Supply and demand of domestic japonica rice

16:17, November 15, 2013    Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

   Supply and demand of domestic japonica rice

(1) Japonica rice planting production Japonica rice planting in China is mainly distributed in the northern japonica rice region north of the Huaihe River, the Jianghuai japonica rice region with Jiangsu Province as the core, and the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau japonica rice region with Yunnan Province as the core. The northern japonica rice region includes the northeast japonica rice region, the north China japonica rice region, and the northwest japonica rice region. The most concentrated japonica rice planting areas are the Northeast japonica rice area and the Jianghuai japonica rice area, accounting for 50% and 37% of the total japonica rice planting area respectively. In the northeast japonica rice region, planting starts from April to May every year, and harvests from September to October of the same year, planting one season a year; Jianghuai japonica rice area is planted from May to June every year and harvested from October to November of the same year Wheat Or rape rotation. Japonica rice production areas mainly include 24 provinces (regions) including Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Jilin, Liaoning, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong, Shanghai, Henan, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Hubei, Ningxia, Gansu, Sichuan, Jiangxi and Hunan.

Since 2001, the planting area and yield of japonica rice in China have been increasing. According to the statistics of the National Grain and Oil Information Center, the planting area of japonica rice in 2012 was 8.56 million hectares, 1.77 million hectares more than that in 2001; In 2012, the yield of japonica rice was 64.44 million tons, 18.1 million tons more than that in 2001, both of which reached a record high.

2001-2012 sown area and yield of japonica rice in China Unit: 1000 hectares, 10000 tons

unhusked rice Including: japonica rice
year seeded area yield seeded area yield Proportion of output%
two thousand and one twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and thirteen seventeen thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight six thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven four thousand six hundred and thirty-four twenty-six point one zero
two thousand and two twenty-eight thousand two hundred and one seventeen thousand four hundred and fifty-four six thousand seven hundred and twenty four thousand five hundred and sixty twenty-six point one three
two thousand and three twenty-six thousand five hundred and eight sixteen thousand and sixty-six five thousand eight hundred and ninety three thousand nine hundred and fifty-three twenty-four point six zero
two thousand and four twenty-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-nine seventeen thousand nine hundred and nine six thousand six hundred and fifty-nine four thousand seven hundred and seventy-five twenty-six point six six
two thousand and five twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and forty-seven eighteen thousand and fifty-nine six thousand nine hundred and fourteen four thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight twenty-seven point zero seven
two thousand and six twenty-nine thousand two hundred and ninety-five eighteen thousand one hundred and seventy-two seven thousand two hundred and ninety-four five thousand two hundred and sixty-six twenty-eight point nine eight
two thousand and seven twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and nineteen eighteen thousand six hundred and three seven thousand five hundred and ninety-seven five thousand four hundred and thirty-seven twenty-nine point two three
two thousand and eight twenty-nine thousand two hundred and forty-one nineteen thousand one hundred and ninety seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-four five thousand five hundred and seventy-one twenty-nine point zero three
two thousand and nine twenty-nine thousand six hundred and twenty-seven nineteen thousand five hundred and ten seven thousand eight hundred and fifty-three five thousand five hundred and ninety-four twenty-eight point six seven
two thousand and ten twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-three nineteen thousand five hundred and seventy-six eight thousand one hundred and seventy-two five thousand eight hundred and ninety thirty point zero nine
two thousand and eleven thirty thousand and fifty-seven twenty thousand and one hundred eight thousand three hundred and sixty-eight six thousand two hundred and ninety-five thirty-one point three two
two thousand and twelve thirty thousand two hundred and ninety-seven twenty thousand four hundred and twenty-nine eight thousand five hundred and fifty-seven six thousand four hundred and forty-four thirty-one point five four

Data source: National Grain and Oil Information Center

The seven major japonica rice producing provinces are Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Jilin, Liaoning, Yunnan, Zhejiang and Anhui. According to the statistics of the National Grain and Oil Information Center, the output of japonica rice in the seven provinces accounted for about 90% of the country in 2012, including 21.96 million tons in Heilongjiang, accounting for 34%, and 16.36 million tons in Jiangsu, accounting for 25%. The total output of the two provinces accounted for about 61% of the country.

