Tencent's Old Godmother Shakes Hands and Comes to the End

Original Title: Tencent's Old Godmother Shakes Hands and Greets the Final

The Tencent "Dou goose Yuan" incident, which was so noisy some time ago, is now coming to an end.

Not only is there no "war" predicted by netizens, the two sides will usher in new cooperation.

This wave of operations may make netizens dumbfounded, but for both sides, a handshake and a peace of mind is a good outcome.

Our reporter Yao Fangyuan reports from Changsha

On the afternoon of July 10, Tencent and Laoganma issued a joint statement. The statement said that Tencent had applied to the court to withdraw the property preservation application and the lawsuit in this case, and had reported the contract fraud to Guiyang Public Security Bureau. Tencent and the elderly godmother would actively cooperate with the promotion of relevant legal procedures in the future.

In the statement, the two sides said that Tencent and Lao Ganma had in-depth communication in the past few days, and the two sides had cleared up the misunderstanding. Tencent has apologized to Laoganma for all the misunderstandings during the incident. In the future, both parties will actively explore and start a series of formal cooperation.

The "advertising gate" event with twists and turns

It is reported that the "advertising gate" incident of Tencent's elderly godmother originated from an enforcement ruling issued by the People's Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province on June 30. According to the ruling, Tencent, the plaintiff, was granted the request to seal up and freeze the property worth 16.2406 million yuan under the name of the defendant "Laoganma" related company. According to the civil ruling, the plaintiff involved in the service contract dispute case is Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd; The defendant has two companies, namely Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Sales Co., Ltd. and Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Co., Ltd. Tao Huabi is the legal representative of the defendant's two companies and serves as the general manager and chairman of the board of directors of the two companies respectively.

On June 30, Tencent responded to the lawsuit and said that it was the old Ganma who had put an advertisement of 10 million yuan in Tencent, but ignored the long-term arrears of the contract. Tencent was forced to sue in accordance with the law and apply for asset preservation. The court ruled to freeze the other party's enterprise account.

On the evening of June 30, Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Co., Ltd. issued a statement on its WeChat official account "Laoganma", stating that after verification, the company has never signed a Joint Marketing Cooperation Agreement with Tencent or authorized others to sign a Joint Marketing Cooperation Agreement with the company, and has never conducted any commercial cooperation with Tencent.

Public data shows that Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Sales Co., Ltd. has a registered capital of 10 million yuan, its legal representative is Tao Huabi, and its sole shareholder is Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Co., Ltd. Guiyang Nanming Laoganma Flavor Food Co., Ltd. was established in 1997 with Tao Huabi as its legal representative. Tao Huabi is the founder of "Laoganma" brand.

Later, many "jokes" began on the Internet about the old Ganma's response to Tencent's fraud, which pushed Tencent and the old Ganma to the tide.

Let the old godmother who has never been marketing become the focus again

On July 1, Guiyang public security reported that the suspects Cao Mou (male, 36 years old), Liu Mouli (female, 40 years old) and Zheng Moujun (female, 37 years old) had forged the seal of the old Ganma Company, impersonated the manager of the company's marketing department, and signed a cooperation agreement with Tencent. The purpose is to obtain the online game gift package code provided by Tencent in the promotion activities, and then illegally obtain economic benefits through Internet reselling. At present, Cao and other three people have been detained according to law for suspected crimes. The case is being further handled.

On July 10, the two sides issued a joint statement, and Tencent apologized and reconciled with the old Ganma. This closely watched case of Tencent's old godmother has reversed for many times, from Tencent's prosecution to the old godmother's counterattack, from the police's report to the truth, and finally ended with the reconciliation between the two parties.

It is worth mentioning that the constant exposure has boosted the sales of the old Ganma. according to Suning E-shop Data shows that on July 1, the search volume of Laoganma increased by 400%, and the sales volume increased more than twice month on month. JD data shows that on July 1, the search volume of the old Ganma increased by 300% year on year, and the turnover increased by more than 100% year on year; By 15:15 on July 2, the search volume had increased by 600% year on year, and the turnover had increased by more than 200% year on year.

In addition, with the climax of public opinion, e-commerce platforms have also joined in the excitement. According to media reports, many e-commerce platforms and food stores have launched the promotion of Laoganma Spicy Sauce. In this regard, some netizens exclaimed that it is this rich and colorful plot that makes the old Ganma who has never been marketing again become the focus of the public. This is the real advertising!

As specifically mentioned in the above joint statement, both parties will actively explore and open a series of formal cooperation in the future. It can be seen that Tencent's old cadre mother is not familiar without fighting, and what sparks will be collided between the two in the future has left room for imagination for the outside world.

Our reporter Yao Fangyuan reports from Changsha

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