Zheshang Bank

Supply and demand of rapeseed

13:38, January 24, 2013    Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

2.1 Rapeseed production in China

2.1.1 Overview of rapeseed production in China

Since the 1980s, China has always been the largest rapeseed producer in the world, with the perennial rapeseed output accounting for about 30% of the world's total output. In 2008, Canada surpassed China for the first time in rapeseed production and became the world's largest rapeseed producer. Although affected by weather conditions and planting income, the annual yield of rapeseed in China fluctuates greatly, but it still shows an increasing trend on the whole. After China's rapeseed output broke through 10 million tons for the first time in 1999, it has remained above 10 million tons.

Affected by the sharp rise in the price of oil and fat crops in 1998 and the increase in farmers' income from planting, China's rapeseed output reached 10.13 million tons and 11.38 million tons respectively in 1999 and 2000, an increase of 1.83 million tons and 1.25 million tons respectively over the previous year, setting a record for two consecutive years. In 2001 and 2002, China's rapeseed output declined for two consecutive years, and in 2002, the rapeseed output was only 10.55 million tons. In the following two years, China's rapeseed output increased again, and in 2004, China's rapeseed output hit a historical record of 13.18 million tons. From 2005 to 2007, China's rapeseed production declined for three consecutive years. In 2007, China's rapeseed production was only 10.57 million tons. Affected by the sharp increase of domestic and foreign oil prices in 2007 and the first quarter of 2008, the increase of farmers' income from planting, and the state's subsidy for improved varieties of rape planting and the implementation of the market purchase policy for rapeseed, China's rapeseed planting area has increased for three consecutive years. In 2009, China's rapeseed output again hit a historical record of 13.66 million tons, The planting area reached the second highest level in history. Due to the severe drought in southwest China in 2009 and the continuous heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River Basin in the first half of 2010, the unit yield of rapeseed declined. Although the area of rapeseed planting in China continued to increase in 2010, the total yield of rapeseed declined to 13.08 million tons. Although the planting area of rapeseed in China decreased in 2011, the yield per unit area increased, and the total output still reached 13.43 million tons, 350000 tons more than that in 2010. In 2012, China's rapeseed planting area continued to decline. The National Grain and Oil Information Center currently estimates that China's total rapeseed production will decline to 12.2 million tons in 2012.

Comparing the planting area, unit yield and total output of rapeseed in China in 2011 and 2000, it can be found that the planting area of rapeseed in China has not increased in the past 11 years, but has declined. However, due to the increase of unit yield of rapeseed, the total output of rapeseed is still increasing. From 2000 to 2011, the average planting area of rapeseed in China was 6.977 million hectares, including 7.494 million hectares in 2000. It once dropped to 5.642 million hectares in 2007, and recovered to 7.347 million hectares in 2011. The sown area in 2011 dropped 1.96% in total, with an average annual decline of 0.18%; From 2000 to 2011, the average unit yield of rapeseed in China was 1.733 tons/hectare, of which only 1.519 tons/hectare in 2000 and 1.827 tons/hectare in 2011. In 2011, the unit yield increased by 20.28% accumulatively, with an average annual growth of 1.79%; From 2000 to 2011, the average annual output of rapeseed in China was 12.06 million tons, including 11.38 million tons in 2000 and 13.43 million tons in 2011. The cumulative output increased by 17.97% over the 11 years, with an average annual growth of 1.51%.

