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Don't let the civilians become hungry

http://www.sina.com.cn 13:07, March 10, 2007 Panorama Network - Securities Times

Lin doubled

2006 is the first year of the fund. The expansion of more than 500 billion yuan really made the stock market soar in the Year of the Dog. It was even the last trading day of that year that the vast number of shareholders witnessed the spectacle of the stock market that broke 3000 points like a meteor shower. According to the fairy tale, making a wish to the meteor shower would surely make their dreams come true, so everyone prayed silently, I wish the stock market a great prosperity and financial resources in the coming year.

Last year's "base people" really made a lot of money. The vast "base people" team is expanding. There is a strong tendency for all people to become "base people". They have taken out their savings for many years, such as the wife's book, the coffin book, and so on. They are waiting hard in the purchase corridor of banks and securities companies, looking forward to the arrival of "golden pigs". In the first fund subscription wave in the New Year, there was a spectacular scene that 10 billion shares were divided up crazily within one hour. What you can see is that there are posters everywhere about how many times a fund has distributed dividends and how many percent of its annual income has been achieved; What I heard was that even illiterate old men and women met from the traditional Chinese way of greeting "Have you eaten?" to "Have you bought funds?". Are you glad to face such a scene? I am worried that the development of the situation will turn "basic people" into "hungry people" who are desperate for food. I can imagine that if anyone cheers up and shouts "Fa Fen", a "grab!" will erupt in the crowd, and the surging crowd will be killed. It's really terrible. The result of losing your head is tragic. Countless bloody lessons in history are enough to explain everything. Therefore, I want to wake up the issuers. It's time to carry out risk education. Isn't there already a fund company starting to lose money? Not until someone commits suicide? The stock market risk is unpredictable, so is the fund!

At the beginning of the new year, the expansion speed of the fund has not slowed down, compared with

China's economy It is true that the stability of the stock market also needs the fund, which can resist the fierce impact of strong foreign capital and hot money, provide a financing platform for the healthy and efficient development of listed companies, and create good investment returns for the majority of "base people". The overall strength, level and advantages of fund companies are inferior to those of retail investors,
conduct financial transactions
The ability is unique, and it is worth recommending as an investment method. However, fund managers should always be alarmed. These are all the hard-earned money of "base people". You should try your best to take care of them carefully, and don't turn "base people" into "hungry people" again. Now, with the increase in the number of funds, there has been a shortage of fund management talents. Therefore, fund managers should strengthen their learning, improve their professional quality, and let "funders" invest with confidence.

It is an indisputable fact that funds have become the mainstay of the stock market, and the pace of continuous development and growth has not stopped. During the two sessions, under the good background of the stock market, I still need to head off the "Don't let the 'base people' become 'hungry people'", which is to leave a sense of sobriety for the 'base people' in the madness and hope for the 'base people' in the disappointment.

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