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Natural rubber trading rules

http://www.sina.com.cn    18:10, May 17, 2012    Shanghai Futures Exchange

   Risk management measures

The risk management of the Exchange adopts the margin system, the price limit system, the speculative position limit system, the large account reporting system, the compulsory position closing system and the risk warning system.

1. Margin system

Trading margin refers to the funds that a member guarantees the performance of the contract in the exchange account, which is the occupied margin. natural rubber The minimum trading margin for standard contracts is 5% of the contract value.

The Exchange formulates different standards for the collection of trading margins according to the different number of positions of a standard contract and the different stages of the listing operation (that is, from the date of the new listing of the contract to the last trading day). The specific provisions are as follows:

During the trading process, when the position of a standard contract reaches the total position of a certain level, the collection standard of trading margin will not be adjusted temporarily. At the settlement of the day, if the position amount of a standard contract reaches the total position amount of a certain level, the Exchange will charge the trading margin corresponding to the total position amount for all positions of the contract. If the margin is insufficient, it shall be added in place before the opening of the next trading day.

When a certain standard contract reaches the standard that the trading margin should be adjusted, the Exchange shall settle all historical positions of the contract according to the new trading margin standard at the time of settlement on the trading day before the implementation of the new standard. If the margin is insufficient, it shall be added in place before the opening of the next trading day.

After entering the delivery month, the seller can use the standard warehouse receipt as the performance guarantee of the standard contract position in the delivery month with the same quantity as that shown, and the trading margin corresponding to its position will not be collected.

2. Price limit system

The price limit refers to the maximum range of intraday price fluctuation allowed by the standard contract. The quotation exceeding this range is deemed invalid and cannot be concluded.

In the trading process of a standard contract, the Exchange may adjust the limit range of its rise and fall according to the market risk when the following situations occur:

(1) When the standard contract price rises or falls continuously in the same direction; (2) In case of national statutory long holidays; (3) When the Exchange considers that the market risk changes significantly; (4) Other circumstances deemed necessary by the Exchange.

If the exchange decides to adjust the range of the limit according to the market conditions, it shall make an announcement and report to the CSRC.

Where two or more of the price limits prescribed in these Measures are applied at the same time, the price limit shall be determined according to the highest value of the prescribed price limit.

The price limit of natural rubber standard contract shall not exceed ± 3% of the settlement price of the previous trading day. When a natural rubber standard contract has a unilateral market on a certain trading day (the trading day is called D1 trading day, and the following trading days are called D2, D3, D4, D5, and D6 trading days respectively), the adjustment of the price limit of the standard contract and the collection of trading margin are as follows:

On D4 trading day, the Exchange decides to implement any of the following two measures for the natural rubber standard contract according to the market conditions:

Measure 1: On the D4 trading day, the Exchange decided and announced that on the D5 trading day, it would take one or more of the unilateral or bilateral, the same or different proportion, some members or all members to increase the trading margin, suspend some members or all members to open new positions, adjust the range of up and down limit, limit cash, close positions within a time limit, and forcibly close positions to mitigate market risks, However, the adjusted range of price limit shall not exceed 20%. After the Exchange announces the adjustment of the margin level, those with insufficient margin shall be added in place before the opening of the D5 trading day. If the rise and fall of the standard contract does not reach the daily limit on D5 trading day, the rise and fall limit and the trading margin ratio of the standard contract on D6 trading day will return to the normal level; If the rise and fall of the standard contract on the D5 trading day and the D3 trading day reach the daily limit again in the same direction, the Exchange will declare it an abnormal situation and take risk control measures according to relevant regulations; If the rise and fall of the standard contract on the D5 trading day and the D3 trading day reach the daily rise and fall limit in the opposite direction, it will be deemed as the beginning of a new round of unilateral market, and that day will be deemed as the D1 trading day. The trading margin and rise and fall limit on the next day shall be subject to Article 12 of the Shanghai Futures Exchange Risk Control Management Measures.

Measure 2: At the time of settlement on the D4 trading day, the Exchange will automatically match the unsettled closing positions declared at the up and down limit prices on the D3 trading day with the profitable customers (or non members of futures companies, the same below) of the net positions of the contract at the up and down limit prices on the D3 trading day according to their positions. If the same customer holds a two-way position, he/she should first liquidate his/her own position, and then liquidate the position according to the above method.