Table 2-1 Production of rapeseed in China from 2000 to 2011

Annual sown area (thousand hectares) yield (thousand tons) unit yield (ton/hectare)

2000 7494 11381 1.519

2001 7095 11331 1.597

2002 7143 10551 1.477

2003 7221 11418 1.581

2004 7273 13182 1.812

2005 7279 13052 1.793

2006 5984 10966 1.833

2007 5642 10573 1.874

2008 6594 12102 1.835

2009 7278 13658 1.877

2010 7370 13082 1.775

2011 7347 13426 1.827

Average in 2012 6977 12060 1.733

Cumulative growth in 2011 - 1.96% 17.97% 20.28%

Average annual growth rate - 0.18% 1.51% 1.79%

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics

2.1.2 Production situation of major rapeseed producing provinces in China

Rapeseed planting in China is mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River basin, southwest and northwest regions. Although the planting area has fluctuated significantly since 1999, the total output has always been more than 10 million tons. Among them, the Yangtze River basin and the southwest region mainly plant rape in autumn and winter, accounting for 92-93% of the rapeseed planting area and output in China. Spring sowing rape is mainly planted in northwest China, accounting for about 7-8% of the rapeseed planting area and yield in China. The main producing provinces of autumn and winter rapeseed are Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Henan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, etc. The main producing provinces of spring rapeseed are Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu and Xinjiang.

The planting area and yield of rapeseed in 15 major provinces from 2000 to 2011.

Table 2-2 Rape sown area in main provinces from 2000 to 2011

Unit: 1000 hectares

Province 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011

Hubei 1159 1118 1155 1175 1186 1179 1001 927 1141 1166 1160 1141

Anhui 965 953 1102 1015 1003 954 656 620 670 722 691 640

Hunan 784 757 735 711 728 752 608 610 776 1016 1089 1167

Sichuan 777 780 773 806 814 817 747 747 886 937 947 964

Jiangsu 651 681 668 683 690 661 525 434 455 476 460 441

Jiangxi 629 548 483 428 401 410 415 402 486 539 547 543

Guizhou 461 446 452 451 482 505 400 413 467 479 489

Zhejiang 297 286 268 230 216 227 153 129 168 186 184 172

Inner Mongolia 295 199 225 280 279 256 293 205 221 219 223 219

Henan 248 234 337 385 374 408 347 356 377 382 393 383

Qinghai 186 164 148 149 158 160 144 148 170 173 164

Chongqing 173 168 174 177 174 187 134 135 150 174 192 196

Shaanxi 164 168 166 166 173 179 149 155 178 195 202 203

Gansu 138 139 137 154 162 157 151 145 162 189 183 185

Yunnan 126 127 122 133 148 169 107 84 150 254 270 273

15 provinces


  7054  6768  6945  6943  6988  7021  5830  5497  6403  7092  7193  7180

whole country

the measure of area

  7494  7095  7143  7221  7273  7279  5984  5642  6594  7278  7370  7347



  94.1  95.4  97.2  96.2  96.1  96.5  97.4  97.4  97.1  97.5  97.6  97.7

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics

Table 2-3 Output of main provincial rapeseed from 2000 to 2011

Unit: thousand tons

Province 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011

Hubei 1985 1948 1514 1871 2351 2191 1918 1933 2149 2366 2326 2204

Anhui 1568 1779 1523 1529 1904 1823 1301 1299 1403 1578 1337 1228

Hunan 1094 1064 868 939 1070 1082 910 910 1099 1533 1666 1820

Sichuan 1375 1337 1448 1559 1650 1687 1584 1525 1894 2000 2052 2144

Jiangsu 1430 1458 1308 1457 1673 1587 1290 1095 1128 1217 1124 1052

Jiangxi 530 463 384 365 401 417 424 417 516 610 638 667

Guizhou 662 635 640 640 739 765 632 644 604 704 516 718

Zhejiang 438 535 419 386 435 447 301 272 353 370 333 336

Inner Mongolia 305 130 282 253 313 283 355 207 202 224 224 240

Henan 338 426 560 698 781 877 792 859 971 931 889 773

Qinghai 191 226 227 257 283 316 242 277 348 362 337 327

Chongqing 226 219 258 285 310 318 235 232 265 309 342 351

Shaanxi 224 231 246 270 294 303 253 274 334 356 373 384

Gansu 221 178 203 226 260 266 249 233 286 331 332 331

Yunnan 191 204 205 227 262 290 197 157 246 414 260 518

15 provinces


  10775  10833  10084  10962  12726  12654  10681  10334  11798  13305  12750  13093

whole country


  11381  11331  10551  11418  13182  13052  10966  10573  12102  13658  13082  13426



