CCB Principal Asset Management Co., Ltd Customer service hotline: 400-81-95533
Net Asset Value: 730.311 billion yuan (2024/3/31) Number of closed-end funds: one Scale ranking: 13/178 chairman: Born Liu Rong Registered at: Beijing
Management scale: 489.5 billion copies (2024/3/31) Number of open-ended funds: two hundred and eight Asset ranking: 13/178 general manager: Zhang Junhong Enterprise attribute: state-owned enterprise

List of fund companies

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corporate name CCB Fund Management Co., Ltd Registered region Beijing
Enterprise attribute state-owned enterprise Registered capital (10000 yuan) twenty thousand
Date of establishment 2005/9/19 Product quantity two hundred and nine
Net asset value (100 million yuan) 7303.11(2024/3/31) Management scale (100 million copies) 4895(2024/3/31)
Company website
Postal Code one hundred thousand and thirty-three
Company address 16/F, Yinglan International Financial Center, No. 7, Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Customer service mailbox Customer service hotline 400-81-95533
Company Fax 010-66228801 Company Phone 010-66228800
Business scope Fund raising, fund sales, asset management and other businesses permitted by the CSRC. (Market entities shall independently select business projects and carry out business activities in accordance with the law; projects that need to be approved in accordance with the law shall carry out business activities in accordance with the approved contents after being approved by the relevant departments; they shall not engage in business activities that are prohibited or restricted by the national and municipal industrial policies.)
Company Profile Founded in September 2005 and registered in Beijing, CCB Fund is one of the first domestic fund management companies initiated by commercial banks. The business scope of CCB Fund Management Company includes fund raising, fund sales, asset management and other businesses permitted by the CSRC. CCB Fund has the qualification of asset management business for specific clients and the qualification of qualified domestic institutional investor (QDII). We made remarkable progress, and combined the cultural heritage of "good builders" with the origin of the wealth management industry with "good fortune building" to manage a total of 1.36 trillion yuan of assets. Craftsmen are ingenious, enabling more than 60 million customers to manage their wealth, and providing international, all-round, one-stop asset management services. Strive for excellence, won 71 authoritative awards, which confirmed the excellent comprehensive investment strength, and the outstanding performance was widely recognized by the authoritative award awarding agencies in the public fund industry. We worked hard to transform the investment performance into the return on investment of customers, and accumulated 111.631 billion yuan of dividends to the holders. Based on the "positive pyramid" type product system, it is the first to launch public offering FOF and MOM in the industry, actively layout public offering REITs and other products, and constantly upgrade the "toolbox" of customer asset allocation. Empowering the investment and research system with financial technology, and using "scientific investment+smart investment", we are committed to creating a better investment performance curve to accompany customers throughout the wealth management cycle. Multi type marketing channels, such as bank channels, institutional direct sales, and Internet sales, work together to meet customers' comprehensive wealth management needs in an all-round way. Build an intelligent customer service with 7 * 24 hour all-round company, and an end-to-end connection of "Jianxin Jinwutong", to establish a "digital, scene based, intelligent" service system for customers, accompany the whole process of customer asset allocation, and improve the customer's ultimate experience. Incorporate the construction of ESG into the company's strategy, fully embed the ESG concept into investment, marketing, products, risks, brand culture and other business management work, adhere to the concept of steady development, establish and continuously improve the risk monitoring system, prevention system and management system, fully cover all aspects of the company's business management, advocate risk management to create value, and fully protect the interests of customers.
