Petroleum asphalt futures contract

11:20, November 11, 2013    Sina Finance micro-blog
Transaction type Petroleum asphalt
Trading unit 10 tons/hand
Bidder RMB/ton
minimum price change 2 yuan/ton
Maximum daily price fluctuation limit Not more than ± 3% of the settlement price of the previous trading day
Contract Month Within 24 months, of which the most recent 1-6 months are consecutive monthly contracts, and after 6 months are quarterly contracts.
Transaction time 9:00 am - 11:30 pm 1:30 - 3:00 pm, and other trading hours specified by the Exchange
Last Notice Day The 15th day of the contract delivery month (postponed in case of legal holidays)
Closing Date Five consecutive working days after the last trading day
Delivery grade No. 70 Grade A road petroleum asphalt, see the Implementation Rules of Shanghai Futures Exchange for Petroleum Asphalt Futures Delivery (Trial) for details.
delivery points Delivery place designated by the Exchange
Minimum transaction margin 4% of contract value
delivery methods physical settlement
Transaction code BU
Listed Exchange Shanghai Futures Exchange
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