Zheshang Bank

Supply and demand of rapeseed meal

14:28, January 24, 2013    Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

our country Rapeseed Meal production, trade and consumption

9.2.1 Production status of rapeseed meal in China

China is the largest rapeseed meal producer in the world. Before 2005, China's rapeseed meal output was always higher than that of the European Union (17 countries), ranking first in the world. After 2005, China's rapeseed meal output did not increase significantly due to the difficulty in increasing the domestic rapeseed planting area and output and the relatively stable international market rapeseed trade volume; However, the output of rapeseed meal in the 17 EU countries has jumped to the first place in the world, driven by the double increase of rapeseed output and imports. Although China is currently the second largest rapeseed meal production area in the world, it is still the largest rapeseed meal production country in the world according to the output of a single country. In 2011, China's rapeseed meal output was 8.95 million tons, accounting for 25% of the total global rapeseed meal output.

Affected by changes in domestic rapeseed output and imports, China's rapeseed meal output has shown a fluctuating growth trend since 2000, accounting for the second place in the total domestic protein meal output Soybean meal The output continued to increase rapidly, and the proportion of domestic rapeseed meal output in the total protein meal output continued to decline.

The output of rapeseed meal in China shows a fluctuating growth trend, with a large gap between the peak output and the valley value. The main reason is that the domestic rapeseed output and import volume show a fluctuating trend, leading to a large fluctuation in the domestic rapeseed pressing volume, which affects the output of rapeseed meal. In 2000, the output of rapeseed meal in China once reached 7.8 million tons. However, due to the continuous decline for two years, the output in 2002 was only 6.07 million tons, 1.73 million tons lower than that in 2000, the lowest since the 21st century. The main reason is that the output of domestic rapeseed declined and the import of rapeseed declined significantly. From 2003 to 2005, China's rapeseed import volume remained at a low level. However, due to the continuous harvest of domestic rapeseed, the domestic rapeseed pressing volume continued to increase, and the rapeseed meal output increased for three consecutive years. In 2006 and 2007, China's rapeseed production decreased for two consecutive years. Although the import of rapeseed increased, the increase could not make up for the reduction in production, leading to the decline in the output of rapeseed meal for two consecutive years. In 2008 and 2009, China's rapeseed output and import increased significantly for two consecutive years, and the domestic rapeseed meal output increased again. In 2009, China's rapeseed output hit a historical record of 13.66 million tons, the rapeseed import volume hit a historical record of 3.29 million tons, the rapeseed pressing volume reached an unprecedented historical high, and the rapeseed meal output also hit a historical record of 9.83 million tons. In 2010, the output of rapeseed in China decreased. In addition to the policy of restricting the import of rapeseed from major production areas, the import and pressing of rapeseed decreased. The output of rapeseed meal decreased to 8.25 million tons, 1.58 million tons less than the previous year, but it was still the second highest year in history. In 2011, China's rapeseed output increased, and the rapeseed meal output rebounded to 8.95 million tons.

9.2.2 China's rapeseed meal import situation

Before 2006, China had been a net exporter of rapeseed meal. With the development of China's feed breeding industry, especially aquaculture industry, and the increase of rapeseed meal trade in the international market, China's rapeseed meal imports increased year by year. Since 2007, China has become a net importer of rapeseed meal. Before 2009, China's rapeseed meal imports had been at a low level, accounting for less than 5% of the total rapeseed meal supply. At the end of 2009, China implemented the policy of restricting the import of rapeseed in the main production areas. The crushing volume of imported rapeseed was significantly reduced, and the contradiction between the production of rapeseed meal and the demand for rapeseed meal was gradually revealed, which stimulated the import demand of rapeseed meal in China. At the same time, Canada's rapeseed processing capacity has increased significantly, rapeseed meal production has increased significantly, export pressure has increased, and prices have declined, leading to a sharp increase in China's rapeseed meal imports. In 2010, China's rapeseed meal import volume reached a record 1.22 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of 970000 tons and 3.9 times. In 2011, China's rapeseed meal imports reached 1.38 million tons, a record high, 1.35 million tons and 45 times more than the imports in 2000; The proportion of rapeseed meal imports in the total domestic rapeseed meal supply reached 18.18%, 17.74 percentage points higher than that in 2000.

