Paper gold morning market falls back after a night of revelry

Paper gold morning market falls back after a night of revelry
10:40, May 11, 2018 Sina Finance Comprehensive

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   Source: First Golden Net

On Thursday, May 11, paper gold rose because of the fall of the US dollar. However, at the beginning of the trading on Friday (May 11), it seemed that the "danger message" brought by the upcoming "Gold Special Conference" on June 12 was smelled. Paper Gold gave back its gains yesterday in a low profile, opening at 269.32/g, with the highest of 269.95/g and the lowest of 269.13/g, down 0.03%. As of press release, 269.25 yuan/g.

Trump Kim Jong Un will meet in Singapore on Thursday (May 10). U.S. President Donald Trump said that he will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12. He wrote on Twitter: The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong un and me will be held in Singapore on June 12. He said that we will work hard to make it a very special moment for world peace! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore announced that Singapore is happy to be the host of the meeting between Kim Jong un, the top leader of North Korea, and President Trump of the United States on June 12. The announcement said that Singapore hoped that the meeting would enhance the prospects for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Following the South Korean, China Japan South Korea and China North Korea meetings, the US North Korea meeting has also been put on the agenda. The situation on the peninsula seems to be changing with each passing day, but this is not good news for the gold market. Obviously, paper gold will face great pressure.

Trump: He hopes to reach a better agreement with Iran. The United States President Trump announced his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement as the fuse. The tension in the Middle East once heated up. Although Germany, Britain and France said they would still stay in the nuclear agreement, German Chancellor Merkel reiterated on Thursday that Germany, France and Britain would adhere to the implementation of the Iranian nuclear agreement. Iran also said it would continue to stay in the agreement.

The United States is "relentless". On Thursday, the US Treasury Department imposed additional sanctions on six individuals and three Iranian entities related to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. An hour after the issuance of the latest US sanctions, early this morning, the Iranian state media released a government statement saying that the signatories of the Iranian nuclear agreement must take action to defend the existing Iranian nuclear agreement. When the two sides were "at daggers drawn", Trump said that he hoped to reach a better agreement with Iran.

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Editor in charge: He Kailing

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