Pyramid Selling Coin Becomes a New Battlefield for Chinese Mothers: 4 Hours of Brainstorming to Force Journalists to Go Offline

Pyramid Selling Coin Becomes a New Battlefield for Chinese Mothers: 4 Hours of Brainstorming to Force Journalists to Go Offline
09:57, April 12, 2018 Sina Comprehensive
 Exterior view of Chongwenmen Man Coffee Exterior view of Chongwenmen Man Coffee

Source: Shenzhen Chain Finance

I thought this was an ordinary interview, but I didn't expect to be in the MLM organization by mistake.

In this pyramid selling coin organization dominated by coffee, there are new aunts, the so-called god of the currency circle, the "big sister" with a strong background and a daily income of 100000 yuan, and the "old Buddha" with a high position in the Jianghu.

The most ironic thing is that they don't care about my identity as a reporter at all. Instead, they persuade me to buy coins and join pyramid schemes by various means. Some members even said to me, "What we do is pyramid selling."

Every time new technology brings carnival, pyramid selling always follows.

[Original of Shenzhen Chain Finance]

Literature | Disciple

   The old Buddha said that I had "a lot to do"

After drinking a cup of coffee, going to the toilet twice, and talking with three people of different levels for four hours, I finally had a chance to talk to the "old Buddha" in Sister Qu's mouth.

Lao Foye is the highest ranking person in this mysterious organization.

In fact, before I saw Sister Qu, the man who was called "Old Buddha" had already been in the coffee shop.

Under the guidance of Sister Qu's eyes, I once looked back. Due to the dim light, it was difficult to see the appearance of the old Buddha, but unlike other people who had paper and pen on their desks, there was a laptop on the seat of the "old Buddha".

At about 6:30 p.m., people in this team began to pack up their things and prepare to leave. "Old Buddha" also got up from his seat in the deep of the cafe and walked towards Sister Qu and me.

Previously, he had been invisible in the coffee shop and quietly watched me chat with four members of his team for nearly four hours.

Sister Qu stood up and said hello to the old Buddha, pointing to me, "The old Buddha will introduce you to Xiao Liu, a very good young man."

Only now can I see the appearance of "Old Buddha".

He is fat but tall and straight. His black vest and red shirt are clean and tidy. The jade bead necklace hanging from his neck hangs down to his abdomen. His sparse hair is combed carefully back.

"Old Buddha" smiled at me, and I quickly walked up to shake hands with him

Sister Qu introduced that "Lao Foye" is Taiwanese, but "Lao Foye"'s Mandarin has a Cantonese accent and pronounced "young man" as "little guy", which made me play a bit.

The "big deal" mentioned by the "old Buddha" and the four hours I spent in coffee are all about the same thing - pyramid selling coins.

Before I met Sister Qu, I had no idea that I would enter a pyramid selling coin gang, and the gathering place of this gang was Man Coffee.

Say "Three o'clock, Chen Weixing and Li Lin"

Getting to know Sister Qu is an offline activity of a blockchain.

Out of curiosity about the "money speculation aunt", she wanted to make a small interview with her. She readily agreed and gave me an address - Chongwenmen Man Coffee.

 Chat records with Sister Qu Chat records with Sister Qu

In the afternoon of the meeting, I found that the aunt in black at the next table was telling something to a middle-aged person of the same age sitting opposite, which vaguely seemed to be about money.

Two young people and a middle-aged uncle were sitting at the table next to Aunt Black, also talking about digital currency in a low voice. I was about to listen closely when Sister Qu came with a 17-year-old girl. After sitting down, the girl quietly left, wondering where she had gone.

Later, Sister Qu said that it was her daughter, who was a programmer before, and now she is going to speculate with her.

With curly hair, flowers embroidered on her black coat, and a ring inlaid with jade on her hand, Sister Qu looks very energetic. According to her own introduction, she is in her fifties and lives in a mountainous area. Her hometown is Shandong.

Later, I learned that the aunt who continued to sell pyramid selling coins to me also came from Shandong.

Before I started to ask questions about blockchain, Sister Qu took the lead in opening the subject and mentioned three o'clock, Chen Weixing and Li Lin, which surprised and curious me.

