How to deal in the current foreign exchange market? Societe Generale: short Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar

How to deal in the current foreign exchange market? Societe Generale: short Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar
10:40, October 24, 2018 FX168

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FX168 Financial News (Hong Kong) - On Wednesday (October 24), the foreign exchange strategy research team of Societe Generale of France wrote the latest article, analyzed the main driving factors of the current foreign exchange market, and proposed the latest trading strategy.

The main contents of the Bank's views are as follows:

As far as the current foreign exchange market is concerned, the Bank tends to short AUD And New Zealand dollars.

Following the sharp rise in the previous two trading days, the Shanghai stock index fell 2.5% on the previous trading day. At present, the market is dominated by the trend of bond yields, and the yen has been boosted, mainly under pressure. At present, the market tends to short the Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar.

After Moody's latest rating of Italy was released, euro There was no boost. On the contrary, the yield difference between Italian and German bonds is widening. The EU may formally reject Italy's budget proposal, and the euro is expected to remain volatile within the current range for the time being.


Editor in charge: Guo Jian

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