3. Risk management when prices fluctuate significantly

When the cumulative increase and decrease (N) of a natural rubber standard contract for three consecutive trading days (i.e. D1, D2, D3 trading days) reaches 9%; Or the cumulative increase or decrease (N) of four consecutive trading days (i.e. D1, D2, D3, D4 trading days) reaches 12%; Or five consecutive trading days (i.e. D1 D2, D3, D4, D5 trading days), when the cumulative increase or decrease (N) reaches 13.5%, the Exchange may, according to the market situation, unilaterally or bilaterally, with the same or different proportion, increase the trading margin of some members or all members, restrict some members or all members to contribute money, temporarily suspend some members or all members to open new positions, adjust the limit of increase or decrease, and close positions within a time limit, One or more of the measures such as compulsory position closing, but the adjusted range of the limit of rise and fall shall not exceed 20%.

4. Limited warehouse system

The position limit refers to the maximum amount of a certain contractual speculative position that members or clients can hold according to the regulations of the Exchange and calculated unilaterally. The hedging transaction position shall be subject to the approval system.

The same customer has opened multiple transaction codes at different futures company members, and the total of all positions on each transaction code shall not exceed the position limit of one customer.

For natural rubber varieties, members of futures companies implement proportional position limits, and members and customers of non futures companies implement amount position limits.

5. Large account reporting system The Exchange implements the large account reporting system.

When the speculative position of a member or client in a certain type of position contract reaches more than 80% (including the amount) of the speculative position position limit specified by the Exchange or the Exchange requires reporting, the member or client shall report its capital and position to the Exchange, and the client shall report through the members of the futures company. The Exchange may formulate and adjust position reporting standards according to market risk conditions.

If the positions of members and clients reach the reporting limit of the Exchange, members and clients shall take the initiative to report to the Exchange before 15:00 of the next trading day. If it is necessary to report again or supplement the report, the Exchange will notify the relevant members.

6. Compulsory position closing system

When a member or client has one of the following circumstances, the Exchange will forcibly close its position:

(1) The balance of the member's settlement reserve fund is less than zero and cannot be replenished within the specified time limit; (2) The position exceeds the position limit; (3) The positions of relevant varieties are not adjusted to corresponding integral multiples within the specified time as required; (4) Being punished by the Exchange for compulsory position closing due to violation of regulations; (5) The position should be closed compulsorily according to the emergency measures of the Exchange; (6) Other positions that should be closed by force.

Compulsory closing of the natural rubber standard contract in Item (2): if the customer (or non member of the futures company) is overweight, the customer (or non member of the futures company)'s overweight position will be forcibly closed; If members of futures companies reach or exceed the position limit, they shall not open positions in the same direction.

   Hedging Management Measures

   Hedging refers to buying (or selling) standard contracts of the same commodity in the futures market in the opposite direction and in the same quantity as the spot market, so that no matter how the price of the spot supply market fluctuates, it can ultimately achieve the result of losing money in one market while making profits in another market, and the amount of loss is roughly equal to the amount of profit, so as to avoid risks.

The hedging trading position of natural rubber futures shall be subject to the approval system. Hedging transactions are divided into buying hedging transactions and selling hedging transactions.

According to the Measures of Shanghai Futures Exchange for the Administration of Natural Rubber Hedging Transactions (for Trial Implementation), natural rubber hedging trading positions are divided into hedging trading positions in general months (the Measures refer to the last trading day of the second month before the contract is listed to the delivery month) (hereinafter referred to as "hedging trading positions in general months") And the closing month (the Measures refer to the first month before the closing month and the closing month) (hereinafter referred to as "the closing month hedging trading position"). Members or clients shall apply for hedging trading positions in the next delivery month after applying for obtaining hedging trading positions in the general month.

Customers who need to carry out hedging transactions shall report to the members of the futures company whose accounts are opened, and the members of the futures company shall go through the reporting procedures with the Exchange according to these Measures after examination; Members of non futures companies directly go through the declaration procedures with the Exchange.

Members or clients of non futures companies applying for hedging trading positions in general months shall have production and operation qualifications related to hedging trading varieties.