In the next chat, Sister Qu told me her views on blockchain.

"Under the general trend of blockchain, it is hard to say who can succeed... In fact, the country has never said anything about blockchain before, but does the upper level know? Yes, it must know, but why hasn't a deeper promotion been done, because everyone has linked blockchain with Bitcoin, in fact, blockchain can also be applied in other aspects..."

Sister Qu's speaking speed is very slow. Usually there are many pauses in a sentence. When she pauses, she always looks at the lower left corner unconsciously, as if she is struggling to think about what she will say next.

She knows a lot about blockchain, but she often makes mistakes when expressing it, and the logic is very confused.

When referring to the guest sharing of the last blockchain event, she appreciated one of the technical experts. She thought that the expert analyzed the underlying technology of the blockchain very clearly.

In fact, many entrepreneurs present could not understand the expert's sharing because it was too professional.

It's hard not to let people suspect that she is lying or boasting about herself.

This suspicion also includes her own resume.

She told me that she used to work in the Institute of Social Work under the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences. But when I further asked her what she was doing in the research institute, she hesitated, saying only that she was doing some social work.

Later in the conversation, she also said that she used to work in industry. When I asked her what industry she did, she pointed to the ceiling of the cafe and whispered, "Build a house." When I asked if it was real estate, she quickly nodded and said it was real estate.

   "Bought the formula formed by the financial crisis"

When asked what she was doing after leaving the original unit, Sister Qu lowered her voice and said, "Play with coins."

At the same time, Sister Qu also told me a name - Sheng Lin Jiuzhou. Sister Qu played money because of this company.

According to Sister Qu, this platform called Shenglin Jiuzhou was founded by Zhao Haining, an academician of China New School of Economics.

"Academician Zhao Haining is an economist. He bought the formula of the American financial crisis, and then recalculated it himself, packaging and selling high-quality assets and non-performing assets...".

When talking about the man named Zhao Haining, Sister Qu looked proud and waved her hands in front of her chest from time to time.

When trying to preach Zhao Haining's greatness to me, in addition to using words like "Gao Shen" and "economic adviser", he even used words like "immortal" and "capable of counting" to describe him. When talking about the excitement, he slapped the table in front of him.

In fact, after inquiry, the so-called China New School of Economics has no relevant information on the Internet at all, and there is no one named Zhao Haining among the shareholders and executives of Shenglin Jiuzhou (Shenglin Jiuzhou Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.), whose legal person and major shareholder are named Zhao Guangbo.

Sister Qu said that Shenglin Jiuzhou issued a digital currency called Shengyuan Coin last year. The total amount is 210 million yuan, distributed by stages and batches, 20% issued, 30% donated, and the remaining 50% mined. ICO issuance began on July 26 last year and was completed on August 31, 2017.

As for the deadline of August 31, Sister Qu emphasized it to me.

"You know, on September 4, the state launched a crackdown on ICO, but we are stuck at this time point. Why didn't the state introduce it in advance? If it didn't come at this time, the deadline is very important", said Qu seriously.

When I asked Sister Qu if she meant that Shenglin Jiuzhou had internal information or resources, she paused for a moment, then pretended to wave her hand mysteriously and said, "Go and understand yourself.".

"How many Shengyuan coins did you personally buy?"

Sister Qu smiled, "We are members, and there is an internal price. I bought a small asset package plus 64000 VIP, and held more than 10000 coins in total."

Under my questioning, Sister Qu told me that the so-called asset package is a product such as health care products. Only those who buy the asset package can buy coins. Sister Qu bought more than 10000 Shengyuan coins at 5.96 yuan each.

"How can you tell if this coin is air coin?"

"How to judge? First, it depends on whether it has application scenarios. Second, it depends on whether it has been on the international market." Sister Qu taught me her "experience" in identifying air coins.

Qu also said that Shengyuan currency is on the international trading market, while and Yuan'an are only domestic and can't compare with the international trading market.

In the introduction of Sister Qu, Shengyuan Coin was launched on the international market of Australia, which has now risen to more than 100 dollars, but because it is in the lock up period, it cannot be traded on the platform.

However, she could not tell which platform was Australia's platform, but said that Shengyuan coin had a small reputation in China, but a great reputation overseas.

