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Soybean oil futures contract

http://www.sina.com.cn    20:32, May 21, 2012    Dalian Commodity Exchange
Transaction type Soybean crude oil
Trading unit 10 tons/hand
Bidder RMB/ton
minimum price change 2 yuan/ton
Limit range 4% of the settlement price on the previous trading day
Contract month 1,3,5,7,8,9,11 and December
Transaction time 9:00~11:30 am and 13:30~15:00 pm from Monday to Friday
Last Notice Day The 10th trading day of the contract month
Last delivery date The third trading day after the last trading day
Delivery Grade Dalian Commodity Exchange (Weibo) Delivery quality standard of soybean oil
delivery points Dalian Commodity Exchange designated delivery warehouse
Minimum transaction margin 5% of contract value
Transaction fees Not more than 6 yuan/hand
delivery methods physical settlement
Transaction code Y
Listed Exchange Dalian Commodity Exchange

   Dalian Commodity Exchange Soybean oil Delivery quality standard

1. Subject Content and Scope of Application

1.1 This standard specifies the quality indicators and grading standards of soybean oil used for delivery in Dalian Commodity Exchange.

1.2 Soybean oil futures contract of Dalian Commodity Exchange soybean Crude oil refers to soybean oil processed with soybean as raw material, which cannot be directly consumed by human beings. The origin is unlimited.

1.3 This standard is applicable to the delivery standards of soybean oil futures contracts of Dalian Commodity Exchange.

2. Normative references

The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding error correcting contents) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. For undated references, the latest version is applicable to this standard.

GB 1535 Soybean Oil

SN/T 0798 Terminology for inspection of imported and exported grain, oil and feed

GB 5537 Inspection of vegetable oils Determination of phospholipids

3. Terms and definitions

3.1 Phosphorus content: in accordance with SN/T 0798.

3.2 Other terms and definitions: comply with relevant provisions in GB1535.

4. Quality requirements

4.1 Characteristic indicators: comply with relevant provisions in GB1535.

4.2 Quality grade index:

project quality index
Smell and taste It has the inherent smell and taste of soybean crude oil, without peculiar smell
Moisture and volatile matter (%) ≤ zero point two zero
Insoluble impurity (%) ≤ zero point two zero
Acid value (mg KOH/g) ≤ three
Peroxide value (mmol/kg) ≤ seven point five
Solvent residue (mg/kg) ≤ one hundred
Phosphorus content (mg/kg) ≤ two hundred

4.3 Hygiene index: according to GB 1535.

4.4 Others: according to GB 1535.

5. Inspection methods, inspection rules and labels

5.1 The phosphorus content shall be tested according to GB 5537.

5.2 Others: according to GB 1535.

6. Additional instructions

This standard is interpreted by Dalian Commodity Exchange.

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