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Introduction and basic information of PTA related products

http://www.sina.com.cn    20:57, May 22, 2012    Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

   PTA Related products

(1) PX - PTA raw material

  1. Basic information of paraxylene (PX)

PX is separated from mixed xylene (MX), which is mainly composed of p-xylene, o-xylene and m-xylene. Mixed xylene mainly came from coking industry in the past. Now it mainly comes from the petrochemical industry. The output of coking xylene is very small, accounting for less than 2% of the total output, and almost all of it is directly used as mixed xylene without separation.

In addition to PTA production, PX is also used as a solvent and as a raw material for medicine, spices, ink, etc., but it accounts for a small proportion of the total consumption. Therefore, PX can be called the leader of polyester product chain and an important chemical raw material.

The price change of PX has a great impact on PTA.

2. PX production capacity in China

In 2004, China's PX production capacity was 2.34 million tons, accounting for 14% of Asia's production capacity and about 10% of the global production capacity. In 2005, China expanded 200000 tons of PX capacity in Zhenhai, and 450000 tons in Liaohua. In 2005, China's PX capacity increased to 2.99 million tons, and most of them were used by manufacturers themselves.

Table 7.1 Main PX production enterprises and their production capacity in China in 2005 Unit: 10000 tons/year

Enterprise name capacity Product destination
Zhenhai sixty-five Sinopec internal supply (mainly Yizheng). Partial export
Yangzi Petrochemical sixty-six point five Self use, a small amount of Sinopec internal supply
Tianjin Petrochemical thirty-nine Self use, partial export
Liaoyang Petrochemical seventy Mainly for self use, some for export
Luoyang Petrochemical twenty-one point five Self use
Shanghai Petrochemical twenty-five Self use
Qilu Petrochemical six point five for export
Urumqi Petrochemical five point five Self use
total two hundred and ninety-nine  

Before 2003, the majority of PX in China could be supplied by itself, and only a small amount of PX was imported. However, with the continuous production of private and joint-venture new PTA projects in China in recent years, China has become the world's largest PTA producer in 2005, and the demand for PX has increased significantly. In 2003, China's PX imports exceeded 1 million tons. In the last three years, the demand for PX has increased at a rate of 20%. In 2006, China will become the world's largest PX consumer.

4. China PX import

In 2004, China imported a total of 1.366 million tons of PX, with an import volume of 842 million dollars, and the import unit price of 738.6 dollars/ton. Japan and South Korea are the main PX importing countries of China, accounting for 95% of the total import volume. Including 6.85 million tons of PX imported from Japan, accounting for 60% of China's total PX imports; PX39200 tons were imported from South Korea, accounting for 35% of the total imports.

In 2005, China's imports of PX from South Korea, Japan, Iran and Thailand increased, while Taiwan's imports decreased. Compared with the same period in 2004, South Korea's PX export to China has the largest increase, and its total PX export to China has been close to Japan. In 2005, China imported Korean PX 53900 tons/month, an increase of 17700 tons/month, and imported Japanese PX 60800 tons/month, an increase of 2400 tons/month. The amount of PX exported from Iran and Thailand to China has also grown from scratch. At present, China imports about 35000 tons of PX from both countries every month. PX imports from Russia and the United States increased slightly.

The main manufacturers of PX imported by China are Xiamen Xianglu Petrochemical, Zhuhai BP, Shaoxing Sanxin Petrochemical, Ningbo Yisheng Petrochemical, Jiangsu Yihua Chemical Fiber, etc.

5. PX production and investment in Asia

The world's PX production capacity growth is mainly in Asia, so producers compete to buy naphtha. In addition, the demand for gasoline in China and other regions will also increase. Naphtha supply in Asia is limited, and will not expand until new refineries start or condensate steam emerges. The supply of raw materials (MX and naphtha) supporting global PX growth must be sufficient.

In 2005, new expansion projects of Iran NPC, China Zhenhai, Liaohua, and Reliance (Japanese companies) were put into production. In 2005, the new PX capacity in Asia was 1.73 million tons to 18.477 million tons.