As for the application scenario, Sister Qu said that they are doing ecosystem, partnership, docking with the country, poverty alleviation and pig breeding. Maybe she didn't think the word "pig raising" was very good. She changed her mouth and said a series of things again, such as "poverty alleviation" and "benefiting farmers".

"Our company has hundreds of thousands of people all over the country. We come in as members. At the early stage, members came in as Shengyuan Chain. Now, we are a partnership. We want to build the largest clustered partnership in the world."

The so-called cluster partnership, Qu Jie explained that Shenglin Jiuzhou is divided into A, B, C, D and other different levels. Each level of company can develop its own members, and members can set up their own companies to develop members again, which is a fission type form.

Qu Jie is a C-level corporate legal person, and in order to become this legal person, she bought a member of 100000 yuan. "The equity contract will be signed in the next few days. Once Hong Kong is listed, it will be impossible." Qu Jie's voice is full of joy.

After I threw out a series of questions, Sister Qu began to ask me what coins I bought. After I answered hastily, she quietly mentioned to me another virtual currency - Cape Coin.

"I'll introduce you some big names later. You are right here. This is the money circle." Sister Qu pointed to the direction of the black dress lady, with a mysterious smile.

   "The professor needs us to brainwash him"

From Sister Qu, she learned that since last year, what she called the "currency circle" has been spreading coffee in Chongwenmen.

Every week, people will "chat" here, and today all the big shots are here. So, in elder sister Qu's words, let me catch up.

Later, Sister Qu called the lady in black at the next table to come over and told me that she was a god of the currency circle. She had once taken forty thousand blogs and three million yuan, and she was a person who had made a lot of money in the currency circle.

The lady in black was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said, "What kind of god is a person? They always talk nonsense".

Only then did I see clearly the appearance of the aunt in black. She looked a little younger than Sister Qu. She wore a clean ponytail, a black windbreaker, and a silver watch on her wrist. She looked very capable.

Later, I learned that the aunt in black was called Sister Shu Hua, and she was Sister Qu's guide into the Cape currency circle.

"I have been exposed to Bitcoin and Ripple Coin for 16 years. I have two personal characteristics, one is curiosity, and the other is a financial fan. People say curiosity kills cats, but it is this curiosity that makes me......"

According to Sister Shu Hua, she has been doing business in Beijing before. In 2009, she began to intervene in the financial industry, first doing bonds and then equity. She started to do original shares in 15 years, started to contact Bitcoin in 16 years, and contacted Ripple Coin in March of the same year.

When referring to Rabobank, Sister Shu Hua said, "This is the turning point of my life", because she has obtained more than 80 times the return through Rabobank, and then she began to analyze the application scenario and value of Rabobank for me, as well as the reason for her investment.

After telling her own investment experience, Sister Shu Hua changed the subject and talked about the Cape currency.

"I heard about the Cape Coin from Hongyun last August. After listening to her introduction, I asked her three questions and immediately started". Sister Shu Huajie described the situation vividly, "which three questions? First, whether it was on the international trading market, second, what was the function of the East West, and third, how much was the circulation".

In fact, like Sister Qu, Sister Shu Hua's criteria for judging a digital currency mainly focus on two aspects: whether it is on the international trading market, and what application scenarios are there, and she claims that it is on a major international exchange.

When asked whether Cape Coin has been listed, Sister Shu Hua gave a similar answer to Sister Qu, "Fire Coin and Coin Ann are domestic trading platforms. I mean the international trading market, with different levels. The real cryptocurrency has the attribute of listing. Air Coin will never be listed in the international trading market, and fake ones will not be listed."

When I asked Sister Shu Hua what her name was for the international trading market, she evaded me with the phrase "all on her mobile phone, five or six".

"The Cape coin is so powerful that it is an epoch-making coin that benefits all living beings."

After sighing, Sister Shu Hua began to introduce to me the growth trend of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ripple Coin, and compared Cape Coin with Bitcoin.

"The era of Bitcoin has passed, and the Cape coin has come. Do you want to invest some, and now you will earn money". Maybe she saw me wondering, and then she took out her notebook to analyze and explain for me.