Fund Manager Details
Number of people Average working years
Stock Closed equity mixed type Closed end debt Bond type Currency type QDII type
Fund Product Details
Number Scale (100 million yuan) Share (100 million)
Stock Closed equity mixed type Closed end debt Bond type Currency type QDII type
Manager name Working time Years of practice Super similar income/month
Guo Zhiteng 2023/12/7 0 years and 5 months 3.365%
Li Mengyuan 2023/11/13 0 years and 6 months 3.343%
Zhao Rongjie 2023/7/12 0 years and 10 months -0.033%
Hyperactive bean 2023/5/19 0 years and 11 months 1.723%
Ge Luyu 2022/12/26 One year and four months -0.691%
Ma Muqing 2021/11/24 2 years and 5 months 1.144%
Wang Linkai 2021/11/15 2 years and 5 months 0.607%
Liu Minghui 2021/10/27 2 years and 6 months 0.285%
Huang Ziling 2021/4/2 3 years and 1 month 0.605%
Zhang Xianglong 2021/2/1 Three years and three months -0.214%
Jiang Yingde 2021/2/1 Three years and three months 0.431%
Zhou Zhishuo 2020/9/18 3 years and 7 months 1.268%
Tian Yuanquan 2020/5/19 3 years and 11 months 0.361%
Zhu Jinyu 2019/11/8 4 years and 6 months 0.717%
Gong Jiajia 2019/2/22 5 years and 2 months -0.687%
Zhao Yunyu 2018/11/16 Five years and five months 0.529%
Liu Kefei 2018/3/6 6 years and 2 months 0.109%
Xue Ling 2016/7/4 7 years and 10 months 0.304%
Sun Sheng 2016/3/30 8 years and 1 month 0.009%
Pan Longling 2016/3/30 8 years and 1 month 0%
Wang Dongjie 2015/5/4 9 years and 0 months 1.087%
He Shenhua 2015/4/17 9 years and 0 months -0.334%
Ye Letian 2012/3/21 12 years and 1 month 0.303%
Tao Can 2011/7/11 12 years and 10 months 0.705%
Jiang Feng 2011/7/11 12 years and 10 months -0.516%
Shao Zhuo 2015/2/27 9 years and 2 months 0.372%
Liang Hongyun 2009/9/16 14 years and 8 months 0.068%
Manager name Working time Years of practice Super similar income/month
Manager name Working time Years of practice Super similar income/month
Guo Zhiteng 2023/12/7 0 years and 5 months -2.73%
Wang Wei 2023/12/1 0 years and 5 months 0%
Li Denghu 2023/11/22 0 years and 5 months -1.092%
Yang Liyuan 2023/11/13 0 years and 6 months 0.878%
Shang Jin 2023/8/31 0 years and 8 months 0.054%
Yao Boyuan 2023/8/31 0 years and 8 months 0.26%
Liu Chen 2023/8/31 0 years and 8 months 0.188%
Wang Zhipeng 2023/8/31 0 years and 8 months 0.223%
Zhao Rongjie 2023/7/12 0 years and 10 months 0.984%
Wang Qi 2023/7/12 0 years and 10 months 0.984%
Xu Wenqi 2023/6/1 0 years and 11 months 0.128%
Sun Yuemeng 2023/3/29 One year and one month 0.205%
Zhang Yilin 2023/1/4 One year and four months 0.586%
Jiangyuan 2022/11/25 1 year and 5 months 0.223%
Jiang Yanze 2022/10/14 One year and seven months -0.518%
Ma Muqing 2021/11/24 2 years and 5 months -0.36%
Wang Linkai 2021/11/15 2 years and 5 months -3.235%
Li Yuanli 2021/11/16 2 years and 5 months -0.135%
Zhang Shi 2021/11/16 2 years and 5 months -0.135%
Yin Runquan 2021/10/15 2 years and 6 months 0.691%
Zhang Xianglong 2021/2/1 Three years and three months 0.271%
Jiang Yingde 2021/2/1 Three years and three months -0.08%
Zhou Zhishuo 2020/9/18 3 years and 7 months 0.114%
Tian Yuanquan 2020/5/19 3 years and 11 months 0%
Jiang Hua 2019/1/10 5 years and 4 months -0.337%
Liu Kefei 2018/3/6 6 years and 2 months 0.071%
Xian Keyu 2017/7/7 6 years and 10 months 0.776%
Xue Ling 2016/7/4 7 years and 10 months 0.074%
Sun Sheng 2016/3/30 8 years and 1 month -0.188%
