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Supply and demand of coking coal in China

http://www.sina.com.cn    15:44, July 11, 2012    Sina Finance micro-blog

China is the world's largest coking coal producer and consumer. Driven by the demand of coking coal market, the output of coking coal in China has continued to grow in recent years. During 2003-2010, the output of coking coal in China increased by 87.3%, with an average annual growth of more than 10%.. The proven coking coal reserves in China are 66.195 billion tons, accounting for 23.61% of the national coking coal reserves and 6% of the total coal reserves. Among the provinces with large coking coal resources in China, except Shandong, Shanxi has the largest reserves of 35.845 billion tons, accounting for 54.2% of the national reserves Huoxi Coalfield and Xishan Coalfield have reserves of 12.31 billion tons, 10.191 billion tons and 7.996 billion tons respectively.

China's coking coal mines have an approved production capacity of 850 million tons, of which China's key coal mines account for the largest proportion in the approved production capacity, reaching 44.5%. Among state-owned key coal mines, gas coal has the largest approved production capacity, accounting for 27.5%, followed by 1/3 coking coal and coking coal. The verified coking coal production capacity of township coal mines also accounts for a large proportion in the country, reaching 42.4%. Township coal mines mainly produce coking coal with a production ratio of 41.5%, followed by gas coal and lean coal. The approved production capacity of coking coal of state-owned local coal mines accounts for the lowest proportion in the country, only 13.2%. The main type of coal produced by state-owned local coal mines is gas coal, with the production proportion reaching 31.2%, followed by 1/3 coking coal and coking coal.

Supply of raw coking coal in China

In China's coking raw coal output, coking coal, gas coal, 1/3 coking coal and gas fat coal are more than fat coal, lean coal and lean coal. The production capacity of coking coal in China is the largest, followed by gas coal and 1/3 coking coal. The production capacity of high-quality coking coal, such as fat coal, is only about 84 million tons. In 2010, the national output of coking raw coal was 1.114 billion tons, and the output of coking refined coal was 607.92 million tons, of which the output of coking raw coal was 218.85 million tons, accounting for 19.6% of the total output of coking raw coal, and the output of coking refined coal was 109.42 million tons, accounting for 18.0% of the total output of coking refined coal.

From the perspective of coking coal output in various regions over the years, China's coking coal output is mainly concentrated in North China, followed by that in Southwest and Northeast China. The coking coal output in East China accounts for a small proportion of coking coal output, while that in Central South China is not much, and that in Northwest China is the least. In terms of specific provinces, China's coking coal production is mainly concentrated in Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Anhui and Shandong provinces, which together account for 57.3% of the country's approved production capacity. As a major coal producing province in China, Shanxi's approved production capacity of coking coal is close to one-third of the country's approved production capacity, and its coal production is mainly coking coal, The proportion reached 36.4%, followed by gas coal and lean coal. The approved production capacity of fat coal and gas fat coal is relatively small. South China has less coking coal resources and low production capacity, mainly concentrated in Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing and eastern Yunnan.

Shandong Province is the largest coking coal production province in China, second only to Shanxi Province. However, the coking coal production in Shandong Province is very small, accounting for only 0.1% of the coking coal production in the whole province, while the proportion of gas coal is the largest, accounting for 55.07% of the coking coal in the whole province, followed by gas fat coal, accounting for 23.21% (mainly distributed in the centralized, local and township coal mines in Xinwen, Feicheng and other mining areas). Therefore, The coking coal in Shandong Province is mainly high volatile coal.

In 2010, the national statistical output of coking clean coal was 607.92 million tons: Shanxi had the largest statistical output of 137.88 million tons, and Hebei ranked second with 109.15 million tons. 3-6 are Shandong, Heilongjiang, Anhui and Henan. There was no change in the top six enterprises in terms of output. In Shanxi Province, coking coal and fat coal account for a large proportion of coking clean coal, while in Shandong Province, coking clean coal accounts for a large proportion of gas coal with low metamorphism and weak coking and 1/3 coking coal. In fact, coking clean coal in Shanxi Province plays a leading role in domestic steel enterprises.