 Notes used by Sister Shu Hua to explain Notes used by Sister Shu Hua to explain

When Sister Shu Hua finished her explanation, I didn't give a clear reply, but only said that she wanted to learn from her, the smile on her face disappeared, "You want to open a house, enter this circle, if you don't enter this circle, chat with you? I don't have time."

Shu Huajie's so-called account opening is to buy 16000 or 48000 shares. In the process of chatting with Sister Shu Hua, from time to time, someone came to her and told her how many shares of Cape coins someone had bought.

Then, Sister Shu Hua swept around and said, "Here are all my friends. Just now there was a professor of finance who worked in finance but didn't know anything about it. We need to brainwash him."

I don't know if it was a slip of the tongue. She used the word "brainwashing".

   "What we do is pyramid selling"

After meeting a Hongyun sister who claimed to have customs background and made a lot of money in the digital currency market, Ms. Qu called Mr. Ao.

This is also the big shot in Qu Jie's mouth, and she said that she had participated in the blockchain conference in Israel.

"Not everyone can go to the Israel blockchain conference, but only people at the top level can attend it," said Qu.

Mr. Ao seems to be in his forties or fifties. He has a short head and a gray suit. He is also very energetic.

When I asked what international trading markets the Cape currency had been on, Mr. Ao told me that it had been on five or six markets, and he took out his mobile phone to show it to me.

Mr. Ao quickly showed the price of the Cape currency on "non trumpet" and the market on livecoin. Then he put away his mobile phone and said to discuss it later.

"Why are there no fire coins and safety coins?"

Mr. Ao did not disparage them as Sister Qu and Sister Shu Hua did. "We will go to Huo Coin at the end of this year". Mr. Ao smiled and said, "You know a lot".

In the following time, Mr. Ao told me about the business ecology of Cape Coin. The so-called business ecology is to develop members, let more people hold Cape Coin, and at the same time, connect businesses to accept Cape Coin payment, thus completing a huge business system.

After some hazy analysis, Mr. Ao returned to the topic that both Sister Shu Hua and Sister Hongyun talked about.

"When Bitcoin was 1000 dollars, if you bought it, would you only gain or lose? Although the price of Cape coin is only 0.5 dollars, it is equivalent to when Bitcoin only gains or loses.".

Seeing that I was silent, President Ao went on, "First, the Kepu coins are real coins. Since they are real coins, do you want to buy them? If you buy them, we will continue to talk about the next topic. If you don't buy them, I won't talk to you." President Ao laughed, and Sister Qu sitting opposite also laughed.

"Since we are talking, of course we are willing," I replied.

When I said that you are willing, Mr. Ao said that you can become our member, and then develop your small group to do a "sharing".

When I asked what it means to develop small groups, Ao and Sister Qu told me that good things should be "shared" with people around you, so that your friends and family can earn the money. And the company will give very generous rewards and rewards for sharing.

"We don't have money, but it doesn't mean that people around us don't have money. The youngest girl in our team can get a reward of 200000 every week, which is in the form of 'sharing'," Mr. Ao said with a smile.

When I said that I would spread the kep to my friends later, Mr. Ao sat up straight and said, "You don't have to tell them, just bring them here. If you want to speak, you don't need us. If you want to speak, you need to learn and understand our routines."

When I said again that I would bring my friends around, Mr. Ao patted me on the shoulder and said, "It's great that young people like you should be involved.".

Maybe they talked too happily. They also trusted me completely.

Mr. Ao blurted out: "In fact, what we do is pyramid selling! Why? Because this thing is in line with the sharing spirit of the country. The so-called sharing is pyramid selling. What's the biggest thing about pyramid selling? Buddhism. They teach unified ideas and uniform clothes. Isn't it pyramid selling?"

Then he laughed.

 The second floor of Man Coffee after the event The second floor of Man Coffee after the event

After chatting with Mr. Ao, it was already dark.

Looking around, everyone in the team began to pack up and leave. More than ten people, including Sister Shu Hua and Sister Hong Yun, started to leave their seats. Master Ao stood up and looked at me with a smile on his face. Sister Qu's daughter didn't know where she came from.

"Old Buddha" also came slowly from the deep of the cafe.

Editor in charge: Xie Haiping

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