Table 7.426 Change of PX Capacity in Asia in 2005 Unit: 10000 tons/year

China Japan Han Taiwan Middle East India Southeast Asia total
two thousand and five two hundred and ninety-nine three hundred and eighty-three four hundred and seventeen one hundred and twenty-two one hundred and thirty-two two hundred and three two hundred and ninety-one point five one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven point seven

  6 PX consumption in Asia

Table 7.527 Production and Demand of PX in Asia from 2004 to 2005 Unit: 10000 tons/year

two thousand and four year two thousand and five year
Asian PX capacity one thousand six hundred and seventy-six one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight
Asian PX demand one thousand five hundred and fifty one thousand six hundred and seventy
PX load 93% 94.8%

From a global perspective, Asia is a pure PX import region. The huge demand for PX from China's mainland and Taiwan has not only absorbed PX exports from Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, but also absorbed PX exports from North America as the main region. From 2001 to 2002, the import volume of PX in Asia was 200000 to 600000 tons. In 2003, the import volume of PX from outside the region rose to 650000 tons. In 2004, the import volume of PX in Asia further rose to 920000 tons. In 2005, the import volume of PX in Asia reached more than 1.3 million tons.

7. Global PX production and investment

At present, the top five PX production capacities in the world are the United States, South Korea, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. The PX production capacity of the United States is up to 4.93 million tons, accounting for 18% of the global PX production capacity. Asia accounts for 68% of the world's PX production capacity and is on the rise.

Table 7.26 Global PX Capacity Unit: 10000 tons

PX capacity North America South America Europe Asia Global total
2004 five hundred and forty-seven twenty-six point eight two hundred and eighty-seven point one one thousand six hundred and seventy-six two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven
2005 five hundred and fifty-two twenty-seven point three two hundred and eighty-seven point one one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight two thousand seven hundred and fourteen

8. Global PX consumption

From the perspective of global trade, North America (mainly the United States) is the main exporter of PX. The PTA production in the United States is about 4 million tons, and PX consumption is 2.7 million tons. The PX production capacity in the United States is up to 4.93 million tons. A large amount of surplus PX is exported to Asia and Mexico.

Table 7.27 World PX Device Load in 2004-2005

particular year Production capacity at the end of the year (10000 tons) Output (consumption/demand) Operating rate%
two thousand and four two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven two thousand one hundred and fifty eighty-seven
two thousand and five two thousand seven hundred and fourteen two thousand three hundred and ten eighty-eight

(2) MEG - polyester chemical fiber raw material

1. Basic information of ethylene glycol

Ethylene Glycol (EG), also known as glycol and ethylene glycol, includes monoethylene glycol, diethylene glycol and triethylene glycol. Generally speaking, ethylene glycol is monoethylene glycol (Mono Ethylene Glycol, MEG), Accounting for 88%. Ethylene oxide, CO2CO2 and water react to produce ethylene carbonate (EC), and then hydrolyze to obtain monoethylene glycol (MEG).

Ethylene glycol is an important basic organic raw material for petrochemical industry. It is mainly used in the production of polyester fiber, unsaturated polyester resin, antifreeze, lubricant, plasticizer, non-ionic surfactant and explosives. In addition, it can also be used in coatings, photographic developer, brake fluid, ink and other industries, with a wide range of applications. About 75% of the world's MEG output is used to produce polyester fiber, 15% is used to produce polyester resin (mainly used for paint), and 10% is used to produce antifreeze/deicing fluid/surface coating and other purposes. The products are divided into fiber grade, industrial grade and antifreeze.

   2. Production, marketing and import in China

Table 7.28 China's MEG Production, Consumption and Demand Unit: 10000 tons

MEG capacity MEG yield MEG Net imports MEG Consumption Import dependency%
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five   forty-six twenty sixty-six thirty-one
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six   fifty-five twenty-three seventy-eight twenty-nine
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven   seventy-one eighteen eighty-nine twenty
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight   seventy-eight thirty-two one hundred and ten twenty-nine
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine   eighty-four fifty-seven one hundred and forty-one forty
two thousand   ninety-one one hundred and five one hundred and ninety-six fifty-four
two thousand and one   ninety-six one hundred and fifty-nine two hundred and fifty-five sixty-two
two thousand and two one hundred and fifteen point six ninety-one two hundred and eleven three hundred and two seventy
two thousand and three one hundred and seventeen point six ninety-seven two hundred and forty-nine three hundred and forty-six seventy-two
two thousand and four one hundred and seventeen point six ninety-seven three hundred and thirty-seven four hundred and thirty-four seventy-eight
two thousand and five one hundred and fifty-one point six ninety-seven four hundred four hundred and ninety-seven eighty