Pan Longling 2016/3/30 8 years and 1 month -0.308%
Wang Dongjie 2015/5/4 9 years and 0 months 0.599%
He Shenhua 2015/4/17 9 years and 0 months 0.014%
Niu Xinghua 2014/11/6 9 years and 6 months 0.334%
Chen Jianliang 2013/12/10 10 years and 5 months 0.87%
Yu Qianqian 2013/8/5 10 years and 9 months 0.776%
Ye Letian 2012/3/21 12 years and 1 month 0.088%
Tao Can 2011/7/11 12 years and 10 months -0.39%
Qiu Yuhang 2011/7/11 12 years and 10 months -0.229%
Jiang Feng 2011/7/11 12 years and 10 months 0.707%
Shao Zhuo 2015/2/27 9 years and 2 months 0.504%
Yao Jin 2009/3/17 15 years and 1 month 0.629%
Yuan Bei 2004/7/13 19 years and 10 months 0.223%
Manager name Working time Years of practice Super similar income/month
Li Feng 2017/5/15 6 years and 12 months -0.098%
Manager name Working time Years of practice Super similar income/month
Xu Hui 2024/1/9 0 years and 4 months -0.203%
Wang Zhipeng 2023/8/31 0 years and 8 months 0.012%
Wang Qi 2023/7/12 0 years and 10 months -0.131%
Xu Wenqi 2023/6/1 0 years and 11 months -0.131%
Hu Zeyuan 2023/2/9 1 year and 3 months -0.045%
permit 2023/2/9 1 year and 3 months -0.128%
Jiangyuan 2022/11/25 1 year and 5 months 0.065%
Lv Yi 2022/9/13 One year and eight months -0.33%
Jiang Yue 2022/9/13 One year and eight months -0.041%
Wu Yi 2022/9/13 One year and eight months -0.047%
Yin Runquan 2021/10/15 2 years and 6 months 0.105%
Li Xingyou 2021/9/16 2 years and 7 months -0.003%
Xu Huajing 2020/7/7 3 years and 10 months -0.001%
Peng Ziyun 2019/7/16 4 years and 10 months 0.017%
Jiang Hua 2019/1/10 5 years and 4 months 0.013%
Yan Han 2017/11/3 Six years and six months -0.009%
Xian Keyu 2017/7/7 6 years and 10 months -0.012%
Li Feng 2017/5/15 6 years and 12 months -0.008%
Liu Si 2016/7/19 7 years and 9 months -0.034%
Niu Xinghua 2014/11/6 9 years and 6 months -0.072%
Chen Jianliang 2013/12/10 10 years and 5 months 0.004%
Yu Qianqian 2013/8/5 10 years and 9 months -0.083%
Wu Peiwen 2019/7/17 4 years and 10 months 0.002%
Li Yingfang 2009/2/19 15 years and 2 months -0.007%
Li Jing 2007/11/3 16 years and 6 months -0.004%
Yuan Bei 2004/7/13 19 years and 10 months 0.065%
Manager name Working time Years of practice Super similar income/month
Li Xingyou 2021/9/16 2 years and 7 months 0.022%
Xian Keyu 2017/7/7 6 years and 10 months 0.028%
Chen Jianliang 2013/12/10 10 years and 5 months 0.03%
Yu Qianqian 2013/8/5 10 years and 9 months 0.023%
Wu Peiwen 2019/7/17 4 years and 10 months 0.013%
Manager name Working time Years of practice Super similar income/month
Cheng Xingye 2019/12/11 4 years and 5 months -0.177%
Zhu Jinyu 2019/11/8 4 years and 6 months 1.271%
Li Bohan 2013/8/5 10 years and 9 months -0.401%
Product name date of establishment Since its establishment Last year Ranking in the same category in the past year
CCB CSI 500 Index 2014/1/27 149.18% -7.42% 975/2056
CCB reform dividend stock 2014/5/14 261.80% -20.47% 668/870
CCB Small and Medium Cap Pioneer Shares 2014/8/20 214.40% -11.29% 399/870
CCB potential new blue chip stock 2014/9/10 195.90% -9.87% 351/870
CCB Information Industry Shares 2015/3/24 110% -20.78% 675/870
CCB Environmental Protection Industry Stock 2015/4/22 -11.50% -28.11% 791/870
CCB Internet+Industry 2015/6/23 -10.30% -13.58% 479/870
CCB Precision Manufacturing Index 2015/8/26 65.81% -7.17% 970/2056
CCB Great Security Strategy Essence 2015/7/29 171.40% 1.37% 90/870
