Dalian Commodity Exchange Plywood Futures Contract

16:11, December 11, 2013    Dalian Commodity Exchange

   Dalian Commodity Exchange [Weibo] Plywood futures contract

Transaction type Joinery board
Trading unit 500 pieces/hand
Bidder RMB/piece
Minimum change unit 0.05 yuan/piece
Limit range 4% of the settlement price on the previous trading day
Contract month 1. February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December
Transaction time 9:00~11:30 am and 13:30~15:00 pm from Monday to Friday
Last Notice Day The 10th trading day of the contract month
Last delivery date The third trading day after the last trading day
Delivery Grade Dalian Commodity Exchange Plywood Delivery Quality Standard
delivery points Dalian Commodity Exchange Plywood Designated Delivery Place
Minimum transaction margin 5% of contract value
delivery methods physical settlement
Transaction code BB
Listed Exchange Dalian Commodity Exchange
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