1. Materials to be submitted by customers applying for hedging transactions in general months

Members or clients applying for general monthly hedging trading positions shall fill in the Application (Approval) Form for General Monthly Hedging Trading Positions of Natural Rubber in Shanghai Futures Exchange and submit the following supporting materials to the Exchange:

(1) Copy of duplicate of enterprise business license; (2) Spot business performance of the previous year; (3) The spot business plan of the current year or the next year, mainly including: enterprise production plan, spot vouchers (purchase and sale contract, invoice or warehouse receipt, etc.) corresponding to the hedging transaction position applied for; (4) Enterprise hedging transaction scheme (mainly including risk source analysis, hedging objectives, expected number of deliveries or positions to be closed); 23 (5) Other supporting materials required by the Exchange.

2. Materials to be submitted by clients applying for hedging transactions in the near delivery month

Members or clients applying for hedging trading positions in the near delivery month shall fill in the Application (Approval) Form for Hedging Trading Positions of Natural Rubber in the Near Delivery Month of Shanghai Futures Exchange and submit the following supporting materials to the Exchange:

In addition to the above certification materials, the Exchange may require members or clients to provide other certification materials when it deems necessary.

3. Application time of hedging

The application for hedging trading position shall be submitted before the 20th day of the month before the delivery month of the hedging contract, and the overdue exchange will no longer accept the application for hedging trading position of the contract in the delivery month. The hedger can apply for the hedging trading position of contracts in multiple delivery months at one time. The Exchange shall review the hedging position application within 5 trading days after receiving it.

4. Time of hedging position establishment

Members or clients who are allowed to hedge trading positions shall, before the closing of the market on the last trading day of the month before the month of delivery of the hedging contract, build positions according to the approved trading positions and positions. If a position is not established within the specified time limit, it shall be deemed that the hedging trading position is automatically abandoned. Hedging trading positions shall not be reused from the first trading day of the month before the month of closing.

   Settlement procedures and relevant regulations

   Settlement refers to the business activities of calculating and allocating the trading deposits, profits and losses, service charges, payment for delivery of goods and other relevant funds of members according to the trading results and relevant regulations of the Exchange.

1. Daily settlement

The Exchange shall open a special settlement account in each depository bank for futures deposits to deposit members' deposits and related funds; A member shall open a special fund account in the depository bank of futures deposits to deposit deposits and related funds. The Exchange shall implement separate account management for the deposits of members in the special capital account of the Exchange.

The Exchange implements a liability free settlement system on the same day, that is, after the end of each day's trading, the Exchange settles the profits and losses of all contracts, trading deposits, service fees, taxes and other fees at the settlement price on the same day, and transfers the net amount of accounts receivable and payable at one time, increasing or reducing the settlement reserves of members accordingly.

Additional margin: At the end of each day's closing, if the settlement reserve after settlement is less than the minimum balance, the member shall add funds in place before 8:30 on the next trading day. If it is not added in time, if the balance of the settlement reserve is greater than zero but lower than the minimum balance of the settlement reserve, it is prohibited to open new positions; If the settlement reserve is less than zero, the Exchange will implement "compulsory closing positions" according to relevant regulations.

2. Marketable securities

With the approval of the Exchange, members may use securities as margin, but losses, expenses, taxes and other funds shall be settled in monetary capital. Customers shall entrust members of futures companies to deposit securities. When a member of a futures company holds the client's securities to offset the margin, it shall provide the Client's Special Power of Attorney signed and sealed by the client. However, if the client's standard warehouse receipt is used to offset the margin, the client can authorize the member in the standard warehouse receipt management system and submit the authorization to the Exchange.

The clearing institution of the exchange shall be responsible for the business of using securities as margin, and the deadline for daily acceptance shall be the closing time of the transaction. In case of special circumstances, the Exchange may extend the acceptance time.

(1) Type of securities: standard warehouse receipt. The paper standard warehouse receipt shall not be used as margin. Members or customers shall go through the procedures for returning paper standard warehouse receipts to the warehouse and restore them to electronic form before they can make up for the deposit; Other securities determined by the Exchange.

(2) When applying for members to handle the business of securities as margin, they shall apply to the Exchange. When a member uses the client's securities as margin, it shall also submit the Client's Special Authorization Letter signed and sealed by the client. However, if the client's standard warehouse receipt is used as margin, the client can authorize the member in the standard warehouse receipt management system and submit the authorization to the trading house.

