10:21, October 12, 2017 Sina Finance

Overview of nickel futures:

   Basic knowledge:

Nickel is a silvery white metal, hard and malleable, which can be highly polished and corrosion resistant. Therefore, the application field is very wide. It is often used for electroplating in daily life. Plating on other metals can prevent rust. Stainless steel products and other corrosion resistant alloys use nickel in large quantities. At the same time, nickel is also used as hydrogenation catalyst and ceramic products, special chemical utensils, electronic circuits Glass Green color and preparation of nickel compounds. Secondly, nickel can also be used for electrolysis. Electrolytic nickel is nickel supported by electrolysis. Stainless steel and various alloy steels made with it are widely used in aircraft, tanks, warships, radars, missiles, spaceships and machinery manufacturing in civil industry, ceramic pigments, permanent magnetic materials, electronic remote control and other fields. In addition, the nickel cadmium battery also contains nickel.

   Mineral distribution:

Laterite nickel ores in the world are distributed in tropical countries within 30 degrees north and south of the equatorial line, and concentrated in the tropical subtropical regions around the Pacific Ocean, mainly including Cuba and Brazil in the Americas; Indonesia and Philippines in Southeast Asia; Australia, New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea in Oceania. Nickel ores in China are mainly distributed in the northwest, southwest and northeast. In terms of provinces (regions), Gansu has the largest reserves, accounting for 62% of the total nickel reserves in China,

   Storage and safekeeping:

Since nickel is chemically active, it should be stored in a cool and ventilated warehouse, away from kindling and heat sources, and equipped with explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities. It is required to be sealed when packaging, and cannot contact with air. Moreover, because it is difficult to oxidize, it is a medium strength reducing agent, which should be stored separately from oxidants, acids, etc., and should not be mixed.

   Market development:

Since 2006, the cumulative production of nickel in China has increased year by year. However, with the continuous development of China's nickel industry, some problems have gradually emerged, such as low-grade nickel ores; Open mining proportion is very small; The recoverable reserves only account for 10% of the total reserves; The technology of mining and smelting is relatively backward, and there is still a certain gap between China's nickel smelting and the world's advanced technology, so the cost of mining and smelting in China remains high. At present, China has become the world's largest nickel consumer.

Editor in charge: Zhang Yao

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