The sown area and yield of major japonica rice producing provinces in China from 2011 to 2012 Unit: 1000 hectares, 10000 tons

province planting area yield Share of output in 2012%
two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve
Heilongjiang two thousand nine hundred and forty-six three thousand one hundred and twenty two thousand and sixty-two two thousand one hundred and ninety-six thirty-four point zero eight
Jiangsu one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight one thousand six hundred and twenty-two one thousand six hundred and thirty-six twenty-five point three nine
Jilin six hundred and ninety-one seven hundred and seven six hundred and twenty-four six hundred and forty-two nine point nine six
Liaoning six hundred and sixty six hundred and seventy five hundred and five five hundred seven point seven six
Yunnan five hundred and twenty-six four hundred and ninety-eight three hundred and twenty-eight three hundred and six four point seven five
Zhejiang three hundred and eighty-five three hundred and eighty-five two hundred and seventy-nine two hundred and seventy-eight four point three one
Anhui four hundred and twenty-four four hundred and twenty-seven two hundred and sixty-four two hundred and sixty-seven four point one four
Subtotal seven thousand five hundred and eighty-eight seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-five five thousand six hundred and eighty-four five thousand eight hundred and twenty-five ninety point three nine
whole country eight thousand three hundred and sixty-eight eight thousand five hundred and fifty-seven six thousand two hundred and ninety-five six thousand four hundred and forty-four one hundred

Data source: National Grain and Oil Information Center

Influenced by factors such as increasing consumption demand of japonica rice, higher comparative yield of planting, continuously improving breeding level, and expanding the scale of paddy field transformation in Heilongjiang Province, the planting area and yield of japonica rice are in a growing trend, especially the planting area of japonica rice in Heilongjiang Province still has some room for growth, which has played a good role in stabilizing food security in China. (2) According to the statistics of the State Food Administration, the total consumption of japonica rice in China in 2011 was 60.45 million tons, accounting for 32.2% of the total consumption of rice, including 56.15 million tons of rations, accounting for 92.89% of the total consumption of japonica rice.

2009-2011 Consumption Structure of Japonica Rice in China Unit: 10000 tons

purpose two thousand and nine year two thousand and ten year two thousand and eleven year
Consumption Proportion Consumption Proportion Consumption Proportion
ration five thousand six hundred and seventy 93.26% five thousand five hundred and ninety-five 92.79% five thousand six hundred and fifteen 92.89%
Feed grain ninety-five 1.56% one hundred 1.66% one hundred and five 1.74%
Industrial grain two hundred and thirty-five 3.87% two hundred and fifty 4.15% two hundred and forty-five 4.05%
Seed grain eighty 1.32% eighty 1.33% eighty 1.32%
Total consumption six thousand and eighty 100% six thousand and thirty 100% six thousand and forty-five 100%

Note: Ration refers to the food consumption of urban and rural population; Feed grain refers to industrial feed production and farmers' free range breeding of livestock and poultry, and the loss is calculated within the range of feed; Industrial grain refers to the production of starch, rice flour and other products.

Data source: State Food Administration

(3) China's rice import and export situation For many years, China's rice supply has always adhered to the policy of self-sufficiency. The import and export volume is small, and the import and export categories are basically rice rather than rice. According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs of China, in 2012, China imported 2.3446 million tons of rice, mainly from Vietnam (1.5451 million tons), Pakistan (579600 tons), Thailand (175400 tons) and other countries, and the imported variety was indica rice; The export of rice is 279100 tons, mainly to South Korea (101500 tons), Japan (49800 tons), North Korea (49000 tons) and other countries. The main export varieties are japonica rice; The net import volume is 2065500 tons.

Before 2011, China had always been a net exporter of rice. From 1990 to 2011, China's total net export of rice was 21.35 million tons. In 1998, China's rice export reached 3.744 million tons, the largest in history, accounting for 19% of the world's total rice export in that year. Subsequently, China's rice exports declined year by year. By 2012, China's rice exports had dropped to 279000 tons, accounting for only 0.7% of the world's rice trade volume (35.9 million tons). From 2009 to 2012, China's rice imports picked up slightly. In 2011, due to the fluctuation of international rice prices, China's rice imports increased to 578000 tons, exceeding the export volume for the first time, changing from a net exporter to a net importer.

