Factors Influencing the Price of Fiberboard and Plywood

10:20, November 27, 2013    Dalian Commodity Exchange


1、 Price fluctuation

The upstream of the industrial chain of fiberboard and plywood connects wood and chemical raw materials, and the downstream involves furniture, decoration, packaging, automobile manufacturing and other industries. The sharp fluctuations in prices bring greater risks to relevant spot enterprises. Taking the average market selling price of Guangdong Province as an example, the average selling price of fiberboard in Guangdong in 2009 was 2053 yuan/m3, a record high. Subsequently, under the influence of national macro-control, it dropped to 1451 yuan/m3 in 2010, with a decline of 30%. In the following three years, it showed a slow upward trend, which was 1650 yuan/m3 in 2012. By the first half of 2013, the average price of fiberboard had reached 1804 yuan/m3, up 10%.

The price trend of plywood is similar to that of fiberboard, but it fluctuates more. In 2007, the highest price reached 1909 yuan/m3. In 2010, it was only 1650 yuan/m3, a decrease of 15%. In 2011, the price rose to 2056 yuan/m3, and then rose rapidly. As of the first half of 2013, the average sales price of plywood in Guangdong was 2590 yuan/m3, an increase of 56%. The sharp fluctuation of price brings huge risks to the production and operation activities of the majority of spot enterprises.

2、 Analysis of price influencing factors

The production of fiberboard and plywood depends heavily on the stable supply of wood raw materials, so the price of log affects the price of fiberboard and plywood. Formaldehyde is one of the main ingredients for the production of fiberboard and plywood. The price of formaldehyde is highly correlated with the price of fiberboard and plywood. At the same time, the raw materials for formaldehyde production are mainly methanol Therefore, the price of fossil energy such as oil, natural gas and coal also affects the price of fiberboard and plywood. The price of urea is subject to national policies, and its price change is also the main reason for the price change of fiberboard and plywood. Secondly, labor costs, water and electricity costs, transportation costs and the price of related alternatives also affect the price of fiberboard and plywood.

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