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Standard contract for soybean meal and soybean oil

http://www.sina.com.cn    15:00, May 15, 2012    Dalian Commodity Exchange
 Soybean contract soybean contract

Dalian Commodity Exchange (Weibo) Yellow Soybean No.1 Delivery Quality Standard

(FA/DCE D001-2009)

1 Scope

This Standard specifies the delivery quality indicators, grading standards and inspection methods for Yellow Soybean No. 1 Futures Contract of Dalian Commodity Exchange.

This standard is applicable to delivery standards and substitutes of Yellow Soybean No. 1 Futures Contract of Dalian Commodity Exchange.

The yellow soybean referred to in this standard is yellow and light yellow in seed coat, and yellow brown, light brown, dark brown, black or other colors in navel.

2 Reference standards

The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. For undated references, the latest version is applicable to this standard.

GB 1352-2009 Soybean

Guo Liang Fa [2000] No. 143 Rules for Determining Grain and Oil Storage Quality (Trial)

3 Terms and definitions

Terms and definitions used in this standard shall be interpreted in accordance with GB 1352-2009 and Guo Liang Fa [2000] No. 143.

4 Quality requirements and hygiene requirements

4.1 Quality technical requirements for delivery standard of Yellow Soybean No.1:

Percentage of intact grains (%) seed coat Damaged particle rate (%) Impurity content (%) Moisture content (%) Color and smell
total Including: heat loss particles
≥85.0 The limit of yellow and light yellow mixed with heterochromatic particles is 5.0% ≤3.0 ≤0.5 ≤1.0 ≤13.0 normal

4.2 Price increase and deduction for quality difference of Yellow Soybean No.1 futures contract:

project Quality standard (%) Allowable range (%) Quality difference (%)

(High+; Low -)

Price increase and deduction (yuan/ton) remarks
Percentage of intact grains ≥85.0 ≥95.0 ---- thirty ----
≥ 90.0 and<95.0 ten
≥ 80.0 and<85.0 zero
≥ 75.0 and<80.0 -30
Damaged grain rate total ≤3.0 ≤5.0 ---- zero ----
≤8.0 -30
Including: heat loss particles ≤0.5 ≤3.0 zero
moisture content ≤13.0 11. 1. 3 Contract month<15.0

5. 7. September Contract month ≤ 13.5

-1.0 +20 1. Elevated water to moisture content 12.0%

2. If the price is lower than or higher than the standard by less than 1.0%, no price increase or deduction will be calculated

+1.0 -55
Impurity content ≤1.0 <2.0 -0.5 +10 If the price is lower than or higher than the standard by less than 0.5%, no price increase or deduction will be calculated
+0.5 -30

4.3 GM soybeans shall not be delivered as standard products or substitutes.
4.4 Sanitary standards and animal and plant quarantine items shall be implemented according to GB1352-2009.
4.5 Technical requirements for storage quality: warehousing index, suitable for storage; Delivery index, suitable for storage or unsuitable for storage

5 Inspection methods and rules

Implement according to GB 1352-2009 and Guo Liang Fa [2000] No. 143.

6 Additional instructions

This standard is interpreted by Dalian Commodity Exchange.

   Soybean meal Standard contract

 Standard contract of soybean meal Standard contract of soybean meal

1 Subject Content and Scope of Application

1.1 This standard specifies the quality requirements, test methods, inspection rules, labels, packaging, transportation and storage of soybean meal for delivery in Dalian Commodity Exchange.

1.2 The soybean meal specified in the soybean meal futures contract of Dalian Commodity Exchange refers to the soybean meal for feed obtained from soybean as raw material and oil extracted by pre pressing extraction or extraction method. The origin is not limited.

1.3 This standard is applicable to the delivery standards of soybean meal futures contracts in Dalian Commodity Exchange.

2 Normative references

It shall comply with the relevant provisions of normative references in GB/T 19541-2004.

3 Terms and definitions

It shall comply with the relevant provisions of terms and definitions in GB/T 19541-2004.

4 Requirements

4.1 Sensory properties: The product is light yellow brown or light yellow irregular fragment, powder or granular, without fermentation, mildew, non extrusion agglomeration, moth eaten, and odor.

4.2 Inclusion: It shall comply with the relevant provisions on inclusion in GB/T 19541-2004.

4.3 Quality indicators of standards:

 Quality index of standard Quality index of standard

4.4 Hygienic standard: It shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T 19541-2004.

5 Test methods, inspection rules, labels, packaging, transportation and storage

The packaging shall be subject to the provisions of the Detailed Rules for Delivery of Dalian Commodity Exchange, and others shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T 19541-2004 on test methods, inspection rules, labeling, transportation and storage.

6 Additional instructions

6.1 This standard is interpreted by Dalian Commodity Exchange.

6.2 This standard has been implemented since March 2007.

   Soybean oil Standard contract

 Standard contract of soybean oil Standard contract of soybean oil

Quality Standards for Delivery of Soybean Oil in Dalian Commodity Exchange

1. Subject Content and Scope of Application

1.1 This standard specifies the quality indicators and grading standards of soybean oil used for delivery in Dalian Commodity Exchange.

1.2 The soybean crude oil specified in the soybean oil futures contract of Dalian Commodity Exchange refers to the soybean oil that is processed with soybean as raw material and cannot be directly consumed by human beings. The origin is not limited.

1.3 This standard is applicable to the delivery standards of soybean oil futures contracts of Dalian Commodity Exchange.

2. Normative references

The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding error correcting contents) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. For undated references, the latest version is applicable to this standard.

GB 1535 Soybean Oil

SN/T 0798 Terminology for inspection of imported and exported grain, oil and feed

GB 5537 Inspection of vegetable oils Determination of phospholipids

3. Terms and definitions

3.1 Phosphorus content: in accordance with SN/T 0798.

3.2 Other terms and definitions: comply with relevant provisions in GB1535.

4. Quality requirements

4.1 Characteristic indicators: comply with relevant provisions in GB1535.

4.2 Quality grade index:

 Quality grade index: Quality grade index:

4.3 Hygiene index: according to GB 1535.

4.4 Others: according to GB 1535.

5. Inspection methods, inspection rules and labels

5.1 The phosphorus content shall be tested according to GB 5537.

5.2 Others: according to GB 1535.

6. Additional instructions

This standard is interpreted by Dalian Commodity Exchange.

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