The consumption of ethylene glycol for polyester use in China is significantly higher than the global level. About 92% of China's MEG consumption is used to produce polyester fibers and resins, and about 8% is used to produce unsaturated polyester, antifreeze, adhesives, paint solvents, cold resistant lubricants, surfactants, polyester polyols, etc.

China is the world's largest polyester producer. In 2005, China's total polyester production capacity accounted for nearly 40% of the world's total production capacity. China's MEG consumption accounted for half of Asia's MEG consumption, and more than 30% of the world's MEG consumption. In 2005, China's MEG capacity was only 1.516 million tons, accounting for about 15% of Asia's MEG capacity and about 8% of the world's total MEG capacity.

3. China MEG imports

In 2005, China imported more than 4 million tons of MEG and 1.6 million tons from January to June 2006. Canada, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, South Korea, the United States and Japan are still the main MEG importing countries of China. In 2005, North America was still China's largest MEG importer.

4. MEG production and investment in Asia

Table 7.29 MEG Capacity in Asia from 2003 to 2005 Unit: 10000 tons

country China the republic of korea Japan Taiwan Middle East India Xinmatai Indonesia Asian capacity
two thousand and three year one hundred and seventeen point six ninety-four eighty-nine one hundred and twenty-seven point five two hundred and ninety-nine sixty-three fifty-one point five twenty-two eight hundred and sixty-three point six
two thousand and four year one hundred and seventeen point six ninety-four eighty-nine one hundred and fifty-two point five three hundred and sixty sixty-three fifty-one point five twenty-two nine hundred and fifty
two thousand and five year one hundred and fifty-one point six ninety-four eighty-nine one hundred and fifty-two point five three hundred and seventy seventy-one fifty-one point five twenty-two one thousand and one

The Middle East has unique natural gas resources, and MEG production capacity is expanding rapidly under the low-cost advantage. The Middle East will soon become an important base for MEG production in the world.

Table 7.130 MEG Production and Trade in the Middle East Unit: 10000 tons/year

two thousand and three year two thousand and four two thousand and five
capacity two hundred and ninety-nine three hundred and sixty three hundred and seventy-one
consume forty-four fifty sixty
exit two hundred and fifty two hundred and seventy-seven three hundred

MEG production in the Middle East is mainly concentrated in the hands of several large production enterprises, among which there are many new MEG projects under construction and proposed by Saudi Arabia based SAme and Iran National Petroleum Corporation (NPC). The construction of these heavyweight MEG projects will have a profound impact on the world's MEG supply and demand relations.

6. World MEG production and investment

two thousand and two two thousand and three two thousand and four two thousand and five
Asian MEG capacity seven hundred and eighty eight hundred and thirty-four eight hundred and sixty-four nine hundred and fifty one thousand and one
MEG consumption in Asia seven hundred and eighty-three eight hundred and sixty-nine nine hundred and forty-two one thousand and ten one thousand and ninety

The total production capacity of ethylene glycol in the world was only about 9.6 million tons in 1993, increased to about 11.2 million tons in 1996, further increased to 15.653 million tons in 2002, and reached 18.04 million tons in 2005. Before 2005, the growth rate of global MEG capacity was only 3-6%, much slower than that of global polyester capacity. From 2004 to 2005, the contradiction between global MEG supply and demand reached the highest point in recent years.