China's rice import and export volume from 1990 to 2012

At present, China's rice import is still under quota management, and the import quota in 2012 was 5.32 million tons. Among them, 2.66 million tons of long grain rice and 2.66 million tons of medium and short grain rice, the proportion of state-owned trade is 50%, and the import tariff within the quota is 1%. (4) Japonica rice processing and trade in China 1. Japonica rice processing

There are a large number of japonica rice processing enterprises. According to the statistics of the circulation department of the State Grain Administration, there were 8519 rice processing enterprises in 2010, including more than 2000 in the three northeastern provinces. At the same time, rice purchasing enterprises such as grain reserves usually have their own rice processing plants. Japonica rice processing enterprises are widely distributed in major production provinces and major marketing areas. The greater the yield of japonica rice, the more industrial processing enterprises in provinces and regions, and generally the more japonica rice processing enterprises. In addition, there are many rice processing enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai and other places. Due to the low transportation cost after shelling, japonica rice is generally transported to the marketing area in the form of rice after rough processing in the production area, and then the marketing area conducts corresponding fine processing according to the requirements of rations and industrial grain.

Top 50 rice processing enterprises in 2012

order Enterprise name Storage and annual processing capacity brand
one COFCO Group Co., Ltd Storage of 1 million tons; Processing 5 million tons Fulinmen; Five Lakes
two Hubei Guobao Qiaomi Group Processing 1.05 million tons National treasure
three Yihai Kerry Investment Co., Ltd 420000 tons of storage; Processing 2 million tons Goldfish; Fragrant garden
four Hubei Meiyuan Rice Industry Co., Ltd Storage 100000 tons; Processing 900000 tons Plum Garden
five Liaoning Beizhen Wufeng Rice Industry Processing 500000 tons Five peaks
six Fuwa Group Co., Ltd Storage 200000 tons; Processing 1.19 million tons Fuwa
seven Jilin Dechun Agricultural Group Processing 700000 tons Yuquan
eight Lvdu Group Co., Ltd 240000 tons of storage; Processing 600000 tons Treasure Island
nine Jiangsu Nongken Rice Group 250000 tons of storage; Processing 750000 tons Su Ken
ten Jiangxi Jinjia Grain Co., Ltd 330000 tons of storage; Processing 260000 tons Jin Jia
eleven Hubei Hongsen Grain and Oil Group Warehouse 300000 tons; Processing 1 million tons Hun Sen
twelve Jilin Meihe Rice Co., Ltd 70000 tons of storage; Processing 60000 tons Meihe River
thirteen Jilin Yufeng Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 200000 tons Good rain
fourteen Liaoning Hengxin Grain Group Co., Ltd Processing 100000 tons Spring predestination
fifteen Hunan Jinjian Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 200000 tons Jin Jian
sixteen Shandong Meijing Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 150000 tons Meijing
seventeen Honghu Langmi Industry, Honghu City Processing 150000 tons Honghu Wave
eighteen Hubei Longchi Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 300000 tons Longchi Bridge
nineteen Heilongjiang Beidahuang Rice Industry Group Processing 3 million tons Great Northern Wilderness
twenty Hubei Cereals and Oils (Group) Co., Ltd Warehouse 60000 tons; Processing 150000 tons Jiajiale
twenty-one Jiangxi Wannian Gongmi Group Processing 1 million tons Wanniangong
twenty-two Heilongjiang Qing'an Xinlida Rice Industry Processing 600000 tons Qingxin
twenty-three Anhui Guangming Huaixiang Industry and Trade Group Storage 200000 tons; Processing 300000 tons Huaixiang
twenty-four Jiangxi Xinyu Baile Industry and Trade Co., Ltd Processing 400000 tons Baile
twenty-five Nanjing Shatang'an Grain and Oil Industry Co., Ltd Processing 600000 tons Qiuhu Lake
