Review of price trend of japonica rice in China

16:28, November 15, 2013    Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

Review of price trend of japonica rice in China

In recent ten years, affected by market supply and demand, cost pull, national minimum purchase price policy, temporary storage purchase policy and other factors, China's rice prices have shown a steady upward trend. In 2003, the output of rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River dropped significantly. Driven by strong demand, the price of rice rose significantly, from 1100 yuan/ton to about 1500 yuan/ton. Since 2004, the state has begun to implement the minimum purchase price policy for rice, and the effect of the market supporting purchase policy has gradually emerged. From 2006 to 2009, with the increase of the national minimum purchase price year by year, the national rice price continued to rise. In 2010, affected by policies, weather and other factors, the price of rice across the country showed an overall upward trend. The price of japonica rice and japonica rice market rose significantly due to the continuous increase in demand and the impact of disaster and yield reduction in Northeast China. In the first half of 2011, with the CPI rising, the price of japonica rice continued to rise, and the price of japonica rice reached 2900 yuan/ton. At the beginning of 2012, driven by the central replenishment policy, the price of japonica rice rose steadily. When the market was dry from July to August, the price climbed to a historical high, reaching 3200 yuan/ton.

Trend Chart of Average Price of National Japonica Rice from 2002 to 2012 Unit: yuan/ton

From the perspective of fluctuation range, the price of second-class japonica rice in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, rose from 1720 yuan/ton to 3200 yuan/ton from 2005 to 2012, an increase of 88%. In the overall upward trend, the price fluctuates frequently during the year. Taking the second-class japonica rice in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province as an example, from 2005 to 2012, the annual fluctuations were 12.35%, 6.18%, 13.16%, 25%, 23.665%, 19.57%, 4.03% and 17.88%, with an average amplitude of 15.23%.

Ex warehouse price of domestic japonica rice from main producing areas since 2005 Unit: yuan/ton

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