Table 7.132 Global MEG Capacity Allocation

particular year Asia and the Middle East North America South America Europe total
two thousand and three eight hundred and sixty-four five hundred and twenty-eight point five forty-one point two five two hundred and sixteen point eight one thousand six hundred and fifty-one
two thousand and four nine hundred and fifty five hundred and twenty-eight point five forty-one point two five two hundred and twenty-seven point eight one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight
two thousand and five one thousand and two five hundred and twenty-eight point five forty-one point two five two hundred and thirty-two one thousand eight hundred and four

Table 7.13: The global average annual growth rate of ethylene glycol ranks first in Asia:

America Europe Asia total
Annual average growth rate 4% 4% 8% 6%

7. World MEG consumption

Asia has the highest proportion of ethylene glycol production and demand market share in the world:

Table 7.1433 World ethylene glycol production and demand

North America Western Europe Eastern Europe South America Africa, Middle East Asia

production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand production demand
two thousand and two 30% 22% 10% 12% 4% 2% 2% 2% 21% 3% 33% 59%
two thousand and seven 22% 19% 7% 11% 3% 3% 4% 2% 29% 5% 34% 60%

Due to the rapid growth of polyester production capacity in Asia (especially China), the demand for MEG is also growing year by year. It is estimated that the proportion of MEG used for polyester in the world has risen to about 90%, while the demand for antifreeze and other products is about 10%.

Before 2001, the global MEG unit load was about 70-75%. Since 2002, the global polyester capacity has grown rapidly. From 2002 to 2007, the annual growth rate of world ethylene glycol demand was 7-10%, while the MEG capacity growth was only 3-6%. The ethylene glycol load has increased steadily, and by 2005, the world MEG load will rise to 93.5%.

Table 7.1534 Supply, demand and load of global MEG from 2003 to 2005

two thousand and three two thousand and four two thousand and five
Global MEG capacity one thousand six hundred and fifty-one one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight one thousand eight hundred and four
Global MEG consumption one thousand four hundred and twenty one thousand five hundred and twenty-five one thousand six hundred and sixty
MEG Load% eighty-six ninety ninety-three point five

(3) Polyester - PTA products

Polyester (polyethylene terephthalate, PET) is polymerized from PTA and MEG. PET is in the shape of rice grains and has various varieties. 75% is used for chemical fiber polyester, making polyester staple fiber and polyester filament,. 20% is used for bottle grade polyester (widely used for packaging of various drinks, especially carbonated drinks), and 5% is used for polyester film (mainly used for packaging materials, films and tapes). Therefore, PTA consumption is concentrated in polyester.

From 2001 to 2005, China's polyester production capacity expanded at an average growth rate of 24%, far more than the world's 10% growth rate. China's polyester production capacity more than doubled in four years, with a net increase of 11.91 million tons. By the end of 2005, China's total polyester production capacity had exceeded 20 million tons at one fell swoop and could reach 20.72 million tons. By November 2005, the actual production capacity of domestic polyester was 20.3 million tons, including 18.7 million tons of large polyester and 1.6 million tons of small polyester. China's polyester production capacity accounts for 1/2 of Asia's and nearly 40% of the world's polyester production capacity. China has become an unquestionable major polyester country in the world, and the domestic Chinese polyester market has also become a barometer of the global polyester and even PX/PTA/MEG markets.    

National polyester production capacity and consumption are concentrated in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces. Although China is a big polyester country, the import volume of polyester, especially polyester yarn, is still about 600000-900000 tons.

(4) Polyester -- PTA terminal product

According to the requirements of the textile industry, polyester fiber can be divided into two types: filament and staple. The so-called polyester filament is the filament with a length of more than 1000 meters, and the filament is wound into a ball. Polyester staple fiber is a few centimeters to ten centimeters of staple fiber.

Characteristics and uses of polyester fiber

Strength: strength ratio of polyester fiber cotton It is nearly twice as high as wool, so polyester fabric is durable.

Heat resistance: It can be used at 70~1700C, and is the best heat resistance and thermal stability among synthetic fibers.

Elasticity: The elasticity of polyester is close to that of wool, and its crease resistance is better than that of other fibers. The fabric is wrinkle free and has good workability.

Abrasion resistance: the abrasion resistance of polyester is second only to nylon, ranking second in synthetic fibers.

Water absorption: polyester has low water absorption and moisture regain, and good insulation performance. However, due to its low water absorption, the electrostatic generated by friction is large, and its dyeing performance is poor.

