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Futures Investment Theory

2. Futures speculation

(4) 4 things investors need to do well in futures trading

① Fund management

Fund management is the key to successful investment. The purpose of futures speculation is to make money, and to generate a larger amount of funds to obtain investment income. The potential profit is a function of being able to bear the risk of loss. Every futures speculator should set up capital standards that can withstand risks. Then, he should establish the transaction target according to the assumption of investment income. If his goal is 20% annual return, he should determine a plan and risk level; If his goal is to achieve 100% annual return, he should design a different plan and risk level. All transactions and positions should be linked to the funding situation and their potential role in the purpose.

② Forecast price

Correct price prediction is the prerequisite for successful investment. Commodity prices change, and profits and losses occur in these fluctuations. The commodity price is real, it is the reflection of market supply and demand forces, so there is a balanced price. Therefore, the core of successful futures speculation is to predict the price. The market as a whole forecasts the price, and the current price is the comprehensive expectation of market participants.

When the market blindly pursues a certain trend and reaches the peak, it can be said that the market is in error. Speculators make profits by taking advantage of the mistakes of others and lose money due to their own mistakes.

Different types of speculators use different forecasting methods. The hat snatchers are interested in the next price jump, and the next order is to buy or sell. Unlike trend traders, they are concerned with the medium - and long-term trend of one month or three months. Each forecasting method requires different forms of transactions and different fund management methods. Every speculator should understand his own forecasting skills and limits, and not exceed them.

All price forecasts are uncertain, but the level of certainty is differentiated. The level of certainty must be assessed and linked to the allocation of funds in the transaction. The interaction between this prediction and fund management requires every speculator's extremely patient attention. Just like a machine, all systems are in good condition before pressing the start switch; Once the start switch is pressed, the hand is threatened with failure. However, to the satisfaction of speculators, there are many opportunities for speculation. If a speculator only uses 20% of the price fluctuation of relevant commodities to trade, he can earn most of the profits in the game. The problem is not to find things to do, but to avoid doing wrong things.

③ Formulate futures trading plan

Futures trading is an investment behavior with high risk and a business war without gunpowder smoke. Every investor must follow the principle of not fighting unprepared battles. A proper trading plan mainly includes: own financial ability to resist risks, the selected trading commodities, the profit target and loss limit of the transaction, the market analysis of the commodity, the market entry opportunity of the transaction, etc.

Own financial situation

The investors' own financial situation determines the maximum risk they can bear. Generally speaking, the amount of investment in futures trading should not exceed 50% of their current assets. Therefore, traders should make prudent decisions according to their own financial situation.

Selected transaction products

The risks of different commodity futures contracts are also different. Generally speaking, investors should choose futures contracts with large trading volume and relatively moderate price fluctuation at the beginning of entering the market, and then make a familiar futures variety to have a very thorough understanding of this variety. Because it is difficult for people to grasp the situation of various futures varieties and all the smart challenges in the market.

Set profit targets and loss limits

Before conducting futures trading, it is necessary to carefully analyze and study, and make clear judgments and estimates on the expected profits and potential risks. Generally speaking, the profit risk ratio should be determined for each planned transaction, that is, the ratio of expected profit to potential loss. The general standard is 3:1. That is to say, the possibility of profit should be 3 times of potential loss. In specific operations, unless there is a mistake in advance judgment, we should generally pay attention to the implementation of the plan. We must not change the original plan hastily due to short-term market changes or hearsay. At the same time, we should also limit losses within the plan, especially be good at stopping losses to prevent further expansion of losses. In addition, in the specific operation, we should also avoid blindly chasing up and down.

Trading strategy is an art. Traders should flexibly use various strategies to achieve the goal of "making profits fully grow and minimizing losses".

market analysis

When analyzing the trend of commodity prices, traders should always pay attention to the basic trend of the market, which is the key to market analysis. Many investors are prone to make the mistake of guessing the market according to their own subjective wishes. When the market is rising, they try to guess that the market should have peaked and force short selling; When the market declined significantly, they believed that the price would rebound and bought hastily. As a result, the price fell deeper and deeper.

Market entry opportunity

After estimating the price trend of commodities, it is necessary to carefully choose the time to enter the market. Sometimes, although the direction of the market is correctly judged, if the market entry timing is wrong, it will also suffer losses. In the process of selecting market entry opportunities, special attention should be paid to the use of technical analysis methods. Generally, investors should follow the trading direction of the medium-term trend and buy while falling in the rising trend; In the downward trend, sell at every rise. If the market reverses after entering the market, different methods can be adopted to minimize losses.

④ Speculators should also avoid suicide

There are many ways to mess things up, but for novice speculators, they will soon catch most of them, which needs to be overcome. The methods of these failures include: 1. Insufficient trading funds, resulting in no chance for correct prediction to play a role; 2. Trading with a small price change, and the account is consumed by handling fees; 3. Trading beyond the ability of speculators, or trading varieties that they do not understand; 4. Eager to make profits, he delayed the stop loss until his strength was severely damaged.

Behind these behaviors, there are four weaknesses: lack of strong character to challenge the market; Admitting their own mistakes and being extremely cowardly when leaving the market; Lack of hard-working spirit and greed.

Futures speculation is not a smooth way to get rich quickly, it is a hard and rough path full of thorns. It is a way to combine money, work and skills to obtain more returns than general interests, which is the essence of investment. In short, futures trading is a game that requires wisdom, diligence and self-discipline. Investors must cultivate a mature trading psychology in order to be invincible in futures trading.