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 Sina Finance

Precise prediction of the general trend East is really good

http://www.sina.com.cn 08:40, April 19, 2007 Sichuan Online - West China Metropolis Daily

How good is Orient Securities Research Institute? The reporter found that the accuracy of the Institute's prediction of the general trend was surprising, and the trend of the stock index since 2005 almost coincided with their prediction. As the "May Day" is approaching, investors will face the test of a long holiday. At this critical moment, listening to the opinions of the experts of Orient Securities will certainly be fruitful.

Successful discovery of inflection point

In December 2005, when the stock index was hovering at a low level, the Oriental Securities Research Institute released the strategic report between the turning point and the turning point on December 22, 2005, pointing out that the market vitality was about to reappear, and believed that China's securities market was going through five major turning points, and the turning point of the market was imminent. Since then, the stock index has been singing up all the way. At the end of March 2006, when the market was in the "three thousand three battle", they also released a report that the A-share market was moving from institutional discount to growth premium, firmly optimistic about the performance of the second quarter, and the stock index soared in the second quarter. On July 5, 2006, they pointed out in the third quarter strategy report that the third quarter will have negative returns, which is a rest season. As a result, the Shanghai Composite Index fell from 1755 points on July 5 to 1547 points on August 7. On October 10, 2006, they predicted in the fourth quarter strategy report that the Shanghai Composite Index would reach 1970 points in the year, and then the market began a strong upward trend, challenging the historical high of 2245 points.

First "Golden Decade"

In the 2007 annual strategy report, Orient Securities Research Institute firmly believes that in China's rapid and sustainable economic development

capital market With the joint efforts of institutional reform and massive expansion, as well as global liquidity focusing on China, China's A shares are entering a "golden decade" of development. They pointed out that in 2007, the A-share market will have several periodic highs. One is in March and April 2007, and the other is the launch time of stock index futures
The measures will also trigger market adjustment. Since the report was issued on December 13, 2006, the performance of the market has basically met their expectations, and the overall trend has basically maintained an upward trend. However, due to the macro tightening expectations and the worries and disagreements about the overvaluation after the sharp rise, the volatility of the market has been large, and the market trend has twists and turns. The Shanghai Composite Index rose from 2249 points to 3183 points, an increase of 41.5%.

First see the adjustment at the beginning of the year

In 2007, the market began to fluctuate violently, with hot spots scattered sharply, plate rotation accelerated, investors' impetuosity intensified, and participants had huge differences on the future short-term trend of the market. At this time, the Oriental Securities Research Institute clearly pointed out the possibility of minor adjustment of A shares within 10% in the special series report "Bubble Survival" on January 22, but it is expected that A shares will continue to rise after the adjustment. Since then, the market's performance has been completely consistent with their expectations. The Shanghai Composite Index has started a temporary adjustment, falling 10.9% from 2933 points to 2612 points. Since then, it has started to rise slightly.

Still bullish at the time of sharp decline

When the stock index charged to 3000 points again, the huge slump on February 27 made the market fall into extreme weakness. On February 28, the Oriental Securities Research Institute released the strategy report "The Late Spring Cold Does Not Hinder the" Golden Decade ", believing that the low point of the last round of adjustment, 2540 points, is expected to become an important support for this round of adjustment, and the adjustment range is limited. Since then, the market has gradually got rid of the shadow of a huge decline and risen slightly.

At the beginning of March, when the stock index climbed slightly all the way and most people thought there would be a sharp fall, they significantly raised the target level of the stock index. In the strategy report "2007: Hard to Find Bears" released on March 6, 2007, Orient Securities Research Institute significantly raised the six-month target of the Shanghai Composite Index from 3000 points to 3700-4000 points. Liu Gang

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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