  94.7  95.6  95.6  96.0  96.5  97.0  97.4  97.7  97.5  97.4  97.5  97.5

Data source: National Bureau of Statistics

In recent years, the production pattern of rapeseed in China has undergone great changes, which are shown as follows: the area and total output of Hubei, the largest major rapeseed producing province in China, fluctuated slightly, and its proportion in the total output of rapeseed in China remained stable; The area and output of Anhui, Jiangsu and other provinces in the traditional main rapeseed production areas show a significant downward trend, and their proportion in the national rapeseed output continues to decrease. The area and output of rapeseed in Hunan, Sichuan and other provinces continue to increase, and their proportion in the national rapeseed output increases significantly.   

In 2004, the output of rapeseed in Hubei Province was 2.351 million tons, ranking first in China, accounting for 17.83% of the total output of rapeseed in China; In 2009, the output of rapeseed in Hubei Province was 2.366 million tons, only 15000 tons more than that in 2004, and continued to rank first in China, accounting for 17.32% of the total output of rapeseed in China, down 0.51 percentage points. In 2004, the output of rapeseed in Anhui Province was 1.904 million tons, ranking the second in China, accounting for 14.44% of the total output of rapeseed in China; In 2009, the output of rapeseed in Anhui Province dropped to 1.578 million tons, 326000 tons lower than that in 2004, ranking third in the country, and the proportion in the total output of rapeseed in the country dropped to 11.56%, down 2.88 percentage points. In 2004, the output of rapeseed in Jiangsu Province was 1.673 million tons, ranking the third in China, accounting for 12.69% of the total output of rapeseed in China; In 2009, the output of rapeseed in Jiangsu Province dropped to 1.128 million tons, 545000 tons lower than that in 2004, ranking the fifth in the country, and the proportion in the total output of rapeseed in the country dropped to 8.26%, down 4.43 percentage points. In 2004, the output of rapeseed in Sichuan Province was 1.65 million tons, ranking the fourth in China, accounting for 12.51% of the total output of rapeseed in China; In 2009, the output of rapeseed in Sichuan Province reached 2 million tons, an increase of 350000 tons over 2004, ranking the second in China, and its proportion in the total output of rapeseed in China rose to 14.65%, an increase of 2.14 percentage points. In 2004, the output of rapeseed in Hunan Province was 1.07 million tons, ranking fifth in China, accounting for 8.12% of the total output of rapeseed in China; In 2009, the output of rapeseed in Hunan Province reached 1.533 million tons, 463000 tons more than that in 2004, ranking the fourth in China, and its proportion in the total output of rapeseed in China rose to 11.23%, 3.11 percentage points higher. In 2010, the output of rapeseed in Hunan Province exceeded that in Anhui Province and became the third largest major producer of rapeseed in China.

2.1.3 Prospects of rapeseed production in China in the future

According to the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee of the CPC in 2008 agriculture products According to the requirements of regional layout planning and construction, on the basis of summarizing the implementation of the previous round of planning, the Ministry of Agriculture has prepared the National Regional Layout Plan for Advantageous Agricultural Products (2008-2015). Make specific plans on the regional layout, main direction and development goals of rapeseed planting in China in the future.

According to the plan, rape is one of the most important oil crops in China, and rapeseed oil accounts for more than 40% of the total domestic vegetable oil. Since 2004, China's rape production has continued to decline. By 2007, the total yield of rape was 19.8% less than the best year in history. With the growth of the demand for vegetable oil, the contradiction between supply and demand of rapeseed will become increasingly prominent in the future. It is urgent to break through the bottleneck of high labor costs, low mechanization, incomplete varieties and good methods, and poor production efficiency, restore and expand the comprehensive production capacity, and increase the supply of rapeseed market.