Canada and India are the world's major producers and exporters of rapeseed meal. Their rapeseed meal exports account for more than 70% of the global trade volume all year round, and they are also the main source countries of China's rapeseed meal imports. In 2010, China's rapeseed meal import volume was 1.22 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 968300 tons and 3.91 times. Among them, 353000 tons were imported from India, with a year-on-year increase of 122100 tons and 52.9%, accounting for 29.02% of the total import volume, down from 93.22% in 2009; The import volume from Canada reached 747800 tons, accounting for 61.49% of the total import volume, achieving a leap from scratch, which is the main driving force for the substantial growth of China's rapeseed meal import volume. In 2011, the number of rapeseed meal imported from India by China increased significantly, while the number of rapeseed meal imported from Canada and other countries decreased. Since 2012, the state has restricted the import of rapeseed meal from India, which will lead to a sharp decline in the import of rapeseed meal, especially in the import of rapeseed meal from India. In the future, the pattern of China's import of rapeseed meal will change.

The main import areas of rapeseed meal in China are the Bohai Rim, the eastern coastal areas and the southern coastal areas. In 2010, the import volume of rapeseed meal in the Bohai Rim region was 203100 tons, accounting for 16.7% of the national import volume. Among them, the import volume of Tianjin and Shandong regions was higher, accounting for 6.75% and 7.43% of the national import volume respectively. In 2010, the import volume of rapeseed meal in the eastern coastal areas was 168000 tons, accounting for 13.81% of the country. Among them, the import volume in Jiangsu was relatively high, accounting for 10.27% of the country. The southern coastal area is the main aquaculture base in China. The consumption of rapeseed meal is large, and the import demand is the highest in the country. In 2010, the import of rapeseed meal reached 845100 tons, accounting for 69.49% of the country. Guangdong has the highest import volume in China, reaching 780400 tons in 2010, accounting for 64.17% of the country. In 2011, the import volume of rapeseed meal in China increased to 1.38 million tons, but the import area decreased instead. Hebei and Zhejiang did not import rapeseed meal that year.

9.2.3 China's rapeseed meal export situation

In the past 10 years, China's rapeseed meal exports have shown a fluctuating downward trend, and the proportion of rapeseed meal exports in total demand has been declining. In 2001, China's rapeseed meal export volume once reached 480000 tons, and dropped to 50000 tons in 2006; It rose to 340000 tons in 2009, but dropped sharply in the following two years. In 2011, China's rapeseed meal export volume was only 10000 tons, down 470000 tons and 97.92% from 2001, and its proportion in the total demand decreased from 6.72% in 2001 to 0.10%.

The export concentration of rapeseed meal in China is high, and the destinations are mostly in the Asia Pacific region. Among them, South Korea, Thailand and Japan are the main exporters of China's rapeseed meal, accounting for more than 75% of China's total rapeseed meal exports all year round. In 2010, China's rapeseed meal exports were all concentrated in the above three countries.

In the past two years, China's rapeseed meal exports have shown a significant reduction in the number and a rising concentration of destinations. The export volume of rapeseed meal in China is mainly affected by the domestic production and demand. In recent years, the domestic rapeseed meal output is difficult to increase significantly, and domestic consumption continues to rise. Even the gap between production and demand needs to be filled by imports, and the export capacity continues to decline. In addition, affected by the limited export price and export capacity, China's rapeseed meal export concentration has been rising, and the number of export destinations in 2010 and 2011 has decreased from 8 in 2009 to 3.

9.2.4 Overview of rapeseed meal consumption in China

Rapeseed meal in China is mainly used for domestic consumption. Affected by the continuous increase of domestic consumption demand, the export volume of rapeseed meal in China is decreasing, and its proportion in the annual total demand is decreasing year by year, while the proportion of domestic consumption in the total demand continues to increase. In 2011, China's domestic consumption of rapeseed meal was 9.85 million tons, an increase of 37.76% over 2000, a record high, accounting for nearly 98.59% of the total domestic demand.