twenty-six Anhui Jiaxian Rice Group Co., Ltd Processing 400000 tons Jiaxian
twenty-seven Hubei Hongfa Rice Co., Ltd Warehouse 60000 tons; Processing 140000 tons Bell green
twenty-eight Hunan Grain Group Co., Ltd Storage 200000 tons; Processing 440000 tons Jin Jian, Jin Xia
twenty-nine Hubei Xingnong Grain Products Development Co., Ltd 150000 tons of storage; Processing 900000 tons Jade lotus
thirty Jilin Meihekou Xingda Rice Industry Warehouse 60000 tons; Processing 140000 tons Shuai Mao, Mei Xue
thirty-one Anhui Hefei Jinrun Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 270000 tons Jinrun
thirty-two Jiangsu Shuangtu Food Co., Ltd 180000 tons of storage; Processing 300000 tons Double rabbit
thirty-three Anhui Taihai Grain and Oil Group Co., Ltd Storage 100000 tons; Processing 300000 tons Italian Ocean
thirty-four Fujian Quanzhou Jinsui Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 300000 tons Jinrun, Xialu
thirty-five Haiquan Grain and Oil Industry, Fuyang City, Anhui Province Warehouse 300000 tons; Processing 200000 tons Long rising edge
thirty-six Shanghai Liangyou (Group) Co., Ltd 830000 tons of storage; Processing 400000 tons Lehui
thirty-seven Chongqing Grain Group Co., Ltd 70000 tons of storage; Processing 300000 tons People and
thirty-eight Heilongjiang Taifeng Grain, Oil and Food Co., Ltd Processing 500000 tons Chinese parasol
thirty-nine Jiangsu Yixing Grain and Oil Group 20000 tons of storage; Processing 200000 tons Longyuan
forty Sichuan Chuanliang Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 90000 tons Sichuan Grain
forty-one Heilongjiang Wanyuan Grain, Oil and Food Co., Ltd Processing 450000 tons Wanheyuan
forty-two Hegang Haiyu Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 200000 tons Dragonwater, Shengqing
forty-three Anhui Tongcheng Qingcaoxiang Rice Group Processing 200000 tons Grass fragrance
forty-four Jilin Yanqi Agriculture Co., Ltd Processing 60000 tons Wula Street, Yanqi
forty-five Hegang Xingsheng Rice Industry Co., Ltd Warehouse 8000 tons; Processing 50000 tons Jiadi
forty-six Hunan Shengxiang Grain Purchase and Sales Group Co., Ltd 250000 tons of storage; Processing 500000 tons Sheng Xiang
forty-seven Shenzhen Zhongtai Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 150000 tons Emperor Qin
forty-eight Hunan Haotian Rice Industry Co., Ltd Storage 100000 tons; Processing 150000 tons Haotian
forty-nine Henan Shanxin Grain Industry Co., Ltd Processing 600000 tons Shanxin, Guiqiao
fifty Dongguan Tailiang Rice Industry Co., Ltd Processing 300000 tons Tailiang

Source: According to the data of China Food Industry Association and Zhengshang Institute

2. Japonica rice trade

From a nationwide perspective, China's rice is generally in a circulation pattern of "transporting japonica rice from the north to the south, medium indica rice from the east, and medium indica rice from the south". The output of japonica rice in Northeast China, especially in Heilongjiang Province, exceeds the demand. It belongs to the transfer out area and mainly flows to Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Shaanxi, Sichuan and other provinces; It basically presents the circulation characteristics from north to south and from northeast to the whole country. The production and marketing location of japonica rice is clear, and the trade flow has been relatively stable for many years. The northeast japonica rice flows to Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangdong, Yunnan and the northwest through railways, highways and water transportation; Jiangsu Anhui and other japonica rice flows to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangdong and other provinces by road and water. From the perspective of trade patterns, more than 80% of the rice is processed into rice for outward circulation, and the proportion of cross provincial circulation in the form of rice is decreasing year by year.

