Starting Guoying Fund's 3.4 billion fraud: Robbers start Rolls Royce founder

Starting Guoying Fund's 3.4 billion fraud: Robbers start Rolls Royce founder
09:06, September 25, 2018 Sina Finance We Media Integration

At the beginning, Guoying Fund's 3.4 billion fraud: robbers start Rolls Royce, and several founders are recruited

Author: Shang Jin

Source: Monopoly Finance

Until now, Shen Junwei can't figure out how Zhang Yeqiang, who seemed so sentimental at the beginning, weaved a huge fraud to trap these entrepreneurs.

   With the arrest of Zhang Yeqiang, the actual controller of Guoying Fund, and others, the fund of 3.4 billion yuan was thundered, which not only affected more than 800 investors, but also put some cooperative project personnel into a dilemma.

Take Shen Junwei's kitchen changing times as an example, the company is in trouble and faces life and death.

There are also several enterprises that have encountered the investment temptation of Zhang Yeqiang, and gradually lost their equity. They have become the financing tool of Zhang Yeqiang's Guoying Fund. Now the companies are all chicken feathers.

   Lack of money waiting for "timely rain"

In July 2018, Shen Junwei, the founder and chairman of Shanghai Chef Yi Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chef Yi Times), learned that Zhang Yeqiang, the largest shareholder of Chef Yi Times and the actual controller of Guoying Fund, was detained by criminal force. This surprised him. Zhang Yeqiang and Shen Junwei once conceived a grand plan for the future development of the Chef Yi era and talked about their dreams of listing, but now they have all come to nothing.

Chef Yi Times is the last batch of projects of Zhang Yeqiang's fund-raising fraud, which also makes Shen Junwei regret.

Chef Easy Times was founded by Shen Junwei in 2010. The company's main business is urban fresh food distribution services. It has created an industrial chain integrating platforms, urban logistics distribution, full intelligent self-service dishes and online shopping picking machines. At present, it has set up full intelligent kitchen easy terminals in 95 communities in Shanghai, including Jing'an, Baoshan, Yangpu, Hongkou and Putuo.

   For the development of the kitchen changing era, Shen Junwei has continuously invested nearly 100 million yuan out of his own pocket. As a start-up company, profitability is the biggest problem. In order to alleviate the current situation, Shen Junwei plans to introduce new investors. "Before Zhang Yeqiang, the company had been talking with an investor, but the other party reneged twice within a year, and the delay was too long, which caused the company's vitality to be seriously damaged," Shen Junwei said.

   In November 2017, Shen Junwei met Zhang Yeqiang through a friend's introduction. When the company is in urgent need of funds, Zhang Yeqiang's appearance is undoubtedly a "timely rain".

"Before I talked about cooperation with Zhang Yeqiang, I searched him on the Internet and found that it was a bit strange. The legal persons of the company were all his subordinates, and there were many people scolding him for the disputes caused by his acquisition of Yinruilin Hotel." Shen Junwei said, "but I don't know what the specific situation is. If he really has a problem, the public security organ will not spare him."

Shen Junwei's doubts were soon dispelled. What really made Shen Junwei trust Zhang Yeqiang was that he felt that Zhang Yeqiang wanted to do business with him. "We both feel that the company has great development potential, and we have talked many times about the future development plan of Chef Yi, The company's decoration, massive recruitment and rapid expansion of expenditure were all approved by him. If he is not ready to do business with me, he may not have to do so.

"Zhang Yeqiang said that he has invested several billion yuan in agriculture, and the PPT of the business development plan was also shown to me. He also told me a lot of his feelings and dreams about agriculture. In the process of contact, there was no sign that people felt he was a liar." Shen Junwei said.

"At that time, I really trusted and appreciated Zhang Yeqiang. He agreed with me on the company's development strategy, and he also agreed to my request. We talked about his acquisition of 90% of the shares, responsible for capital operation, and I accounted for 10% of the shares, responsible for the company's entity operation. Before the company goes public, the shares should not be diluted." Shen Junwei said.

   Perfect packaging

   In May 2018, Chef Yi Times completed the industrial and commercial change of equity, and the Funong Holdings Co., Ltd. and Guoying Fund under Fortune Holdings Group together accounted for 90% of the equity.

