Zheshang Bank

Canola futures standard contract

15:14, January 24, 2013    Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange
Transaction type Rapeseed
Trading unit 10 tons/hand
Bidder RMB/ton
minimum price change 1 yuan/ton
Maximum daily price fluctuation Not more than ± 4% of the settlement price of the previous trading day
Contract Month 7. August, September and November
Transaction time 9:00-11:30 am 1:30-3:00 pm
Last Notice Day The 10th trading day of the contract delivery month
Last delivery date

Warehouse receipt delivery: the 12th trading day of the contract delivery month; Board delivery: the 20th day of the month following the contract delivery month

Delivery grade

see Detailed Rules for Futures Delivery of Zheng Merchants Exchange

delivery points

Delivery place designated by the Exchange

Minimum transaction margin 5% of contract value
delivery methods physical settlement
Transaction code


Listed Exchange

Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

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