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Sina Finance  >  futures >Introduction to Futures Investment

Futures Investment Theory

2. Futures speculation

(3) Types of futures speculators

The types of speculators are classified according to different standards.

1、 According to the size of trading volume, it can be divided into big speculators and small speculators.

2、 According to trading position, it can be divided into long speculators and short speculators.

3、 According to the length of time that speculators hold contracts, they can be divided into trend traders, day traders and "hat snatchers". No matter what type of speculator you are, you must compete with a large group of professionals in the futures market. These professionals include professional speculators who live on futures trading and get good returns, market makers whose main purpose is to provide liquidity for the market, professional traders engaged in commodity futures fund management, and a large number of spot traders with a cash background.