Members who verify the deposit of standard warehouse receipts as margin shall submit the electronic standard warehouse receipts to the Exchange through the standard warehouse receipt management system to handle the deposit formalities after the application is approved by the Exchange (see the Standard Warehouse Receipt Management Measures of Shanghai Futures Exchange for specific operation methods).

The verification and deposit of other securities shall comply with the provisions of the Exchange.

(3) If the standard warehouse receipt is used as the margin, the market value of the securities shall be calculated based on the settlement price of the standard contract in the latest delivery month of the variety. The amount of the margin shall not be more than 80% of the market value of the standard warehouse receipt. The amount that can be used as margin after the market value of the securities is discounted is called the discounted amount.

The benchmark price of other securities as margin shall be determined by the Exchange.

At the time of daily settlement, the Exchange shall re determine the benchmark price of the securities and adjust the discounted amount in accordance with the above methods.

3. VAT issues

In the transaction of natural rubber futures, due to the physical delivery, there is also a problem in the issuance of VAT invoices. Because VAT is managed and collected by the national tax authorities, the responsibilities of the exchange and members and how to operate in it have become a must for everyone to understand. The standard delivery varieties of our natural rubber are imported and domestic natural rubber. They also have different calculation methods in the operation of collecting VAT. The customs collects 17% VAT on imported natural rubber, while the special VAT invoice issued by members or customers at the time of physical delivery as required by Shanghai Futures Exchange still applies 17% tax rate to imported natural rubber and 13% tax rate to domestic natural rubber.

Total price and tax on the VAT invoice=(settlement price on the last trading day of the standard contract - discount) × sales and delivery volume

The Exchange shall issue special VAT invoices to the buyer members and collect special VAT invoices from the seller members. The buyer members issue special VAT invoices to the buyer's customers and collect special VAT invoices from the exchange. The seller members issue special VAT invoices to the exchange and collect special VAT invoices from the seller's customers.

If a member delays in submitting the special VAT invoice for 3 to 10 days, a late fee of 0.5 ‰ of the amount of the payment for goods will be imposed every day; If the payment is delayed for 11 to 30 days, a late fee of 1 ‰ of the amount of the payment will be charged every day; If the special VAT invoice has not been paid for more than 30 days, it shall be deemed that the special VAT invoice has not been paid, and a fine of 20% of the amount of goods payment shall be imposed.

   Closing procedures and relevant regulations

    1. Settlement price

Delivery and settlement price of natural rubber futures: the delivery and settlement price of natural rubber futures is the weighted average price of the last five trading days of the contract according to the trading volume.

2. Delivery unit

Physical delivery shall be delivered by each hand or its integral multiple.

3. Quality standard (standard)

(1) The quality of domestic natural rubber (SCR WF) meets the national standard GB/T8081 ~ 2008. The "Baodao", "Meilian", "Wuzhishan" brands of Hainan Natural Rubber Industry Group Co., Ltd. and the "Yunxiang", "Dongfeng" and "Jinfeng" brands of natural rubber (SCRWF) of Yunnan Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd. have been approved for registration and can be used for the performance and delivery of our standard contract for natural rubber.

(2) The quality of imported No. 3 cigarette film (RS S 3) conforms to the International Standard for Quality and Packaging of Natural Rubber Grades (Green Book) (1979) formulated by the International Rubber Quality Packaging Conference (IRQPC), and No. 3 cigarette film (RSS3) produced in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and other countries.

4. Packaging

(1) The outer package of domestic natural rubber (SCR WF) shall be double packed with polyethylene film and polypropylene woven bags, 30 packages per ton (net content of each package is 33.3kg) or 25 packages (net content of each package is 40kg), without excess or shortage. The size of the plastic bag is 670 × 330 × 200mm or 600 × 400 × 200mm, and the plastic bag has 27 marks of anti-counterfeiting steel. The rubber bag shall be marked with: product grade, registered trademark, net weight, name, address, production code, production date and other contents.

(2) The imported No.3 cigarette rubber sheet is the rubber bag covered by the film. The weight of the rubber bag in each delivery batch should be the same. The weight of the standard parts is 111.11kg, 9 bags per ton, without excess or shortage. The weight of non-standard parts can be measured according to the actual weight, and ± 0.2% pound difference and ± 3% excess/shortage are allowed.

