NDRC: The supply and demand of natural gas have reached tight balance, and a new mechanism has been launched

NDRC: The supply and demand of natural gas have reached tight balance, and a new mechanism has been launched
09:33, November 20, 2018 Economic Daily

Recently, heating has been started all over the country. "Although China's natural gas supply and demand are in a tight balance this year, residential gas can be fully guaranteed." Meng Wei, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and spokesman, said.

With the promotion of the national blue sky plan and the implementation of the northern winter clean heating policy, the apparent consumption of natural gas in China has grown rapidly, with a year-on-year growth of about 16.7% in the first three quarters of 2018.

"This year, 263.5 billion cubic meters of available resources have been implemented, an increase of 24.9 billion cubic meters over last year; provinces, autonomous regions and cities have fully completed the signing of annual gas supply contracts and gas supply contracts in the heating season, and all resources have been broken down to all regions; nearly 100 new gas storage projects have been started this year, which is expected to form a gas storage capacity of about 16 billion cubic meters, an increase of about 3.5 billion cubic meters over last year." Meng Wei said, "At present, the resources that have been implemented can fully meet the demand for gas for people's livelihood."

Meng Wei revealed that recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, together with relevant departments, local governments and enterprises, have promoted the implementation of tasks one by one in terms of natural gas production and supply increase, pipeline network connectivity, gas storage capacity building, peak shaving plan preparation, etc, "At the same time, in order to timely respond to some new situations and problems that may occur during the heating period, the National Development and Reform Commission has taken the lead in establishing and starting the daily dispatching report working mechanism since November 1, that is, we connect with relevant departments, local and major gas supply enterprises every day to summarize the supply and demand of natural gas, price, pipe storage and tank storage, imported pipeline gas, weather, safety, etc To guide and urge local governments to deal with individual cases in a timely manner. ".

In addition, "gas supply enterprises are responsible for ensuring the safe, sufficient and stable supply of natural gas, and must supply gas in strict accordance with the signed contract." Meng Wei said.

Economic Daily - China Economic Network has learned that Sinopec plans to supply 18.17 billion cubic meters of natural gas this winter and next spring, with a year-on-year growth of 17.7%, of which the planned supply of natural gas to the seven northern provinces and cities around Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, as well as the Fen Wei Plain, has a year-on-year growth of 29.1%. PetroChina's Huabei Oilfield has mobilized resources from all sides. It is estimated that by next March, it will have accumulated 5 billion cubic meters of "food and grass". During this winter and next spring, it will also provide about 11.26 billion cubic meters of natural gas resources for Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Guangxi and Yunnan. CNOOC plans to supply 24.6 billion cubic meters of gas this winter and next spring, up 20% year on year. Among them, it is planned to supply 6.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas to seven northern provinces and cities, with a year-on-year increase of 63.5%.

Under the circumstances that the growth rate of domestic natural gas production is lower than the growth rate of demand and pipeline gas resources are tightening, relatively flexible imported LNG will also become one of the main forces to ensure the supply of natural gas in winter. Data shows that the import of LNG reached 38 million tons in 2017 and is expected to exceed 50 million tons in 2018, with a year-on-year growth of more than 30%.

In addition, "all relevant enterprises should increase a certain amount of peak shaving capacity on the basis of the existing 200 million cubic meters of peak shaving capacity every day as required to cope with extreme situations. At the same time, all regions should make emergency plans for emergencies such as pipeline safety, short supply and shutdown according to the characteristics of local gas supply and consumption. Once there is a shortage of supply, it is necessary to organize the relevant parties to implement the "pressure on non citizens" in an orderly manner. " Meng Wei said.

Editor in charge: Wu Huazhang

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