The domestic consumption of rapeseed meal in China is mainly used in the feed breeding industry, and the feed consumption accounts for about 95% of the total domestic consumption all the year round. In 2011, China's consumption of rapeseed meal feed was 9.5 million tons, an increase of 2.6 million tons and 37.68% over 2000, accounting for 96.45% of the annual total domestic consumption. The increasing feed consumption demand of rapeseed meal in China is the main driving force for the continuous growth of domestic rapeseed meal consumption. Rapeseed meal is mainly used for aquatic feed. Influenced by the domestic aquaculture cycle, the consumption of rapeseed meal in China has seasonal characteristics. Every year from April to October is the peak season of domestic aquaculture, and also the period of concentrated consumption of rapeseed meal.

9.3 Production, trade and consumption of rapeseed meal in the world

9.3.1 Production status of rapeseed meal in the world

Rapeseed meal output is mainly affected by the changes in rapeseed output. In recent 12 years, the global rapeseed meal output has shown an overall increase trend, but because of the decline in global rapeseed output in individual years, the rapeseed meal output has also declined. In 2002/03, due to the sharp decline in global rapeseed production and the reduction of rapeseed pressing, the output of rapeseed meal decreased from 19.4 million tons in the previous year to 18.8 million tons. In the following three years, the global rapeseed output recovered and the rapeseed meal output continued to increase, continuously breaking the record. In 2006/07, affected by the decline in global rapeseed production, rapeseed meal production declined again after three consecutive years of growth. From 2007/08 to 2010/11, the global rapeseed meal output increased for four consecutive years and continuously set a historical record due to the increase of global rapeseed output and the continuous strong consumption demand. In 2010/11, the global rapeseed meal output reached 34.94 million tons, 15 million tons more than that in 2001/02, with a cumulative growth rate of 75.22% and a compound annual growth rate of 6.8%. In 2011/12, the global output of rapeseed meal reached 35.77 million tons, down 830000 tons and 2.38% from the previous year, setting a new record.

Table 9-5 Changes in world rapeseed meal output

Year on year increase and decrease of world output (10000 tons) (%)

  2001/02 1994

  2002/03 1880 -144 -5.72

  2003/04 2178 298 15.85

  2004/05 2424 246 11.29

  2005/06 2656 232 9.57

  2006/07 2586 -70 -2.64

  2007/08 2756 170 6.57

  2008/09 3069 313 11.36

  2009/10 3341 272 8.86

  2010/11 3494 153 4.58

  2011/12 3577 83 2.38

Source: USDA

The world's rapeseed meal production regions are mainly distributed in the major rapeseed producing countries such as the EU, China, Canada, India, etc. Although Australia and Ukraine are also major rapeseed producing countries, the rapeseed produced in the two countries are mainly for export, with less domestic pressing, and low rapeseed meal output and export. Although Japan and Pakistan are not the main producers of rapeseed, they are the main importers of rapeseed, and the output of rapeseed meal has exceeded that of Australia, Ukraine and other rapeseed producing countries. At present, the European Union, China, India, Canada and Japan are the five largest rapeseed meal producing countries and regions in the world.

9.3.2 World rapeseed meal export situation

In recent years, the global rapeseed meal export has shown an obvious growth trend. The global rapeseed meal export volume in 2011/12 was 5.45 million tons, 3.94 million tons more than that in 2001/02, with a cumulative growth rate of 261% and a compound annual growth rate of 13.7%. The growth of global rapeseed meal was mainly driven by the export growth of Canada and India. In addition, the export volume of Pakistan and Ethiopia also increased significantly.

Canada is the world's largest exporter of rapeseed meal, with an export volume of 2.99 million tons in 2010/11, accounting for 58% of the world's total exports. 2001/02 Canada Rapeseed meal The export volume is only 800000 tons, with a cumulative increase of 274% over the past 10 years, and a compound annual growth rate of 15.8%.