Domestic trade flow of japonica rice

(5) The storage and transportation of japonica rice has a complete hull, which has a certain protective effect on endosperm, so the storage stability is good. However, under the condition of high water content and room temperature of rice, it is easy to mildew, deteriorate and age, which directly affects the eating quality. Therefore, the storage principle of rice is "dry, low temperature and airtight", so that rice can be stored safely and keep its quality and freshness for a long time. The national standard requires that the moisture content of japonica rice should not exceed 14.5%. Under normal storage conditions, the quality of japonica rice will not change significantly after one year's storage. The national reserve of japonica rice is usually rotated once every 2-3 years.

There are two storage methods for rice: bulk storage and packaging. Bulk storage is suitable for large amount of long-term storage, and packaging is suitable for small amount of short-term storage. Domestic stock, rice factory processing stock and trade stock are stored in bulk.

Japonica rice can be transported by car, train and ship. Generally, it is transported by car within 500 km, and by train above 500 km. In the provinces with relatively developed water networks in the south, shipping is also common. (6) China's japonica rice industry policy japonica rice policy includes industrial policy, minimum purchase price policy of rice, temporary storage purchase policy, etc.

1. Industrial policy

In recent years, the country has issued a series of industrial policies to support the development of rice, mainly including the Layout Plan for Rice Advantage Regions (2008-2015), the 12th Five Year Plan for National Agricultural and Rural Economic Development, the Outline of the Medium and Long Term Plan for National Food Security (2008-2020), the 12th Five Year Plan for Northeast Revitalization The Plan for Increasing the National Grain Production Capacity by 100 Billion kg (2009-2020) and other policies have also planned and deployed rice production from different levels.

2. Minimum purchase price policy

In order to protect farmers' enthusiasm for grain planting and further promote grain production, after the full liberalization of grain circulation market in 2004, the state implemented the minimum purchase price policy, including rice and wheat varieties. In terms of rice, in 2012, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Implementation Plan for the Minimum Purchase Price of Mid late Rice in 2012, which stipulated that the minimum purchase price of japonica rice was 2.8 yuan/kg. When the market price was lower than the minimum purchase price announced by the state for three consecutive days, the purchase plan was launched according to the specified procedures.

Minimum national purchase price of rice since 2004 Unit: yuan/kg

two thousand and four two thousand and five two thousand and six two thousand and seven two thousand and eight two thousand and nine two thousand and ten two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve two thousand and twelve
Early indica rice one point four zero one point four zero one point four zero one point four zero one point five four one point eight zero one point eight six two point zero four two point four zero two point six four
Medium late indica rice one point four four one point four four one point four four one point four four one point five eight one point eight four one point nine four two point one four two point five zero two point seven zero
Japonica rice one point five zero one point five zero one point five zero one point five zero one point six four one point nine zero two point one zero two point five six two point eight zero three

Data source: China Grain Network

In terms of the quantity of purchase, 12.87 million tons of indica rice were purchased in Tushi in 2005; In 2006, it purchased 8.25 million tons of indica rice in Tushi; In 2007, it purchased 2.38 million tons of Tushi japonica rice; In 2009, it purchased 8.47 million tons of indica rice in Tushi. In 2008, 2010 and 2011, due to the rapid rise of the overall price level and the active market entry of various entities, the market price of rice was significantly higher than the minimum purchase price. In that year, the country did not start the market purchase of rice. The current minimum purchase price policy has played a positive role in ensuring farmers' income from grain planting.

3. Temporary storage acquisition policy

In 2008, the rice harvest was bumper, and the price declined. In order to protect the interests of farmers, stabilize the market price, and promote the stable development of grain production, the country began to implement the temporary storage and purchase policy of autumn grain varieties in 2008, with a total of 14.26 million tons of rice purchased. In 2009, with the approval of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Grain Bureau, the Ministry of Finance, the Agricultural Development Bank of China and other four departments jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Autumn Grain Purchase in Northeast China in 2009 (FGJM [2009] No. 2969) The Notice on Issues Related to the Purchase of National Temporary Storage Grain in 2009 (Guo Liang Tiao [2009] No. 242) and other documents gradually clarify the relevant rules of the national temporary storage purchase policy.

The temporary storage purchase policy is a macro-control measure to stabilize the market, protect the interests and production enthusiasm of growers, stabilize the production of relevant grain and oil varieties, and strengthen the national food security by adjusting the national reserves.

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