According to the agreement, Zhang Yeqiang needs to pay 10 million yuan to Shen Junwei personally and 30 million yuan to the company in the early stage. however At the end of March, Zhang Yeqiang only gave Shen Junwei 1 million yuan for himself and the company. After the completion of the equity change in May, Zhang Yeqiang paid another 5 million yuan of working capital to the company, and the remaining capital was late to arrive. Zhang Yeqiang promised that they would allocate funds after their semi annual capital plan was arranged on June 27, but there was still no news on July 15, the day before Chef Yi paid his salary.

On July 16, "Zhang Yeqiang asked me to go to his Nanjing manor villa, and I learned that he had been loaned nearly 500 million yuan by the bank. The capital chain was tight. That night, we also talked heartily for half an hour and talked about his family and life." Shen Junwei said.

   Shen Junwei clearly remembers that Zhang Yeqiang was a bit emotional that night. He said to Shen Junwei sincerely, "Shen Junwei, if I really want to make a lot of money for myself, you see, I don't have any accounts and relatives abroad, and I haven't left a billion or more to settle down my family, and I haven't left any way for myself." Shen Junwei said, "After hearing these words, my first feeling at that time was that he was a man and really wanted to do business. He was a good man."

According to several insiders close to Zhang Yeqiang, Zhang Yeqiang is particularly good at packaging himself and shaping his image as a successful businessman. "He told me that he was a doctoral student at the University of Hong Kong, Although his words, deeds and speech did not look like him at all, I still admired him at that time. I don't know until now, I heard from the economic detective that he had a junior high school education. He used to work as a security guard in Guangzhou night games. He had served a sentence and had a criminal record of anesthesia and robbery. ”A person familiar with the matter said.

About Zhang Yeqiang, Dujiao Jun also knows some secrets that are not suitable for public dissemination. Interested partners can use WeChat official account“ Monopoly finance ”Background input“ Harem ”Learn more.

In addition to the beautiful shell, emphasizing his underworld background is also a major feature of Zhang Yeqiang's packaging.

Zhang Yeqiang has a Nanjing Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Security Service Co., Ltd. He once threatened that "ordinary people can't defeat me", and also claimed that he was protected by underworld forces. But in fact, "these security guards are rented by him, and many security guards are not really qualified security guards, but only third-party intermediaries." The above insider said.

   Misappropriation of fund investment

After the cooperation of Chef Yi Times was finalized, from April to May 2018, Zhang Yeqiang issued "Guoying Chef Yi No.1 to No.4 Private Funds" and "Guoying Chef Matching Private Funds" through the Guoying Fund Platform, and invested in Chef Yi Times through equity investment, A total of 284.3 million yuan was raised.

Shen Junwei recalled that Zhang Yeqiang wanted to use Chef Yidai to raise funds, and asked Shen Junwei to open a new account specifically for investment funds in the name of the legal person of Chef Yidai. Zhang stressed to Shen that he would use these funds for financing, and he would give them again if the company needed funds for development.

   According to Shen Junwei, through the Guoying Fund platform, in April 2018, 284.3 million yuan of "investment money" was paid into the special account of Chef Yi Times, and then Zhang Yeqiang moved out in the name of "company current account". The money was moved cleanly, leaving only 100 yuan of Shen Junwei's account at that time.

"Now that Zhang Yeqiang has been arrested, the money will be gone," Shen Junwei said helplessly. "I destroyed the whole company with the return of 1 million yuan."

According to Shen Junwei, the business model of Chef Yi era has been explored by their team for ten years. Through the Internet, the Internet of Things, automation and other technologies, smart food farms are set up in the target business circle, which can meet people's consumption habits of fresh food. The automatic food vending machine located in residential areas is a powerful tool to guide offline consumption and online consumption. Chef Yi's smart micro vegetable market is also a practical project of the Shanghai Municipal Government for people's livelihood, which has a promising development prospect. However, due to the emergence of Zhang Yeqiang, the company stopped operation directly and fell into deep trouble.

 (The picture is a smart micro food market in the kitchen change era) (The picture is a smart micro food market in the kitchen change era)

Reviewing the operation idea of Zhang Yeqiang's Kitchen Easy Times: first, acquire assets to complete equity changes, then package them into private equity products and sell them on Guoying Fund. After the collection is completed, the money will be sent to the project side company, and then the project side will move the money out.

