Two extra large oil fields of one billion ton were found in Junggar Basin

Two extra large oil fields of one billion ton were found in Junggar Basin
09:35, November 20, 2018 Sina Finance We Media Integration

   Two extra large oil fields of one billion ton were found in Junggar Basin

Source: E energy circle

In the early winter, the vast hinterland of Junggar Basin has been covered with snow. In the cold wind, more than 40 rigs were used for continuous construction. Under the dance of "kowtow machine", front-line employees carefully patrol to ensure safe production. A battle to increase reserves and production was launched in Mahu and Jimsar regions of Xinjiang.

On November 14, the reporter learned from the work report on the exploration and development of Mahu and Jimsar regions in the Junggar Basin of CNPC that in just half a year, the on-site headquarters of exploration and development construction in Mahu and Jimsar regions of the Group Company (hereinafter referred to as the headquarters) and the participating units effectively promoted the exploration and development process in the two regions, It has achieved "rapid reserves growth, rapid development and production, and rapid technology matching", achieved fruitful results beyond expectations, and further strengthened the confidence and determination to accelerate the development of Junggar Basin.

Mahu and Jimsar two billion ton super large oil fields are the largest oil and gas exploration achievements in China in recent years, and the most realistic reserve increase and production replacement areas in China at present. In May this year, the party group of the group company, focusing on the strategic overall situation of ensuring national energy security and supporting the stable development of Xinjiang, decided to establish a headquarters to accelerate the overall exploration and development of the two regions, and help Xinjiang to produce 50 million tons of oil and gas equivalent and 100 million tons of domestic crude oil effectively and stably.

According to the deployment requirements of the group company, under the unified leadership and efficient management of the headquarters, around the goal of centralized exploration and benefit development, give full play to the overall advantages, concentrate technical forces, and fine arrange the deployment from scheme research, technical breakthrough, organization and coordination, on-site implementation and other aspects. The 14 units participating in the war of the Group Company worked together to promote the overall exploration, development and construction process of the two regions.

Up to now, the three-dimensional exploration pattern of multi-layer system in Mahu oil region has basically formed, and the prospect of efficient development of medium and shallow layers is promising; Jimsar shale oil exploration and development has been accelerated, showing good prospects for production. With the high-quality and efficient promotion of production capacity construction, scale construction has been fully launched, Mahu Oil Region plans to build a new production capacity of 950000 tons this year. From January to October, it will produce 767000 tons of oil. It is expected to produce 950000 tons of oil throughout the year, an increase of 270000 tons year-on-year Jimsar Shale Oil Area plans to build a new capacity of 158000 tons, with 36000 tons of oil produced from January to October, and is expected to produce 50000 tons of oil throughout the year It is estimated that the two regions can build 1.108 million tons of new capacity and 1 million tons of crude oil output throughout the year, both exceeding one million tons.

At the beginning of August, the headquarters organized and carried out a labor competition with the theme of "improving speed and efficiency, controlling the capitulation book", which achieved good results. The average duration of the first four wells drilled in Ma131 Demonstration Area is 41.8 days, 56% shorter than the average duration of the block. The fracturing operation efficiency in the two regions increased by 41% and 32% respectively.

It is understood that, According to the accelerated development plan, the crude oil output of Mahu Oil Area will reach 3 million tons in 2021, 5 million tons in 2025 and 6 years in stable production, and the crude oil output of Jimsar Shale Oil Area will reach 1 million tons in 2021 and 2 million tons in 2025 and 8 years in stable production Focusing on this goal, the headquarters will firmly grasp the important position of the main battlefield of steady development, take the initiative to assume responsibility and act actively, continue to fight the battle of increasing reserves on a large scale and improving production efficiency, deepen geological research, optimize development plans, improve development level, adhere to the organic combination of quality and efficiency with safety and environmental protection, and promote the whole life cycle management model, We will build Mahu and Jimsar oilfields into efficient, green and intelligent demonstration oilfields in the new era.

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Editor in charge: Wu Huazhang

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