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Sina Finance  >  futures >Introduction to Futures Investment

Basic knowledge of futures


Structure of futures market


13、 Futures regulatory agency

The Futures Supervision Department of the CSRC is the functional department that supervises and manages the futures market. Main responsibilities include: drafting the rules and implementation rules for the supervision of the futures market; To review the establishment, articles of association, business rules and listed futures contracts of futures exchanges and supervise their business activities; To examine the establishment of futures operating institutions, futures clearing institutions and futures investment consulting institutions and their qualifications for engaging in futures business and supervise their business activities; Review the qualifications of senior managers of futures operating institutions, futures clearing institutions and futures investment consulting institutions and supervise their business activities; Analyze the domestic futures market and study the domestic and overseas futures markets; Review the qualification of domestic institutions to engage in overseas futures business and supervise their overseas futures business activities. The Futures Supervision Department consists of five divisions: the General Division, the Exchange Supervision Division, the Brokerage Company Supervision Division, the Overseas Futures Supervision Division and the Market Analysis Division.