Sina Finance

"Road buying money" that can't stop 02:44, December 14, 2007 Beijing Business Daily

The road maintenance fee, which has been criticized repeatedly, has recently been stabbed to the point of pain. According to the audit of Zhejiang's audit department, the revenue of highway maintenance fees in the province has soared in recent three years, but the use efficiency is not high, and 423 million yuan has been illegally used for other purposes, such as "feeding" the schools under the provincial highway bureau and the Beijing office of the provincial transportation department.

After the news was exposed, another report soon pointed out that the trend of "supporting people" in road maintenance fees actually flooded the national transportation system.

"If you want to be rich, build roads first", a classic "quotation" has a completely different interpretation in the eyes of some people in some departments. If a car wants to go on the road, it must pay the road maintenance fee, compulsory traffic insurance, vehicle and vessel use tax, toll, bridge toll, highway toll, etc., and the fine for overdue payment can be rolled into astronomical figures with a little negligence.

Although these fees are "collected by different people", "collected by different people", the most puzzling thing for "collected people" is that quite a part of the money taken from the road can not be used for the road, and there are administrative fees that are misappropriated, have deficits, and some are reduced to "collection agencies". According to the recently released "Annual Report on Revenue and Expenditure of Compulsory Traffic Insurance", as of June 30 this year, the premium income of compulsory traffic insurance business was 50.7 billion yuan, of which the "operating expenses" reached 14.1 billion yuan, 200 million yuan higher than the compensation expenses.

More "road buying money" was paid, and many people called for "tax" to PK "fees", but it was rumored that it was expected to replace

Road maintenance fee Of
Fuel tax
It is still difficult to give birth after 10 years of gestation. The reason is obvious. First of all, the fuel tax will make the transportation department lose a large chunk of income, and the failure to go on the road for inspection will undoubtedly make some people "take off the big cap and become road builders". Secondly, the road maintenance fee now belongs to the local government, while the central government will take a big share after the fuel tax.

It is difficult to change fees into taxes. The difficulty lies in the distribution of interests between the transportation department and the tax department, and between the central and local governments. Since "road buying money" is a cash cow, illegal fees, overdue fees, and misappropriation of funds seem inevitable.

The "road buying money" already being collected is indeed formidable, but what is more frightening is how many "fees" for telling the truth are waiting in line behind. Last month, several cities announced or discussed the "road congestion charge" scheme, and vigorously promoted that the "congestion charge" has been collected in London for five years. However, after a media survey this week, it was reported that the London government had received a "congestion charge" of 800 million pounds in five years, but now the traffic situation has not improved. Last year, the expenditure on the administrative management of congestion charges rose to 160 million pounds, while the funds for the improvement of buses and traffic flow were less than 10 million pounds. Another striking figure is that the area of London's congestion toll area has doubled since five years ago.

Why do we collect the money? The "international case" has failed. Do we still want to collect the money? There are so many tricks in road maintenance fees, compulsory traffic insurance, and road and bridge fees, can we let the local princes rush to the next "road money"?

Forbes magazine's 2007 "Tax Pain Index" ranked China as the first in Asia and the third in the world in terms of "tax pain". Chinese officials came out to refute that China's tax burden is just "in the middle". I wonder if he has included various "expenses", especially "road buying money" now and in the future, in the calculation?

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