CCB Modern Service Industry Co., Ltd 2016/2/23 49.43% -0.90% 129/870
Made in China by CCB 202 2017/3/8 44.84% -16.66% 564/870
CCB Multi factor Quantification Unit 2016/8/9 15.85% -4.37% 207/870
Jianxin High end Medical Stock 2017/7/18 45.12% -21.94% 693/870
CCB quantitative event driven 2017/9/13 32.61% -11.69% 379/822
Shares of leading enterprises of CCB 2018/1/24 46.53% -2.86% 177/870
CCB CSI 500 Index 2018/3/16 1.80% -7.88% 991/2056
CCB MSCI China A-share 2018/5/16 36.65% -4.51% 801/2056
CCB MSCI China A-share 2018/5/16 33.25% -4.90% 831/2056
CCB GEM ETF 2018/6/13 22.63% -14.83% 1344/2056
CCB GEM ETF 2018/6/13 20.35% -15.17% 1363/2056
CCB Shanghai Securities 50ETF 2018/10/25 20.39% 0.99% 392/2056
CCB Shanghai Securities 50ETF 2018/10/25 18.30% 0.59% 421/2056
CCB CSI 1000 Index 2018/11/22 90.50% -14.55% 1331/2056
CCB CSI 1000 Index 2018/11/22 86.37% -14.89% 1348/2056
Fundamentals of CCB Shenzhen Securities 6 2018/9/4 38.91% 2.43% 336/2056
CCB CSI dividend potential 2019/9/11 31.25% 6.03% 234/2056
CCB CSI dividend potential 2019/9/11 28.75% 5.60% 240/2056
CCB MSCI China A-share 2019/11/13 32.17% -2.06% 583/2056
CCB MSCI China A-share 2019/11/13 29.80% -2.45% 609/2056
CCB High dividend theme shares 2020/1/21 50.64% -5.33% 236/870
Jianxin Yisheng Zhengshang Bureau 2020/10/16 -18.78% 8.34% 181/2056
Jianxin Yisheng Zhengshang Bureau 2020/10/16 -19.96% 7.91% 186/2056
CCB Healthcare Industry 2021/12/28 4.58% -9.70% 348/870
CCB Healthcare Industry 2021/12/28 3.56% -10.07% 358/870
CCB Shanghai Financial ETF 2020/8/5 32.30% 21.74% 29/2056
CCB Shanghai Financial ETF 2020/8/5 30.29% 21.26% 13/870
CCB New Energy Industry 2020/6/17 37.07% -22.69% 711/870
CCB CSI 300 Index 2020/5/7 9.54% -1.16% 519/2056
Jianxin Food and Beverage Industry 2020/8/26 1.94% -2.03% 152/870
CCB high-end equipment stock 2021/4/27 0.29% -12.38% 434/870
CCB high-end equipment stock 2021/4/27 -0.94% -12.73% 443/870
Jianxin Intelligent Automobile Stock 2021/9/10 -32.16% -10.24% 1135/2056
CCB Hang Seng Technology Index 2022/9/21 10.05% 1.04% 390/2056
CCB Hang Seng Technology Index 2022/9/21 9.43% 0.68% 414/2056
CCB China Securities All Refers to Securities 2021/9/9 -25.09% -3.08% 648/2056
CCB China Securities All Refers to Securities 2021/9/9 -25.90% -3.47% 688/2056
CCB CSI 300 dividend 2021/9/8 8.97% 11.24% 157/2056
CCB CSI 300 dividend 2021/9/8 8.08% 10.91% 161/2056
CCB NASDAQ 100 2021/9/22 24.04% 29.26% 11/2095
CCB NASDAQ 100 2021/9/22 32.74% 29.42% 9/2095
CCB NASDAQ 100 2021/9/22 20.85% 28.86% 15/2095
CCB CSI 1000 Index 2021/9/6 -17.69% -14.88% 1346/2056
Sent by CCB GEM ETF 2021/9/6 -39.65% -15.17% 1362/2056
Issued by CCB Shanghai Securities 50ETF 2021/9/6 -18.98% 0.59% 422/2056
CCB Small and Medium Cap Pioneer Shares 2021/10/27 -21.16% -11.64% 411/870
Made in China by CCB 202 2021/11/26 -44.89% -17.00% 574/870
CCB Information Industry Shares 2022/1/28 -29.31% -21.08% 682/870
Jianxin Food and Beverage Industry 2022/1/28 -11.06% -2.42% 161/870
CCB potential new blue chip stock 2022/1/25 -9.59% -10.23% 363/870
CCB New Energy Industry 2022/1/27 -44.84% -23.00% 720/870
CCB CSI 500 Index 2022/12/23 -4.22% - /
CCB CSI 500 Index 2022/12/23 -4.62% - /
CCB reform dividend stock 2022/7/22 -37.65% -20.79% 676/870
Jianxin High end Medical Stock 2022/9/2 -23.31% -22.25% 703/870
CCB Electronics Industry Stock 2023/4/11 -25.14% - /
CCB Electronics Industry Stock 2023/4/11 -25.48% - /
