Sina Finance

Shenda Shares: lay out Chongming Relay Yatong 08:39, December 10, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News


   Sina tip: This is a research report column, which is only an analyst's personal views and opinions on a stock, not a formal news report. Sina does not guarantee its authenticity and objectivity. All effective information about the stock is subject to the announcement of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges. Investors are respectfully advised to pay attention to the risks.

Recently, the landlord of Chongming Island Yatong Shares The latest master plan of Chongming three islands clearly mentioned the concept of "theme park" and left a large strategic reserve area as the reserved land for these major projects. At present, the market is boiling with enthusiasm. It is believed that Chongming Islands will be the next Pudong, and the opportunity is rare. At present, there are not many listed companies dealing with Chongming Island, Shenda Shares As the main one, there are three companies in Chongming Island. Last year, the company's annual report disclosed that its subsidiaries have participated in the development of Chongming three islands. Shendakebao New Materials has developed hot-melt polymer flexible composites and various geotechnical materials, and has involved in the land reclamation projects in Hengsha Island Dongtan, Changxing Island, Yangshan deepwater port, Luojing port area and other important projects in Chongming three islands, ensuring the market share in Shanghai.

The company has a large number of real estate and land resources in the urban area of Shanghai, and 16 of its 22 subsidiaries are located in Shanghai. If the company needs to relocate due to development, it will be able to obtain generous compensation. The company's performance per share in the first three quarters of this year has reached 0.31 yuan, and the current share price is only 8 yuan. The geosynthetics produced by the company have played a great role in the development of Chongming Island. When Yatong shares have abruptly pulled three limits out of the way, Shenda shares, which belong to the concept of Chongming Island, are expected to catch up quickly and can be focused on. (East

negotiable securities Zhao Xiaoning)

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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