Hot rolled coil market supply

22:39, February 12, 2014    Shanghai Futures Exchange

   Introduction to Basic Knowledge of Hot Rolled Coils (II) - Market Supply of Hot Rolled Coils

1、 Production growth of hot rolled coils in China

Since 2005, the growth rate of hot rolled coil production in China has shown a flat decline. The output increased significantly from 2005 to 2007, with a growth rate of 32.4% to 36.1%; From 2008 to 2010, the growth rate dropped to 13.1% - 19.4%, but still maintained a rapid growth; The growth rate further dropped to 4.6-6.7% in 2011-2012, and picked up slightly in 2013. In 2013, the output of hot rolled coils in China was 182.707 million tons, an increase of 251.9% over 2005, and the compound annual growth rate reached 17%.

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics

2、 Distribution of hot rolled coil production by region

North China is the largest hot rolled coil production area in China. According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2013, the output of hot rolled coils in China was 182.707 million tons, including 74.195 million tons in North China, accounting for 40.6% of the domestic output, 48.836 million tons in East China, accounting for 26.7% of the domestic output, and 26.733 million tons in Northeast China, accounting for 14.6% of the domestic output. The output of central south, southwest and northwest regions accounted for 10.6%, 5.2% and 2.2% of the domestic output respectively.

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics

3、 Output growth of various specifications

From the perspective of specifications, driven by the growth of demand for cold rolled coils, the output of hot rolled thin coils (hot rolled thin wide steel strips and hot rolled thin plates collectively) still maintained a rapid growth. After 2011, when the growth of hot rolled coils slowed down as a whole, the growth of hot rolled thin coils was significantly higher than that of medium thick wide steel strips.

Production and growth of hot rolled coils and specifications in China from 2005 to 2013 Unit: 10000 tons

varieties 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Hot rolled coil yield five thousand one hundred and ninety-two six thousand eight hundred and twenty point two eight thousand six hundred and fifty-one point seven nine thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine point one eleven thousand nine hundred and ninety-four point two fourteen thousand six hundred and sixty-nine point eight fifteen thousand seven hundred and fourteen sixteen thousand six hundred and eighty-nine point nine eighteen thousand two hundred and seventy point seven
Increase% thirty-six point one thirty-two point four thirty-five point three thirteen point one seventeen point eight nineteen point four four point six six point seven nine point seven

Hot rolled thin coil

yield one thousand four hundred and eighty-five two thousand three hundred and five point three two thousand three hundred and fifty-three point seven two thousand five hundred and ninety-four point six three thousand six hundred and ten point five four thousand three hundred and eighty point six five thousand two hundred and ten point two five thousand eight hundred and twenty-three point seven six thousand two hundred and eighty-two point five
Increase% thirty point nine sixty-one point seven twenty-seven four thirty point three eighteen point three nineteen nineteen point five nine point one
Medium thick wide steel strip yield three thousand seven hundred and seven point one four thousand five hundred and fourteen point eight six thousand two hundred and ninety-eight seven thousand three hundred and sixty-four point four seven eight thousand three hundred and eighty-three point eight ten thousand two hundred and eighty-nine point two ten thousand five hundred and three point eight ten thousand eight hundred and sixty-six point two eleven thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight point two
Increase% thirty-eight point three twenty-one point two thirty-eight point seven sixteen point seven thirteen point two nineteen point nine -1.3 zero point eight ten point one

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics

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