National Development and Reform Commission: Deeply promote price reform in key areas

National Development and Reform Commission: Deeply promote price reform in key areas
21:34, November 20, 2018 Futures Daily

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Hu Zucai, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said on November 20 that the next step will be to further promote the price reform in key areas, timely liberalize competitive prices, improve the price reform in education, medical care, old-age care and other fields, vigorously develop the spot market around key energy resources such as electricity, oil, natural gas, and gradually promote the innovative development of the futures market, We should form a multi-level market system as soon as possible, promote the effective formation of market prices, and actively promote the market-oriented reform of factor prices.

Hu Zucai said at the "Symposium on the 40th Anniversary of Price Reform" held on the same day that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, major social contradictions have changed, and China's economy has shifted from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development. To meet the new requirements, the task of price reform is arduous and arduous.

Hu Zucai said that the next step is to innovate and improve the price mechanism to promote green development, explore the price formation mechanism of ecological products, and incorporate the ecological environment cost into the economic operation cost. We will accelerate the construction of a modern government price management system. On the basis of minimizing the scope of government pricing, we will accelerate the construction of a modern government price management system that is cost based and efficiency oriented. We will accelerate the improvement of the government pricing mechanism centered on "allowable costs plus reasonable benefits", and promote cost supervision and review legislation and cost information disclosure. Innovate pricing methods, guide monopoly enterprises to actively carry out technological innovation and improve management, and reduce production costs. We will further improve the scientific, standardized and transparent government price management procedures to make government pricing work in the sunshine.

Hu Zucai said that we should speed up the improvement of the regular, efficient price regulation system. We will further strengthen the coordination of prices with macro policies such as fiscal, monetary, industrial, and people's livelihood policies, and strive to ensure that the overall price level is within a reasonable range. Focusing on the whole chain of production, circulation and consumption, based on the international and domestic markets, we will build a long-term mechanism to stabilize market prices around key commodities. Make full use of modern information technology such as big data and artificial intelligence, accelerate the construction of smart price application system, and enhance the predictability, timeliness and effectiveness of price regulation.

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