Trend tracking of transaction recommendation on November 20: EUR/USD

Trend tracking of transaction recommendation on November 20: EUR/USD
16:27, November 20, 2018 FX168

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FX168 Financial News (Hong Kong) The following is a recommendation for FX168 transactions on November 20:

Recommended action: short euro /USD

Highlight: At present, the euro/dollar is still limited below the resistance level of 1.1499, and the short-term outlook is still bearish, or further decline.

In the downward direction, a fall below the initial support of 1.1363 may lead to a downward direction. First, the low point of 1.1215 may be re measured.

However, on the upside, if it effectively breaks through the 1.1499 level, it indicates a short-term reversal, and the prospect turns bullish to the resistance level of 1.1814.

(Euro/dollar hour chart source: FX168 financial network)

The FX168 Decision Making Team.

Checked by: Calm down

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