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Standard contract for steel futures

http://www.sina.com.cn    14:56, May 18, 2012    Shanghai Futures Exchange

Transaction type

Screw thread steel

Trading unit

10 tons/hand



minimum price change

1 yuan/ton

Maximum daily price fluctuation limit

Not more than ± 5% of the settlement price of the previous trading day

Contract Month

January December

Transaction time

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m

Last Notice Day

The 15th day of the contract delivery month (postponed in case of legal holidays)

Closing Date

Five consecutive working days after the last trading day

Delivery grade

Standard products: φ 16mm, φ 18mm, φ 20mm, φ 22mm, φ 25mm deformed bars conforming to the national standard GB1499.2-2007 Steel for Reinforced Concrete Part 2: Hot Rolled Ribbed Bars HRB400 or HRBF400.


Substitute: φ 16mm, φ 18mm, φ 20mm, φ 22mm, φ 25mm deformed bars conforming to the national standard GB1499.2-2007 Steel for Reinforced Concrete Part 2: Hot Rolled Ribbed Bars HRB335 or HRBF335.

delivery points

Delivery warehouse designated by the Exchange

Minimum transaction margin

7% of contract value

Transaction fees

Not more than 2/10000 of the transaction amount (including risk reserve)

Minimum delivery unit

300 tons

delivery methods

physical settlement

Transaction code


Listed Exchange

Shanghai Futures Exchange

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