CCB New Materials Selection Unit 2023/8/22 16.24% - /
CCB New Materials Selection Unit 2023/8/22 15.89% - /
CCB Environmental Protection Industry Stock 2024/2/2 15.38% - /
CCB Zhongzheng Agriculture and Animal Husbandry ETF 2022/7/21 -28.87% -5.35% 860/2056
CCB Zhongzheng Intelligent Electric 2021/7/15 -51.28% -34.63% 1798/2009
CCB China Securities New Material Co., Ltd 2021/8/19 -54.24% -25.57% 1819/2056
CCB Guozheng New Energy Vehicle 2022/1/7 -50.86% -27.35% 1912/2056
CCB China Securities Beverage Theme 2021/11/25 -24.30% -2.84% 839/1923
Jianxin Zhongzheng innovates drug production 2021/3/11 -48.08% -23.50% 1748/2056
CCB China Securities 1000ETF 2021/7/29 1.08% - /
Jianxin Zhongzheng refers to medical treatment 2021/5/27 -55.73% -23.97% 1767/2056
Fundamentals of CCB Shenzhen Securities 6 2011/9/8 141.27% 3.11% 321/2056
CCB GEM ETF 2018/2/6 12.58% -15.77% 1396/2056
CCB China Securities Shanghai Hong Kong Shenzhen Guangdong 2020/3/6 1.88% -10.51% 352/1605
CCB Energy&Chemical Futures 2019/12/13 69.45% 22.80% 18/2056
CCB CSI 300 Index 2009/11/5 44.30% -2.51% 610/2056
CCB CSI 300 Index 2020/5/7 119.13% -0.76% 127/870
CCB CCTV Finance 50 2021/1/1 171.39% 0.43% 437/2056
CCB Financial Classification 2015/7/31 -35.26% -13.23% 209/252
CCB Nonferrous Metals Classification 2015/8/6 1.16% - /
CCB CCTV Finance 50 2013/3/28 207.71% - /
Policy fund of CCB Securities 2017/8/9 1.86% - /
Policy fund of CCB Securities 2017/8/16 2.29% - /
Social responsibility of CCB Shanghai Securities 2010/5/28 170.69% 0.81% 406/2056
CCB Shanghai Securities 50ETF 2017/12/22 9.58% 1.22% 384/2056
CCB MSCI China A-share 2018/4/19 28.09% -4.66% 217/870
CCB CSI 300 dividend 2019/8/23 36.75% 12.38% 144/2056
CCB Hong Kong Stock Connect Hang Seng Zhong 2018/12/13 -22.18% -1.72% 459/1638
CCB China Securities All Refers to Securities 2020/6/29 -23.34% -5.63% 881/2056
CCB China Securities 800ETF 2020/4/17 28.73% - /
CCB China Securities Sub division Nonferrous 2021/2/18 -7.07% -18.00% 390/696
CCB Shanghai Gold ETF 2020/8/5 27.36% 22.05% 23/2056
Social responsibility of CCB Shanghai Securities 2010/5/28 142.70% 0.56% 426/2056
Fundamentals of CCB Shenzhen Securities 6 2011/9/8 129.21% 2.95% 322/2056
CCB Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Index 2012/3/16 88.68% -9.11% 1053/2056
Product name date of establishment Since its establishment Last year Ranking in the same category in the past year
CCB advantages 2008/3/19 -6.60% 7.23% 2/4
Product name date of establishment Since its establishment Last year Ranking in the same category in the past year
CCB consumption upgrading mix 2013/6/14 108.90% -6.53% 694/2256
CCB Flexible Configuration Hybrid 2013/9/3 43.63% -7.17% 2509/4581
CCB Innovation China Hybrid 2013/9/24 341.70% -21.11% 1753/2256
CCB Health and People's Livelihood 2014/3/21 374.80% -16.44% 1412/2256
Flexible configuration of CCB Ruiying 2015/2/3 23.90% -5.92% 656/2256
Flexible configuration of CCB Ruiying 2015/2/3 14.30% -6.62% 699/2256
CCB's steady return and flexibility 2015/4/17 20.50% 3.45% 1036/1042
CCB returns flexible configuration 2015/5/13 14.10% -1.81% 145/1042
CCB New Economy Flexible Allocation 2015/5/26 5.70% -7.69% 763/2256
CCB Xin'an returns flexibly 2015/5/14 20.13% -10.41% 937/2256
CCB Xinfeng returns flexibly 2015/6/16 20.48% 8.85% 2016/2223
CCB Xinrong returns flexibly 2016/12/23 52.43% -23.22% 2273/4718
