Zheshang Bank

Overview of Shanghai Silver Futures

14:54, January 23, 2013    Shanghai Futures Exchange

Natural Attributes and Application of Silver

Natural attribute of silver

Silver, chemical symbol Ag, atomic number 47, relative atomic mass 107.870, melting point 960.8 ℃, boiling point 2210 ℃, density 10.50g/cm3 (20 ℃). Silver is soft, with good flexibility and ductility, which is second only to gold. It can be pressed into thin pieces and pulled into thin wires; 1 gram of silver can be pulled into 1800 meter long filaments and rolled into silver foil with a thickness of 1/100000 mm.

Silver is the most conductive and thermal conductive metal of all metals; Silver is also very reflective of light, with a reflectivity of 91%. The chemical property of silver is not active, and it does not react with oxygen at room temperature. Silver is a relatively stable element. After long-term exposure to the air, it will combine with hydrogen sulfide in the air, and the surface will become black, forming black silver sulfide. At room temperature, halogen can slowly combine with silver to form silver halide. Silver can react with strong oxidizing acids (concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid). Silver powder is easily soluble in oxygen containing cyanide solution and oxygen containing acidic thiourea solution. Silver has good alkali resistance. Silver exists in univalent form in compounds and can form compounds with many substances.

Main uses of silver

Monetary function

Silver has the monetary attribute, which is the same as gold As currency. In the history of international currency, in addition to the gold standard, there was also the silver standard. With the reform of monetary system and the emergence of credit money, silver coins gradually withdrew from the circulation field. The current silver coins are mainly investment silver coins and commemorative silver coins.

Industrial applications

Silver has good electrical and thermal conductivity, good flexibility, ductility and reflectivity. Its industrial applications and functions of decorating and beautifying life continue to play, mainly used in the electronic and electrical industry, photography, solar energy, medicine and other fields, as well as the production of jewelry, silverware and silver coins. The versatility of silver makes its application irreplaceable in most industries, especially in high-tech industries that need high reliability, higher precision and security. Silver is widely used in the electronic industry, especially in conductors, switches, contacts and fuses. Silver can also be used for thick film slurry, and silver in reticular and crystalline form can be used as catalyst for chemical reaction. Silver nitrate is used for silver plating to make silver mirrors. Silver iodide is used for artificial rainfall.

Silver ions and silver containing compounds can kill or inhibit bacteria, viruses, algae and fungi, and react like mercury and lead. Because silver has the effect of fighting against diseases, it is also called a biophile metal.

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