2018 Gold Industry Finance Integration Forum Successfully Held

2018 Gold Industry Finance Integration Forum Successfully Held
16:41, November 19, 2018 Sina Finance

On November 16, the "2018 Gold Industry Finance Integration Forum" jointly organized by Shanghai Futures Exchange, China Gold Association and Beijing Gold Economic Development Research Center was held in Shanghai. More than 300 people attended the meeting, including Song Xin, President of China Gold Association, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Gold Group Co., Ltd., Jiang Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Shanghai Futures Exchange, Jiao Jinpu, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Shanghai Gold Exchange, and representatives from mining, jewelry, market and other industrial chain institutions.

At the forum, Song Xin delivered a keynote speech titled "Adhering to the concept of" the world's gold is one "and building a large pattern of integrated development of industry and finance in the whole gold industry chain". He pointed out that in recent years, China's gold industry has faced international challenges Gold price The continuous downturn of, vigorously promote the supply side structural reform, promote efficiency with management, promote power with innovation, and achieve high-quality development of the whole industry. The output of gold has kept the first place in the world for 11 consecutive years, and the consumption of gold has kept the first place in the world for 5 consecutive years. Gold enterprises have gained new gains in going global. The gold industry has made all-round progress in circulation, production and enterprises. Song Xin believes that the financial attributes of gold itself and the development of the gold industry need risk management and capital operation, which makes the combination of industry and finance in China's gold industry promising.

Jiang Yan said that since its establishment in 1999, the market scale of the Exchange has grown steadily, the rule system has been improved, the technical system has been comprehensively improved, and the front-line supervision ability has been continuously strengthened. It has basically formed a good situation covering major industrial categories, with a relatively complete market structure, stable operation, and significant functions. It is guiding the rational allocation of resources, promoting the health, stability Sustainable development has played an important role.

Jiang Yan pointed out that the market size of gold futures has grown steadily, the investor structure has been continuously optimized, the hedging function has been effectively played, and the price discovery function has become increasingly prominent, which has become an important tool for the gold industry to manage risks. Gold production, consumer enterprises and financial institutions actively participate in hedging. The "last gold price" fully reflects the "China factor" and has the basic conditions to become the pricing benchmark of the Far East and even the global gold market.

Jiang Yan believes that the "gold price of the previous period" should have a place in building an international pricing benchmark for bulk commodities. Next, the SSE will follow the basic idea of "planning the future with a global perspective, establishing rules with international standards, and highlighting characteristics with local advantages", benchmark the world's leading trading venues, constantly optimize business rules, improve the sequence of precious metal varieties, accelerate the development of precious metal index futures and options derivatives, and steadily advance the internationalization process, Further consolidate and expand the market influence at home and abroad.

Jiao Jinpu said that gold has the triple attributes of currency, finance and commodity. China has become an important gold producer, importer and private gold consumer in the world. After 16 years of development, China's gold market has formed a gold market ecosystem with smooth connection between supply and demand, from industrial and consumer enterprises to the Shanghai Gold Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange, and then to commercial banks, investment institutions and retail markets. The gold market has a very broad prospect.

Economist Xiang Songzuo, Deputy General Manager of Precious Metal Business Department of ICBC Zhao Wenjian, Executive Deputy General Manager of Zijin Mining Group Capital Investment Co., Ltd. Zhao Jugang, Deputy General Manager of Shandong Zhaojin Group Li Yisan, Vice President of Precious Metal Business Department (preparatory) of Ping An Bank Li Tao, Senior Vice President of CITIC Securities Investment Bank Management Committee Chen Geyang Shi Lihua, Chairman of Laofengxiang Co., Ltd., Huang Shikun, Chairman of Jinyafu Holding Group, Jian Yi, Executive Dean of the School of Finance of Hangshang University, Zhu Zhigang, founder of Jinbuyback, and other guests shared their practice and thinking on the integration of gold industry and finance from the macro and industrial dimensions.

In the final round table discussion, experts from UOB, Zhaojin Futures, Founder Medium term Futures and other institutions focused on breaking the combination of gold industry and finance“ Glass The theme of "door" is to analyze and summarize the experience, lessons, opportunities and challenges of gold industry finance integration, further tap the market potential and explore the development direction of gold industry finance integration.

Editor in charge: Zhang Yao

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