Ltd

January 28, 2008

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