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Tu Guangshao and Ai Baojun Become Vice Mayor of Shanghai 09:19, December 28, 2007 Panorama Network - Securities Times

Securities Times reporter Yichen

According to, the 41st meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress deliberated and voted on the appointment and removal of personnel yesterday, and decided to appoint Tu Guangshao and Ai Baojun as vice mayors of Shanghai.

Han Zheng, the mayor of Shanghai, recently submitted the above proposal to the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress for deliberation.

After accepting the appointment, Tu Guangshao and Ai Baojun addressed the members of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress.

Tu Guangshao said, "I am honored and deeply responsible that the people of Shanghai have accepted me with an ocean like mind, It was also deeply moved by the spirit of the times shown by the Shanghai people.

Tu Guangshao made a solemn commitment at the meeting: to do things conscientiously, to be a pure man, to be conscientious and conscientious in performing his duties, to act in accordance with the law, to honestly accept the supervision of the People's Congress and the people, to be a diligent public servant of the people and society, and to devote all his strength to creating a better tomorrow in Shanghai under the strong leadership of the Party.

Ai Baojun said, "I feel extremely honored and proud that I have the opportunity to work for Shanghai, which is a very important city in China and even in the world. I will firmly establish a national awareness, a sense of rule of law and a sense of public servant, serve the people wholeheartedly, never fail to live up to the expectations of the Party and the people, and never fail to live up to the trust and great trust of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress."

Ai Baojun said that we should adhere to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, keep pace with the times, be brave in innovation, and constantly improve the level and efficiency of administration according to law Effectively perform the duties entrusted by the NPC. He said, "I will be honest in my administration, consistent in my words and deeds, adhere to the Party spirit and moral integrity, and never take advantage of my position to seek personal gains. I ask the NPC and the people of the city to supervise my work."

Tu Guangshao is currently the vice chairman and member of the Party Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Ai Baojun, a deputy to the 10th National People's Congress, is the general manager of Shanghai Baosteel Group.

Resume of Tu Guangshao

Male, Han nationality, born in Ezhou, Hubei Province in January 1959, Master of Economics. Served as Deputy General Manager of China Securities Trading System Co., Ltd. in 1993; In 1995, he served as the director of the trading department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission; January 1997 Secretary General of China Securities Regulatory Commission; General Manager and Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Stock Exchange since 1997; In 1999, he also served as the Secretary General of China Securities Regulatory Commission; February 2000 Member of the Party Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission; May 2000 Member of the Party Committee and Secretary General of the China Securities Regulatory Commission; In July 2002, he served as the vice chairman and member of the Party Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

   Resume of Ai Baojun

Male, Han nationality, born in Liaoyang, Liaoning Province in February 1960, a member of the Communist Party of China, started work in July 1983, graduated from the Department of Automation, Northeast University, majoring in industrial automation, with a bachelor's degree, and a senior accountant. In November 1998, he served as the director, deputy general manager, chief accountant and member of the Party Committee of Shanghai Baosteel Group. In March 2001, he served as a director and member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Shanghai Baosteel Group. In February 2000, he served as the vice chairman and general manager of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. In October 2005, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Baosteel Group Co., Ltd. In May 2006, he also served as the director and general manager of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. In August 2006, he also served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

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