10:45, October 12, 2017 Sina Finance

Shanghai Futures Exchange Nickel Futures Standard Contract

Annex to Nickel Futures Standard Contract:

   1、 Delivery unit

The trading unit of nickel standard contract is 1 ton per hand, and the delivery unit is 6 tons per warehouse receipt. The delivery shall be an integral multiple of each warehouse receipt.

   2、 Quality regulations

1. The electrolytic nickel used for physical delivery of this contract shall comply with the national standard GB/T 6516-2010 Ni9996, in which the total content of nickel and cobalt shall not be less than 99.96%.

2. Electrolytic nickel delivered shall be in plate form.

3. The excess or shortage of each warehouse receipt shall not exceed ± 3%, and the pound difference shall not exceed ± 0.1%.

4. Electrolytic nickel in each warehouse receipt shall be composed of commodities produced by the same manufacturer, of the same brand, of the same registered brand, of the same quality grade, of the same block shape, and of similar bundle weight.

5. Electrolytic nickel in each warehouse receipt shall be a brand registered by the Exchange and attached with quality certificate.

6. The warehouse receipt shall be issued by the delivery warehouse designated by the Exchange after passing the inspection and acceptance as required.

   3、 Production enterprises and registered brands recognized by the Exchange

The electrolytic nickel used for physical delivery shall be a brand registered by the Exchange. The specific registered brands and premium and discount standards shall be separately stipulated and announced by the Exchange.

   4、 Designated delivery warehouse

It shall be designated by the Exchange and announced separately, and the standard of premium and discount for non local delivery warehouses shall be specified and announced by the Exchange.

Editor in charge: Zhang Yao

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