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 Sina Finance

Cost supervision and review shall be carried out before the adjustment of medical charges

http://www.sina.com.cn 23:44, June 13, 2007 Beijing Business Daily

From July 1 this year, Beijing municipal basic medical fees and other government prices for 14 categories of goods and services must be subject to cost supervision and review before price adjustment. The false cost information provided by the operator will be recorded in the integrity file.

The Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission yesterday issued the Supervision and Examination Catalogue of Beijing Municipal Government's Price Setting Costs (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue), which identified 14 government priced goods and services closely related to the lives of citizens, including salt, gas, heat supply, water supply, urban rail passenger transport, basic medical fees, etc.

All the goods and services listed in the Catalog shall be subject to cost supervision and review when setting or adjusting prices, otherwise the competent price department will not set or adjust prices. The supervision and examination of government pricing costs shall be combined with the supervision and examination of fixed price adjustment and regular supervision and examination. Price adjustment supervision and review refers to the cost supervision and review carried out before the government price department formulates or adjusts the prices of goods and services. Regular supervision and examination refers to the regular cost supervision and examination carried out by the government price department on the cost of goods and services at certain annual intervals.

In the cost supervision and review, if the operator violates the regulations and fails to submit cost information as required, it will be criticized. If the operator provides false cost information, it will not implement cost supervision or suspend the implementation of the current cost supervision, and it will be recorded in the integrity file of the operator cost supervision.

   14 types of goods and services subject to supervision

□ Salt

□ Gas

□ Heating

□ Water supply, urban and drainage of water conservancy projects

□ Urban rail passenger transport, bus power, and automobile passenger transport

□ Passenger transport by ordinary taxi


expressway toll

□ Cable TV viewing maintenance fee, network engineering fee, relocation opening fee, suspension recovery fee

□ Basic medical treatment fee, registration fee, bed fee and operation fee

□ Tickets and monthly tickets of tourist attractions listed in the hearing directory

□ Public education fees listed in the government pricing catalogue

□ Sanitation waste treatment listed in the government pricing catalogue

□ Rent of public housing and low rent housing

□ Community listed in the government pricing directory

estate management Service Zhao Yanhong

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