CCB Xinyu returns flexibly 2015/7/2 5.70% - /
CCB Xinli Flexible Configuration 2015/10/29 112.18% -1.43% 1760/4581
CCB Xinfeng returns flexibly 2015/11/19 16.03% 8.67% 2020/2223
CCB Yuli Flexible Allocation 2016/1/4 63.49% -13.87% 3253/4581
CCB Hongli Flexible Configuration 2016/2/4 61.02% -16.37% 3526/4581
CCB Huili Flexible Configuration 2016/4/28 33.58% -10.37% 2830/4581
CCB Xingli Flexible Configuration 2016/6/8 39.92% 0.92% 1195/4581
CCB Ruisheng Tianli Hybrid 2016/9/13 5.75% - /
CCB Ruisheng Tianli Hybrid 2016/9/13 5.24% - /
CCB Ruifeng Tianli Hybrid 2016/11/1 15.86% 2.03% 2491/2846
CCB Ruifeng Tianli Hybrid 2016/11/1 14.56% 1.85% 2505/2846
CCB Xinyue returns flexibly 2016/12/2 16.86% 15.11% 112/843
CCB Xinrui returns flexibly 2017/3/1 54.51% 1.87% 684/4732
Jianxin Ruifu Tianli Hybrid 2017/5/25 3.08% 5.47% 2004/2180
CCB Minfeng returns regularly 2017/4/18 21.46% -0.65% 1598/4581
Jianxin Ruifu Tianli Hybrid 2017/5/25 0.33% 4.85% 2020/2180
CCB quantitative preferential regular 2018/8/24 41.66% -8.42% 1648/4298
CCB Xinwen returns flexibly 2017/12/20 44.91% 0.10% 1407/4581
CCB Xinwen returns flexibly 2017/12/20 43.77% 0% 1438/4581
CCB Xinli returns flexibly 2018/1/10 33.17% -7.89% 2070/3827
CCB Xinli returns flexibly 2018/1/10 34.03% -8.26% 2104/3827
CCB Xinze returns flexibly 2018/2/7 26.25% -8.81% 2122/3829
CCB Xinze returns flexibly 2018/2/7 25.01% -8.88% 2132/3829
CCB Zhixiang Tianxin Regular 2018/3/5 6.76% 3.57% 2219/2292
CCB Fuze Antai Hybrid 2017/11/2 20.54% -3.33% 1992/4557
CCB's strategic selection is flexible 2018/4/4 93.28% -0.88% 1645/4581
CCB's strategic selection is flexible 2018/4/4 87.37% -1.38% 1750/4581
CCB Fuze Yutai Hybrid 2019/6/5 11.20% -7.29% 2477/4557
CCB Fuze Yutai Hybrid 2019/6/5 7.69% -7.66% 2519/4557
CCB enjoys sound pension 2019/1/31 15.44% -2.84% 2070/4723
CCB Science and Technology Innovation Mix 2020/2/17 7.38% -19.03% 3813/4581
CCB Science and Technology Innovation Mix 2020/2/17 5.10% -19.45% 3852/4581
Jianxin Zhenxuan Mixture 2021/3/2 -21.01% -3.19% 2043/4581
Jianxin Zhihui Preferred One Year 2021/1/26 -26.72% -6.03% 2395/4581
CCB Smart Life Hybrid 2021/3/26 -35.49% -19.39% 3847/4581
CCB innovation driven hybrid 2021/8/10 -34.61% -20.75% 3955/4581
CCB Hong Kong Stock Connect Selected Mixes 2021/9/29 -21.60% -2.43% 1937/4581
CCB Hong Kong Stock Connect Selected Mixes 2021/9/29 -22.44% -2.82% 1989/4581
Jianxin Puze Retirement Goals 2021/7/14 -14.67% -2.20% 1946/4723
CCB Huiyi held for one year 2021/11/5 0.20% 1.79% 977/4581
CCB Huiyi held for one year 2021/11/5 -0.83% 1.38% 1097/4581
CCB Longxiang has steadily increased 6 2021/11/30 -5.51% - /
CCB Longxiang has steadily increased 6 2021/11/30 -6.22% - /
CCB Xingrun held for one year 2021/8/24 -37.90% -18.04% 3692/4581
CCB Woxin holds it for one year 2022/1/19 -33.67% -18.11% 1548/2256
CCB Woxin holds it for one year 2022/1/19 -34.29% -18.43% 1576/2256
CCB enjoys balanced pension 2022/4/15 -8.79% - /
Jianxin Puze Retirement Goals 2022/5/31 -15.67% - /
CCB's remarkable growth for one year 2022/3/17 -28.80% -19.46% 1648/2256
CCB's remarkable growth for one year 2022/3/17 -29.43% -19.78% 1670/2256
CCB Xingheng Preferred One Year 2022/6/21 -16.70% -18.55% 1586/2256
CCB Xingheng Preferred One Year 2022/6/21 -17.38% -18.90% 1613/2256
CCB Health and People's Livelihood 2022/1/18 -25.40% - /