5. Necessary documents for delivery of commodities

(1) At the time of physical delivery of domestic natural rubber (SCR WF), the original of the quality inspection certificate (or test/appraisal report) issued by the national legal inspection agency designated by the Exchange that is consistent with the physical delivery shall be provided.

(2) At the time of physical delivery of the imported No. 3 cigarette adhesive sheet, the original or duplicate of the customs declaration form for imported goods, the commodity inspection certificate, namely, the original or duplicate of the Notice of Inspection Situation, the foreign trade contract, the Special Payment Certificate for Customs Import Duties, and the Special Payment Certificate for Customs Collection of Value Added Tax shall be provided.

(3) The inspection method is sampling inspection. The sampling place shall be in the designated delivery warehouse after warehousing, and it is strictly prohibited to sample in the station, wharf and other transportation routes. The inspection batch shall be less than 100 tons (including 100 tons), and more than 100 tons shall be inspected in several batches.

In case of any adjustment of the national taxation, commodity inspection and other policies, the provisions thereof shall be observed, and the requirements for the documents of relevant imported commodities shall be separately issued by the Exchange.

6. Validity

(1) The validity period of delivery of domestic natural rubber (SCR WF) in stock is the last delivery month of the second year of the production year, and those beyond the deadline will be transferred to spot. If the domestic natural rubber produced in the current year is to be used for physical delivery, it shall be warehoused before June (excluding June) of the next year at the latest, and shall not be used for delivery beyond the time limit.

(2) The validity period of delivery of imported No. 3 cigarette adhesive sheet in warehouse is 18 months from the date of issuance of the commodity inspection certificate, and those beyond the time limit shall be transferred to the spot. The No. 3 cigarette film used for physical delivery shall be warehoused within six months from the date of issuance of the commodity inspection certificate, otherwise it shall not be used for delivery.

(3) The commodity inspection certificate and quality inspection certificate (or inspection/appraisal report) of natural rubber in warehouse shall be valid within 90 days from the date of issuance. After the expiration, the corresponding commodities shall be re inspected and qualified before being used for the next delivery.

7. The natural rubber in storage must be dry and clean

At the time of acceptance, the designated delivery warehouse shall unpack and inspect 10% of the whole batch of delivered goods and re sew them. In case of surface aging, cracking, rain, dampness, mildew, blackening, serious pollution and other conditions affecting the use, they shall be rejected and shall not be used for delivery.

The subject matter listed in the standard warehouse receipt shall be natural rubber of the same batch and packaging specification.

8. Payment of storage fee

The storage expenses before (including) the final delivery date shall be borne by the Seller, and the storage expenses after the final delivery date shall be borne by the Buyer. After charging, the designated delivery warehouse shall endorse the storage fee payment end date on the standard warehouse receipt. The owner of the goods shall go through the payment formalities at the designated delivery warehouse before the end of each month, and may make advance payment.

9. Settlement process

The physical delivery must be completed within the delivery period specified in the contract. The delivery period refers to the 16th to 20th days of the contract month. If the last trading day encounters a legal holiday or the delivery period encounters a legal holiday, the delivery period shall be postponed accordingly, and five delivery days are guaranteed. These five delivery dates are called the first, second, third, fourth and fifth delivery dates respectively. The fifth settlement date is the final settlement date. Shanghai Futures Exchange currently implements the five-day delivery system.

The delivery procedure is as follows: on the first delivery day (1), the buyer declares its intention. The buyer submits the letter of intent for the required commodities to the exchange, including the variety, brand, quantity, and the name of the designated delivery warehouse.

(2) The seller submits the standard warehouse receipt. The Seller shall deliver the standard warehouse receipt that has paid the storage fees to the Exchange through the standard warehouse receipt management system.

On the second delivery day, the exchange allocates standard warehouse receipts. The Exchange shall distribute standard warehouse receipts to the buyer according to the existing resources and the principle of "time priority, quantity rounding, nearest matching and overall arrangement".

For the standard warehouse receipts that cannot be used for the delivery of the next standard contract, the exchange shall apportion them to the buyer in proportion to the total delivery amount of the current month.

The third delivery date (1) The buyer pays and withdraws the order. The buyer must deliver 29 items (including premium and discount) to the exchange before 14:00 on the third delivery day and obtain the standard warehouse receipt.