Production of coking clean coal in Shanxi Province

In recent years, through the integration of coal resources in Shanxi Province, the proportion of output of state-owned key mines has increased. In 2010, among the output of coking clean coal in Shanxi, the output of coking clean coal in Shanxi local coal mines accounted for 60% of that in the whole province, and the output of washing clean coal in state-owned key coal mines accounted for 40%, of which, the output of clean coal in Shanxi Coking Coal Group Corporation accounted for more than 75% of that in state-owned key coal mines, and the production of washing clean coal in 2010 was about 44 million tons.

Demand of coking coal in China

Coking coal is mainly used for coking, and then for the steel industry. The current demand growth of coking coal in China is mainly affected by the coke industry and the steel industry. The steel industry is the main user of coke consumption. The rapid development of the steel industry can increase the demand for coke, and then increase the demand for coking coal. Therefore, the prosperity of the steel industry and coke industry is an important factor affecting the demand for coking coal. As the main coking coal for coking coal blending, the demand for coking coal is closely related to the steel industry and coke industry.

In terms of coke, China is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of coke in the world today. The output of coke accounts for more than half of the global output and the export accounts for nearly 60% of the global trade volume. At present, the problem of overcapacity in coke industry is relatively serious. With the increase of the shutdown of small coke enterprises in recent two years, the overall capacity growth has slowed down. China's coke production is mainly concentrated in North China, East China and Northeast China. Among them, the coke output in North China accounts for about 60% of the national total, and the coke output in Shanxi, Hebei and Shandong provinces accounts for more than 40% of the national total coke production capacity.

Shanxi has a large amount of coking coal resources locally. Its main coking coal reserves and output rank first in the country. The coking plant has a long history of development and a large total capacity. In 2010, Shanxi produced 84.763 million tons of coke, accounting for 21.87% of the national coke output, ranking first in the country. In 2010, Hebei Province produced 49.88 million tons of coke, accounting for 12.87% of the total output, an increase of 0.87% year on year, ranking second. The large coke output in this province is mainly due to the large scale of local steel mill users, and the local is close to the main coking coal producing areas such as Shanxi, which is easy to purchase coking coal. Shandong, Henan and Inner Mongolia ranked third to fifth with 33.626 million tons, 25.702 million tons and 21.142 million tons respectively, accounting for 8.8%, 6.6% and 5.5% of the total annual output.

In terms of iron and steel, with the rapid development of China's economy in recent years, the capacity of the domestic iron and steel industry has expanded rapidly. In 2008, China's crude steel and pig iron output reached 500.49 million tons and 470.67 million tons, respectively, with an increase of 2.3% and 0.3%, respectively. The growth rate of iron and steel production has dropped significantly. In 2009 and 2010, driven by a series of economic stimulus policies of the central government, the domestic economy rebounded to the bottom and the steel output grew rapidly. In 2010, the pig iron and crude steel output were 627.89 million tons and 588.96 million tons respectively, up 10.5% and 9.6% year on year.

In recent years, the domestic consumption of coking coal has shown a growth trend, with an average annual growth rate of more than 10%. The domestic consumption of coking coal accounts for more than 95%. The domestic consumption of coking coal mainly comes from the steel industry and coking industry. With the rapid growth of the steel industry, the demand for coking coal in the domestic market shows a rapid growth trend. Overall growth of the world economy, especially in Asia, Africa and other countries steel products The rapid growth of consumption demand stimulates the rapid growth of steel production, which further affects the continuous tightening of coking coal supply and demand. In addition, the development of large-scale blast furnace has brought down the coal consumption per ton of steel, while expanding the coking ratio of coke and fat coal and the total demand. According to statistics, from 2006 to 2010, the number of large blast furnaces of more than 2000m3 in China's steel industry increased from 49 to 89, and the production capacity increased from 108.58 million tons to 208.2 million tons, an increase of 91.7%. The large-scale development of blast furnace, on the one hand, promotes the reduction of coal consumption per ton of iron, on the other hand, objectively requires the expansion of coke and fat coal coking ratio and its demand to meet the new and higher requirements of large blast furnace on the cold and hot strength of charged coke.

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