About 80% of Canada's rapeseed meal is used for export. Affected by the rapid expansion of the country's crushing industry in the past two years, Canada's rapeseed meal export volume has increased significantly, and its position in the global rapeseed meal trade has been strengthened. In 2011/12, Canada's rapeseed meal export volume was 3.31 million tons, an increase of 320000 tons and 10.7% over the previous year.

India's rapeseed meal export ranks second in the world, with an export volume of 1.31 million tons in 2010/11, a record high, accounting for 25% of the world's total exports. In 2001/02, the export volume of Indian rapeseed meal was only 420000 tons, with a cumulative growth of 212% in the past 10 years. In recent years, the domestic consumption of rapeseed meal in India accounts for about 75% of the output, and the export ratio is about 25%. The domestic consumption of Indian rapeseed meal is generally on the rise. Although the overall export growth in the past 10 years, the future export may be restricted and the growth space is limited. Indian rapeseed meal is mainly exported to Asian countries, such as China, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. In 2011/12, India's rapeseed export volume was 990000 tons, 320000 tons and 32.3% less than the previous year. China used to be one of the major exporters of rapeseed meal in the world, but in recent two years, the output of rapeseed meal is insufficient and the gap is growing. At present, China has basically stopped exporting rapeseed meal and has become a net importer from a net exporter of rapeseed meal.

In the past two years, the export of rapeseed meal from Pakistan and Ethiopia has increased significantly, mainly to China. In 2010/11, the amount of rapeseed meal exported from Pakistan to China was 99000 tons, accounting for 6.4% of China's total imports of rapeseed meal; Ethiopia exported 29000 tons of rapeseed meal to China, accounting for 1.8% of China's total rapeseed meal imports

In the past two years, the export of rapeseed meal from Pakistan and Ethiopia has increased significantly, mainly to China. In 2010/11, the amount of rapeseed meal exported from Pakistan to China was 99000 tons, accounting for 6.4% of China's total imports of rapeseed meal; Ethiopia exported 29000 tons of rapeseed meal to China, accounting for 1.8% of China's total rapeseed meal imports

Table 9-6 Main Rapeseed Meal Exporting Countries and Exports in the World

Canada (10000 tons) India (10000 tons) China (10000 tons) Global (10000 tons)

  2001/02 80 42 28 151

  2002/03 82 54 26 162

  2003/04 157 63 17 249

  2004/05 141 55 9 224

  2005/06 149 68 8 251

  2006/07 148 98 3 296

  2007/08 186 118 11 369

  2008/09 186 77 11 361

  2009/10 193 79 29 361

  2010/11 299 131 0 520

  2011/12 331 99 4 545

Data source: USDA, National Grain and Oil Information Center

9.3.3 World rapeseed meal imports and major importing countries

The global rapeseed meal import volume in 2010/11 was 4.99 million tons, 3.45 million tons more than that in 2001/02, with a cumulative growth rate of 224% and a compound annual growth rate of 13.9%. The global rapeseed meal import is mainly driven by the import demand of China and the United States. Influenced by the continuous increase of global rapeseed meal output, the global rapeseed meal import volume in 2011/12 was 5.07 million tons, slightly higher than the previous year

80000 tons and 1.6%.

The United States is the world's largest importer of rapeseed meal. In 2010/11, the import volume of rapeseed meal was 2.04 million tons, accounting for 41% of the world's total exports. In 2001/02, the United States imported 840000 tons of rapeseed meal. In the past 10 years, the export has increased by 143%, with a compound annual growth rate of 10.4%. Although the United States also produces a small amount of rapeseed meal, the contradiction between domestic production and demand is prominent, and a large amount of rapeseed meal needs to be imported to make up for the domestic gap. In the past 10 years, the United States imported rapeseed meal accounting for about 70% of the total domestic supply. The output of rapeseed meal in the United States is growing slowly, and the growth of demand largely depends on imports. It is expected that the imports of rapeseed meal in the United States will continue to grow in the next few years. In 2011/12, the United States imported 2.79 million tons of rapeseed meal, a significant increase of 750000 tons and 36.8% over the previous year. In recent years, China's rapeseed meal imports have grown rapidly, from a net exporter to a net importer.