As a garment fiber, polyester fabric can be wrinkle free and iron free after washing. Polyester is often blended or interwoven with various fibers, such as cotton polyester, wool polyester, etc., which are widely used in various clothing materials and decorative materials. Polyester can be used in industry for conveyor belt, tent, canvas, cable, fishing net, etc., especially for polyester cord used for tires, which is close to nylon in performance. Polyester can also be used as electrical insulation material, acid resistant filter cloth, medical industrial cloth, etc. Synthetic fibers have been widely used in various fields of the national economy due to their high strength, wear resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance, high temperature resistance, light weight, warmth retention, good electrical insulation, and fear of mildew.

Among synthetic fibers, polyester accounts for 85%; Among chemical fibers, polyester accounts for 78%. Among synthetic fibers, polyester accounts for 85% of the output; Among chemical fibers, polyester accounts for 78%. Polyester includes two kinds of products, one is filament, which is often used as low elastic filament to make various textiles; The second is short fiber, which can be blended with cotton, wool, linen, etc., In industry, polyester can be used to manufacture tire cord, fishing net, rope, filter cloth, insulating material, etc.

The production process of polyester can be divided into two types according to whether it has gone through polyester slicing:

Two step spinning (also called chip spinning): petroleum - naphtha - paraxylene (PX) - purified terephthalic acid (PTA)+ethylene glycol (EG) - polyester chips (PET, including fiber chips, bottle chips, film chips) - polyester

One step spinning (also called direct spinning): petroleum - naphtha - paraxylene (PX) - purified terephthalic acid (PTA)+ethylene glycol (EG) - polyester

It can be seen from the production process that PTA and EG are the upstream production materials of polyester, of which PTA accounts for 85% in the formula and is the main raw material of polyester. Two step spinning passes through the intermediate products of slicing, and one step spinning directly uses PTA to produce polyester. In 2005, the total output of polyester in China was 12.7 million tons, and the output of polyester chips was 5.14 million tons. It can be seen that most polyester fibers are produced by direct spinning process.

As the end product of the industrial chain, the consumption of polyester for PTA reaches 70% of the total. Therefore, the fluctuation of PTA price directly affects the production cost of polyester. Polyester production enterprises can use PTA futures to buy hedging transactions to avoid the risk of PTA price rise.

1. Total growth of polyester industry

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to June 2006, the number of enterprises in China's polyester industry above designated size was 590, and the total industrial output value of this industry was 102.216 billion yuan, an increase of 23.47% year on year; Assets totaled 154.8 billion yuan, up 18.41% year on year; The sales revenue reached 100.575 billion yuan, up 23.42% year on year; The total profit reached 1.519 billion yuan, an increase of 1.042 billion yuan over the same period of the previous year, or 218.59% over the same period of the previous year; The export delivery value was 5.517 billion yuan, up 51.78% year on year; The overall number of employees in the industry was 203400, up 2.25% year on year. This shows that the total volume of polyester industry has a good growth momentum.

Table 7.1736 Chemical Fiber Output from January to June 2006 Unit: 10000 tons

Output from January to June<cumulative 05 Accumulated in the same period Year on year increase/decrease%
Chemical fibre nine hundred and sixty-three point zero five eight hundred and twenty-seven point zero eight sixteen point four four
Viscose fibre seventy-three point four two fifty-six point three thirty point four one
Synthetic fibre eight hundred and seventy-nine point three eight seven hundred and sixty-six point four one fourteen point seven four
polyester fiber seven hundred and fifty-nine point seven nine six hundred and fifty-eight point three four fifteen point four one
Polyester staple two hundred and ninety point three nine two hundred and fifty-one point five five fifteen point four four
Polyester filament four hundred and sixty-nine point four four hundred and six point seven nine fifteen point three nine
nylon thirty-nine point two one thirty-four point five six thirteen point four five
acrylic fibres forty-two point one seven thirty-nine point four eight six point eight one
Vinylon two point zero five one point eight three twelve point four three
Polypropylene ten point six four eleven point three six -6.34

The post treatment process of filament mainly includes: primary fiber - stretching - twisting - twisting - water washing and drying - heat setting - winding - grading - packaging - finished filament.