CCB optimized configuration mix 2022/3/21 -16.85% - /
CCB Fuze Antai Hybrid 2022/3/31 -4.66% - /
CCB Xingsheng Preferred One Year 2022/9/27 -23.78% -16.31% 1402/2256
CCB Xingsheng Preferred One Year 2022/9/27 -24.30% -16.65% 1431/2256
CCB Xinrong returns flexibly 2022/5/26 -18.94% - /
CCB Zhiyuan Pioneer Mix 2022/10/14 -19.56% -11.39% 1015/2256
CCB Zhiyuan Pioneer Mix 2022/10/14 -20.08% -11.74% 1041/2256
CCB endogenous power hybrid 2022/7/28 -32.73% -8.61% 828/2256
CCB China Securities Inter bank Deposit Receipt 2022/8/30 4.04% 2.45% 804/4581
CCB enjoys aggressive pension 2022/12/21 -9.04% - /
CCB Hongli Flexible Configuration 2022/12/12 -24.08% - /
CCB enjoys sound pension 2022/11/11 -2.88% - /
Jianxin Puze Retirement Goals 2022/11/11 -3.31% - /
CCB Alpha for one year 2023/2/28 -10.79% -5.85% 651/2256
CCB emerging market mix 2023/3/17 30.76% - /
Jianxin Fengrui Preferred Mix 2023/12/7 -0.52% - /
Jianxin Fengrui Preferred Mix 2023/12/7 -0.73% - /
CCB Kaiyuan enjoys 9 2023/8/8 2.02% - /
CCB Kaiyuan enjoys 9 2023/8/8 1.69% - /
CCB Xin'an returns flexibly 2023/5/22 -10.77% - /
CCB enjoys balanced pension 2023/6/16 -5.54% - /
CCB Xingli Flexible Configuration 2023/7/25 0.56% - /
CCB Xinli Flexible Configuration 2023/8/15 -2.59% - /
CCB enjoys aggressive pension 2023/12/8 1.99% - /
Selected blend of CCB research 1970/1/1 - - /
Selected blend of CCB research 1970/1/1 - - /
CCB Flexible Configuration Hybrid 2024/2/7 46.01% - /
CCB's social responsibility mix 2024/5/24 0.25% - /
Powerful hybrid of CCB 2013/3/19 117.65% -21.87% 4030/4581
CCB Fengyu Multi strategy Hybrid 2016/9/29 34.16% -28.63% 4412/4725
CCB enjoys scientific and technological innovation 2020/3/26 -15.05% -16.62% 3552/4581
CCB Zhongguancun Industrial Park 2021/12/3 -17.47% - /
CCB Everlasting Value Mix 2005/12/1 583.95% -13.66% 1216/2256
CCB preferred growth mix 2006/9/8 516.67% -15.68% 1367/2256
CCB optimized configuration mix 2007/3/1 154.28% -10.69% 959/2256
CCB core selection and mixing 2008/11/25 523.66% -1.57% 459/2256
CCB endogenous power hybrid 2010/11/16 118.74% -8.28% 803/2256
CCB actively allocates hybrid 2011/1/18 243.87% -14.99% 3382/4581
Jianxin Constant Stability Value Mix 2011/11/22 183.03% -23.05% 1870/2256
CCB's social responsibility mix 2012/8/14 106.19% -15.25% 1342/2256
CCB preferred growth mix 2016/6/22 61.12% -15.83% 3468/4581
Product name date of establishment Since its establishment Last year Ranking in the same category in the past year
CCB Credit Enhancement Bond 2011/6/16 86.48% 2.99% 1690/2652
Product name date of establishment Since its establishment Last year Ranking in the same category in the past year
CCB is relieved to return regularly 2013/5/14 55.51% 3.10% 1601/2652
CCB is relieved to return regularly 2013/5/14 49.58% 2.98% 1700/2652
CCB Dual Bond Enhanced Bond 2013/7/25 45.18% 2.41% 2069/2652
CCB Dual Bond Enhanced Bond 2013/7/25 39.32% 2.03% 2226/2652
CCB gave 6 returns with ease 2013/11/5 69.32% 3.02% 1674/2652
CCB gave 6 returns with ease 2013/11/5 58.88% 2.66% 1946/2652
CCB Stable Profit Increasing Bond 2013/12/10 66.23% 7.20% 66/225
CCB Stable Profit Increasing Bond 2014/9/1 46.49% 6.60% 74/225
CCB Stable Profit Bond 2014/12/2 53.63% 1.73% 2305/2652
CCB Stable Profit Bond 2014/12/2 47.86% 1.35% 2363/2652
CCB Xinsheng returns flexibly 2016/6/3 11.14% 7.59% 22/485
CCB Stable Fengli Bonds 2015/12/8 23.10% 2.07% 2081/2233