Before 2005, China basically did not import or only imported a small amount of rapeseed meal, but the import volume has been increasing since 2006. In 2006/07, the import volume of rapeseed meal reached 426000 tons, which is the beginning of a stable trend of global rapeseed meal import

The import volume of rapeseed meal in 2010/11 reached 1.566 million tons, making China the world's second largest importer of rapeseed meal. China mainly imports rapeseed meal from Canada and India, and also imports a small amount of rapeseed meal from Pakistan and Ethiopia. In 2010/11, 918000 tons of Canadian rapeseed meal were imported, accounting for 58.7% of the total imports; 519000 tons of Indian rapeseed meal was imported, accounting for 33.2% of the total import volume; The import of Pakistani rapeseed meal is 99000 tons, accounting for 6.3% of the total import volume; The import of Ethiopian rapeseed meal was 29000 tons, accounting for 1.8% of the total import. In 2011/12, China's rapeseed meal import volume was 840000 tons, a sharp drop of 720000 tons and 46.2% over the previous year, mainly due to the national policy of restricting the import of Indian rapeseed meal.

Other countries have less rapeseed meal imports, which are mainly concentrated in Asia, including South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries. The EU also imports some rapeseed meal. In 2010/11, countries and regions other than the United States and China imported 1.39 million tons of rapeseed meal, equivalent to 27.9% of the total import volume. The import market of rapeseed meal is basically divided into three parts.

Table 9-7, Main Rapeseed Meal Importers and Imports in the World

US (10000 tons) China (10000 tons) Other countries (10000 tons) Global (10000 tons)

  2001/02 84 0 70 154

  2002/03 92 1 80 173

  2003/04 149 0 100 249

  2004/05 133 0 97 230

  2005/06 146 4 105 255

  2006/07 150 43 112 305

  2007/08 181 20 154 355

  2008/09 169 31 158 358

  2009/10 116 56 188 360

  2010/11 204 156 139 499

  2011/12 279 84 144 507

Data source: USDA, National Grain and Oil Information Center

9.3.4 World consumption of rapeseed meal

Rapeseed meal is mainly used for feed production. The global annual rate of rapeseed meal used for feed consumption is about 98% of the total consumption. A small amount of rapeseed meal is used for industrial consumption and directly used as fertilizer. At present, rapeseed meal used for shelling and detoxification in the food industry has not yet entered industrial production. Rapeseed meal contains glucosinolate, sinapine, phytic acid, tannin and other anti nutritional factors, which will affect the palatability or growth and development of animals. In previous years, the application of rapeseed meal in feed was limited. In recent years, driven by the development of feed technology, rapeseed meal has received more and more attention in feed production. The protein content of rapeseed meal is 35-40%, 5 percentage points lower than that of soybean meal, but the price is 30-40% lower than that of soybean meal. The price advantage is prominent, which can effectively reduce the cost of feed production. Compared with soybean meal, rapeseed meal also contains higher choline, biotin, niacin, VB1, VB2 and rich trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, selenium, etc. Therefore, when rapeseed meal is combined with soybean meal, it can play a good role in amino acid balance and complementation, and significantly improve the growth of animals. In recent years, rapeseed meal is widely used as feed for aquatic products, livestock and poultry, and is an important source of protein. The global rapeseed meal feed consumption in 2010/11 was 33.87 million tons, 14.71 million tons more than that in 2001/02, with a cumulative growth rate of 77% and a compound annual growth rate of 6.5%. Rapeseed meal is the second largest source of vegetable protein in feed, and its application in feed is second only to soybean meal. According to the estimation of 242.6 million tons of feed consumption of seven kinds of plant protein meal in the world in 2010/11, the feed consumption of rapeseed meal accounted for 13.9% of the total feed consumption of plant protein meal (about 70% of soybean meal). In 2011/12, the global consumption of rapeseed meal was 34.56 million tons, an increase of 690000 tons and 2.0% over the previous year.

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