Unicorn Finance (WeChat official account: uni fin) found that, The Kitchen Easy Times is not an example. Most of the more than 100 private equity products released today are based on this operation routine.

Hubei Kunyan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Kunyan Pharmaceutical) is the first victim. Wang Jikun, the former chairman of Kunyan Pharmaceutical, has long been familiar with Zhang Yeqiang's stock fraud routine. "Zhang Yeqiang is to take the listing as the bait, expand his market, cheat the fund, and finally eat all the equity." Enterprise investigation data shows that at the end of 2014, Fuchuang Holdings became the second largest shareholder of Kunyan Pharmaceutical, and had actually controlled Kunyan Pharmaceutical since March 2016. At the end of 2016, Guoying Fund set up "Guoying Yingzun No. 1-10 Private Investment Fund" to invest in the equity of Xiangkunyan Pharmaceutical.

Wang Jikun said, "Zhang Yeqiang never said tens of millions, but said more than one billion if he wanted to. It was eye-catching. After the enterprise took the bait, it began to go through legal procedures, signed by both parties, and carried out industrial and commercial changes. It was the last thing to delay payment and let the enterprise die."

   Anhui Yinruilin Group (hereinafter referred to as "Yinruilin Group") has the same routine. In 2015, Yinruilin Group was deeply involved in private lending and the capital chain was broken. After his investigation, Zhang Yeqiang formed the intention of "overall acquisition" of his three hotels on the ground of helping them go public. But later, he stripped off the large amount of private debt of the two Yinruilin hotels, Shilin and Kashi, and transferred it to Yinruilin Hotel Hefei, and transferred 100% of the equity of the two hotels to Fortune Holdings. Subsequently, three private funds were set up with the Yinruilin Hotel as the investment target. As a result, the funds raised were not finally given to the project.

Ms. Zhao, a former manager of Yinruilin Group, said to Dujiao Finance, "Zhang Yeqiang came to the hotel for the first time and drove a Rolls Royce worth more than 10 million yuan. In fact, this is his routine. His purpose is to cheat equity, and he doesn't care about the life or death of the debtor."

According to the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Private Investment Funds issued by the CSRC in August 2014, private fund managers "shall not use the fund property or their positions to seek benefits for themselves or people other than investors, and transfer benefits", as well as "misappropriate and misappropriate fund property". Zhu Jingxiang, senior partner of Shanghai Jiuze Law Firm, said that, "Those who violate this provision, if the circumstances are minor, shall be punished by the CSRC. After the punishment, the CSRC shall also bear civil liability for compensation. If the circumstances are serious and involve a crime, the public security organ shall file a case for investigation and investigate the criminal responsibility."

Ms. Wang, an insider close to Zhang Yeqiang, said, "Zhang Yeqiang paid very little for his acquisition of equity. Previously, he said that he needed money again, but later he refused to give it to anyone who asked for money. Nanjing No.2 Maritime Instrument Factory Co., Ltd. asked for 10 million yuan of working capital for a long time, but did not give it. Zhang Yeqiang said that he could do more with the idle funds."

Ms. Wang said, "Since May 2017, there have been obvious problems in the back office account. Every week, the principal and dividends due have to be paid on time. In many cases, there are several projects due one day, which is obviously a new for the old model."

   The dream of entrepreneurs and investors is broken

Zhang Yeqiang is now in prison and still under police investigation, but entrepreneurs and investors are having trouble sleeping and eating.

   "Life, I almost believed you." This is what Shen Junwei wrote in his circle of friends. A few words reveal the difficulty and bitterness of an entrepreneur.

   An enterprise has gathered the efforts of entrepreneurs and carried the dreams of countless families. But now, due to man-made disasters, Kunyan Pharmaceutical, Tianjin Guoyun, Yinruilin Group and other enterprises have been depressed, which has to be lamented.

Besides entrepreneurs, investors are also innocent victims. Ms. Wang, the investor of Guoying Fund, was very sad

Many investors have complained to Unicorn Finance (WeChat official account: uni fin)“ ordinary people The pension money, the children's school money, and the savings of the whole life have all been wasted, They had no choice but to report the case.

   If you know any details about the fraud of Guoying Fund, you are also welcome to come to the comment area for information.

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