French agricultural credit: ten countries' currencies will focus on the trend of RMB

French agricultural credit: ten countries' currencies will focus on the trend of RMB
22:42, August 15, 2018 FX168

FX168 Financial News (Hong Kong) - On Wednesday (August 15) in Europe, the French agricultural credit cross-border asset strategy research team discussed the fluctuations in the foreign exchange market and emphasized the observation RMB Trends and the importance of China's monetary policy.

The bank noted that in the first two weeks of August, although the lira collapsed by 27% against the US dollar, the currency trend in Asia was relatively good. The People's Bank of China has introduced policies to maintain the stability of the RMB, but India and the Indonesian rupee have become the worst performing currencies in emerging economies, AUD It is the weakest currency among the ten countries.

Although the safe haven nature of the yen makes the yen only slightly weak against the dollar, the advantage of this safe haven has also been wiped away after the RMB started to continue to decline, especially after the Chinese economic data released yesterday. In this regard, we will continue to pay attention to the trend of RMB and China's monetary policy.

Editor in charge: Guo Jian

currency trend France

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