Late indica rice futures contract

11:29, July 8, 2014    Sina Finance Collect this article      
Transaction type Late indica rice ("late indica rice" for short)
Trading unit 20t/hand
Bidder RMB/ton
minimum price change 1 yuan/ton
Daily price fluctuation limit ± 4% of the settlement price on the previous trading day and relevant provisions of the Measures for Risk Control Management of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange
Minimum transaction margin 5% of contract value
Contract Month 1. March, May, July, September and November
Transaction time Every Monday to Friday (except legal holidays in Beijing time)

9:00-11:30 am 1:30-3:00 pm

Last Notice Day The 10th trading day of the contract delivery month
Last delivery date The 12th trading day of the contract delivery month
Delivery grade See Rules for Futures Delivery of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange
delivery points Delivery place designated by the Exchange
delivery methods physical settlement
Transaction code LR
Listed Exchange Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange
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