(2) The seller receives payment. The Exchange shall pay the payment for goods (including premium) to the Seller before 16:00 on the third delivery day. In case of special circumstances, the Exchange may extend the payment time for goods for delivery.

On the fourth and fifth delivery days, the Seller shall submit VAT special invoices.

After receiving the payment for goods delivered by the buyer member, the exchange shall return the margin of its delivery position. If the Exchange believes that there may be quality objections to the goods delivered this time, it has the right to refund the margin of the delivery position of the seller members who have no objections to this delivery on the first working day after the 15th day of the next month of the delivery month. In case of disputes over the delivery quality of natural rubber, Shanghai Futures Exchange shall designate a testing institution.

10. Circulation procedure of standard warehouse receipt for physical delivery at the exchange

(1) The seller's customer authorizes the standard warehouse receipt to the seller's futures company to handle the physical delivery business; (2) The seller member submits the standard warehouse receipt to the Exchange; (3) The Exchange shall distribute the standard warehouse receipt to the buyer members; (4) The buyer futures company distributes the standard warehouse receipt to the buyer customer.

During the delivery period, if the standard warehouse receipt, value-added tax invoice, payment for goods and other delivery matters are completed before 14:00 on the same day, the Exchange will refund the corresponding margin of the delivery position on the same day. Otherwise, the Exchange will clear the margin of delivery position on the next trading day.

11. Futures to cash

(1) The term cash transfer refers to that members (clients) holding contracts in the same month with opposite directions reach consensus and apply to Shanghai Futures Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Exchange). After obtaining the approval of the Exchange, they will respectively close their positions on behalf of the Exchange at the price specified by the Exchange, At the same time, the exchange of warehouse receipts with the same quantity, variety and direction as the subject matter of the standard contract shall be conducted at the price agreed by both parties.

(2) The term of periodic cash transfer is from the first trading day after the last trading day of the contract in the previous month of the delivery month of the periodic cash transfer contract to the two trading days (including that day) before the last trading day of the delivery month. However, the application for periodic cash transfer shall not be handled on the last three trading days of the month before the delivery month of the contract for periodic cash transfer.

Operation Manual for Trading of Natural Rubber Futures Contract http://www.shfe.com.cn30 After the members (customers) of the buyer and the seller who hold the contract of the same delivery month reach an agreement, they shall apply to the Exchange for handling the procedures of periodic cash transfer before 14:00 on the trading day within the above period, and fill in the application form of periodic cash transfer uniformly printed by the Exchange.

(3) The scope of application of periodic cash transfer is applicable to the historical positions of all listed varieties of the Exchange, not the new positions opened on the application date.

(4) Settlement price for settlement of periodic cash transfer The agreed price reached by the members (customers) of the buyer and the seller.

(5) The futures position of the delivery month originally held by the buyer and seller of the application period for cash transfer shall be disposed of by the Exchange before 15:00 of the application date according to the settlement price of the contract of the delivery month on the trading day before the application date.

(6) Transaction margin (settlement margin) for short-term cash transfer

It shall be calculated according to the standard contract settlement price of the delivery month on the trading day before the application date.

(7) Bill exchange for periodic cash transfer (including payment for goods and warehouse receipt)

It shall be completed in the Exchange before 14:00 of the trading day after the application date.

(8) The seller shall submit the special VAT invoice to the Exchange within seven days after handling the procedures for periodic cash transfer, but not later than the penultimate trading day of the month. If the seller delivers the special VAT invoice before 14:00, the exchange will refund the corresponding deposit to the seller after the review. If it is delivered after 14:00, the exchange will clear the corresponding margin at the settlement of the next trading day. The exchange shall issue the special VAT invoice to the buyer within the next working day after receiving the special VAT invoice from the seller.

If the VAT invoice is not submitted on time, it shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Detailed Rules for Settlement of Shanghai Futures Exchange.

(9) When non-standard warehouse receipts apply for periodic cash transfer of non-standard warehouse receipts, in addition to filling in the unified application form of the Exchange, they must also provide copies of the corresponding sales agreement and bill of lading; The bill exchange of non-standard warehouse receipt for periodic cash transfer shall be conducted among relevant members; Any dispute involving the quality of non-standard warehouse receipt physical delivery shall be handled by the relevant members, and the Exchange shall not assume the guarantee responsibility for this.

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