The regional distribution of rapeseed planting in China is to focus on the construction of four advantageous areas in the upper, middle, lower and northern reaches of the Yangtze River. Among them, the advantageous areas of rape in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River include five provinces (cities) of Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Chongqing and Shaanxi, mainly including 101 key counties, focusing on the development of "double low" rape with high yield, high oil content, moisture tolerance and disease resistance. The rape advantageous areas in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River include Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui provinces and Xinyang region of Henan Province, mainly including 166 key counties, and focus on the development of "double low" high-quality rape with early maturity, multi resistance and high oil content. The advantageous areas of rape in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River include Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province, mainly including 24 key counties, focusing on the development of high-quality rape with high oil content, disease resistance, medium early maturity, crack angle tolerance and waterlogging tolerance. The advantageous areas of rape in the north include Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and Gansu provinces (regions), mainly including 27 key counties, and focus on developing high-quality, drought resistant and frost resistant cabbage type extra early spring rape.

The main direction of rape planting in China is to increase rapeseed supply and reduce domestic edible oil imports. First, actively develop winter fallow farmland and expand planting area; Second, relying on scientific and technological innovation, we will intensify research on new varieties and technologies, strive to improve the level of rape production technology, speed up the process of mechanized production of rape, and focus on improving yield per unit area and improving quality; Third, strengthen the construction of standardized, improved varieties, industrialized and mechanized production demonstration bases, improve infrastructure conditions and enhance comprehensive production capacity; Fourth, encourage and support a number of large-scale and high-grade domestic leading enterprises, cultivate relevant farmers' professional cooperative organizations, improve the mechanism for linking the interests of farmers, and improve the level of production organization and industrialization.

The development goal of China's rapeseed industry is: by 2015, the planting area of rape in the advantageous areas will reach 139 million mu, accounting for about 95% of the total area of rape in China; The average yield per unit area is 138 kg, reaching 19.12 million tons; New varieties suitable for direct seeding and mechanized harvesting have been widely used in the advantage areas, and the popularity of "double low" rapeseed has reached more than 90%; The erucic acid and glucosinolate content of commercial rapeseed reached the standard issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, and the oil content reached more than 43%. Rapeseed is a traditional oilseed crop in China. Rapeseed oil is still the largest variety of vegetable oil produced by domestic oilseeds. In order to increase the supply of domestic vegetable oil and ensure the safety of domestic oil, vigorously developing rapeseed planting is an important means. In recent years, the national policy support for oilseed planting has been increasing, and the area of rapeseed planting has recovered for three consecutive years, but it has not yet reached the historical record. However, with the continuous expansion of the promotion and planting of improved rapeseed varieties and the establishment of high-yield activities, the unit yield and total yield of rapeseed in China are showing an increasing trend. Under the condition of increasing national policy support, it is expected that China's rape planting area and rapeseed yield will maintain a steady increase trend in the next 10 years. However, from the perspective of the development of China's rapeseed industry in the past 10 years, as well as the impact of China's limited arable land and relatively low efficiency of rapeseed planting, it is still difficult to achieve the development goal of rapeseed production planned by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2015.

2.2 Consumption of rapeseed in China

Affected by the sustained and rapid development of the national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the consumption of vegetable oil and protein meal in China has increased year by year, and the consumption of rapeseed has also shown a trend of increasing. However, due to the difficulty in continuously increasing the supply of rapeseed, the increase in domestic consumption of rapeseed is limited by the supply, and the contradiction between insufficient production and demand of domestic rapeseed is becoming increasingly prominent.

In China, almost all rapeseed is used to extract oil, and the growth of rapeseed consumption is severely restricted by domestic production and import volume. In recent years, due to the significant increase of rapeseed pressing capacity and serious overcapacity in China, the operating rate of processing enterprises in the main production areas has been kept at a low level. The operating rate of large and medium-sized enterprises is only 3-5 months per year, while that of small enterprises is lower.

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