2. Polyester staple

The post treatment process of staple fiber mainly includes: primary fiber - bunching - stretching - heat setting - curling - cutting - packaging - finished staple fiber.

It can be seen from the above that the post treatment of nascent fibers mainly includes drawing, heat setting, crimping and false twisting. Stretching can change the internal structure of the nascent fiber, improve the breaking strength and wear resistance, and reduce the elongation of the product. Heat setting can adjust the intermolecular force in the polymer brought by the spinning process, improve the stability of the fiber and other physical mechanical properties and dyeing properties. Curling is to improve the processability of synthetic fibers (both wool and cotton fibers are crimped) and overcome the lack of smooth and straight surface of synthetic fibers. False twist is to improve the style of textiles, make them bulky and increase elasticity.

Generally speaking, there are three types of polyester staple fibers on the market: large chemical fiber, medium chemical fiber and small chemical fiber.

Large chemical fiber: short fiber spun by PET chip or melt direct spinning. Good color, large batch number, stable strength, few defects and good spinnability.

Chinese chemical fiber: spun with substandard PET chips or PET recycled materials. Price and quality are between big chemical fiber and small chemical fiber (some textile mills are mainly used to blend with big chemical fiber to improve competitiveness).

Small chemical fiber: spun with PET recycled material. The price and quality parameters are different, which is suitable for export to some markets and fields (such as fillers) with low quality requirements.

Generally speaking, the short fibers spun with chips are basically free from defects, with uniform fiber thickness, smooth surface, and soft feel., If pulled by hand, the chip spinning has good general strength, large batch number, no color difference, and even physical indicators.

Generally, the batch number of short fibers produced with small chemical fibers or recycled raw materials is small, and the same algebraic handle is not as good as that of large chemical fibers (except those treated). There are many defects, and occasionally the thickness is uneven. Super long fibers generally exist objectively. The physical indicators of conventional recycled materials are slightly worse.

According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics and China Customs, the output of polyester staple fiber in China from January to June 2006 was 2.9039 million tons, an increase of 15.44% year on year; From January to June, 137800 tons of polyester staple fiber were imported, 137000 tons were exported, 3.0417 million tons of new resources (output+imports) were added, and 2.9047 million tons of net resources (new resources exports, that is, apparent demand) were added, which shows that the market demand of China's polyester staple fiber industry is relatively strong. Compared with the previous month, the output, import and export of polyester staple fiber industry fluctuated in June 2006, which led to changes in the newly added resources and net added resources in that month.

3. Polyester filament

According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics and China Customs, China's polyester filament production from January to June 2006 was 4.694 million tons, an increase of 15.39% year on year; From January to June, 124900 tons of polyester filament were imported, 192200 tons were exported, 4818900 tons of new resources (output+imports) were added, and 4.6267 million tons of net resources (new resources exports, that is, apparent demand) were added, which shows that the market demand of China's polyester filament industry is relatively strong.

The national polyester filament sales are mainly concentrated in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other regions, while the inflow of other regions is relatively small.

China's polyester fiber output from January to July 2006 was 8.9273 million tons, an increase of 14.10% over the same period of the previous year; Zhejiang is the province with the largest output, with the output of 41010000 tons from January to July, which is the leader of provinces and cities; The second is Jiangsu Province, with an output of 3.1102 million tons, ranking second; Followed by Fujian Province, with an output of 549300 tons, ranking third; Shanghai ranked fourth with 177800 tons; Shandong Province has 157200 tons, accounting for the fifth place; Sichuan Province ranked sixth with 134600 tons; Next is Guangdong Province, with 128500 tons, ranking seventh; Henan Province has 127100 tons, accounting for the eighth; Tianjin ranked ninth with 124200 tons; Jiangxi Province, 76500 tons, ranked tenth; Liaoning Province has 60900 tons, ranking 11th; Hainan Province ranked 12th with 32400 tons. The total output of the above 12 provinces and cities from January to July 2006 was 8.7797 million tons, accounting for 98.35% of the total polyester fiber output of the country.

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