CCB Stable Fengli Bonds 2015/12/8 20.30% 1.69% 2112/2233
CCB Ruiyi Pure Bond 2016/2/22 28.44% 2% 2234/2652
CCB Hengfeng Pure Bond 2016/11/15 14.92% - /
CCB Heng'an one-year fixed term 2016/11/8 21.60% 4.47% 298/704
CCB Hengrui Bond 2016/11/16 28.83% 3.99% 820/2652
CCB Hengyuan one-year fixed term 2016/11/17 19.86% 3.52% 1397/1949
CCB Stable Xinli Bond 2017/1/6 32.27% 3.81% 953/2652
CCB Stable Xinli Bond 2017/1/6 28.72% 3.46% 1246/2652
CCB Ruifu Pure Bond 2016/11/25 27.26% 3.12% 994/1337
CCB Ruixiang Pure Bond 2016/11/8 33.15% 4% 536/1337
CCB Ruiyuan Pure Bond 2017/8/16 1.24% - /
CCB Ruihe Pure Debt Term 2018/2/2 31.36% 3.59% 769/1337
CCB Ruifeng Pure Bond Term 2018/3/14 24.89% 4.43% 318/1337
CCB Runli Enhanced Bonds 2019/3/26 15.20% -0.86% 2501/2652
CCB Runli Enhanced Bonds 2019/3/26 12.79% -1.26% 2521/2652
CCB Ruixing Pure Bond 2019/4/26 19.16% 3.22% 949/1337
CCB medium and short term debt pure debt 2019/3/8 20.99% 3.81% 654/1337
CCB medium and short term debt pure debt 2019/3/8 18.79% 3.45% 844/1337
CCB China Bond for 1-3 years 2019/3/25 18.34% 3.21% 1492/2652
CCB China Bond for 1-3 years 2019/3/25 17.85% 3.12% 1587/2652
CCB China Bond (5-10 years) 2019/9/17 10.87% 4.85% 588/1925
CCB China Bond (5-10 years) 2019/9/17 10.64% 4.76% 624/1925
CCB China Bond 3-5 years 2019/4/30 21.62% 3.96% 838/2652
CCB China Bond 3-5 years 2019/4/30 21.05% 3.86% 914/2652
CCB Rongxi One Year Regular 2019/12/13 11.99% 2.55% 2011/2652
CCB Rongrui one-year fixed term 2019/11/20 6.72% 2.99% 1695/2652
Jianxin Short term Bond F 2020/1/13 13.55% 2.81% 1837/2652
Jianxin Ruixin Three months 2019/12/31 18.48% 4.40% 502/2652
CCB Ruiyang One Year Regular 2019/12/23 15.09% 3.27% 1451/2652
CCB China Bond Hubei Province 2020/6/15 9.70% 1.92% 2059/2701
CCB China Bond 1-3 Year Agriculture 2020/9/28 2.58% -3.49% 2272/2364
CCB China Bond 1-3 Year Agriculture 2020/9/28 2.41% -3.49% 2273/2364
CCB's interest rate debt strategy 2020/12/16 11.99% 3.40% 877/1337
CCB's interest rate debt strategy 2020/12/16 10.55% 3.02% 1037/1337
One year held by CCB Hongli 2021/6/8 6.73% 2.56% 2003/2652
CCB Yufeng Interest Rate Bond III 2021/6/29 10.48% 3.79% 972/2652
CCB Yufeng Interest Rate Bond III 2021/6/29 9.88% 3.61% 1126/2652
CCB Ruiyi Pure Bond 2021/5/21 15.41% 1.80% 2293/2652
CCB Xinyue 90 day rolling 2021/8/10 10.32% 3.44% 1259/2652
CCB Xinyue 90 day rolling 2021/8/10 9.72% 3.23% 1479/2652
CCB Bloomberg Policy Bank 2021/11/10 8.76% 3.85% 627/1337
CCB Bloomberg Policy Bank 2021/11/10 8.47% 3.74% 681/1337
CCB Xinyi 90 day rolling 2022/1/19 8.38% - /
CCB Xinyi 90 day rolling 2022/1/19 7.87% - /
CCB Xinxiang Short term Bond 2022/5/19 7.37% - /
CCB Xinxiang Short term Bond 2022/5/19 7.15% - /
CCB Xinxiang Short term Bond 2022/5/19 7.36% - /
Jianxin Xinheng 120 Days Roll 2022/5/9 7.43% - /
Jianxin Xinheng 120 Days Roll 2022/5/9 7.24% - /
CCB Xinfu 60 days holding 2022/7/27 6.43% - /
CCB Xinfu 60 days holding 2022/7/27 6.23% - /
CCB Xinxiang Short term Bond 2022/8/18 5.69% - /
CCB Botai Bond A 2023/2/7 2.89% 3.03% 120/438
CCB Botai Bond C 2023/2/7 2.35% 2.63% 156/438
Jianxin Xinhe 30 day holding 2022/12/29 7.30% - /
Jianxin Xinhe 30 day holding 2022/12/29 7.13% - /
CCB Ning'an 30 days holding 2023/2/15 4.50% - /
CCB Ning'an 30 days holding 2023/2/15 4.24% - /
CCB Rui'an One Year Regular 2023/6/29 3.41% - /
Jianxin Tianfu Youyou enjoys stability 2023/6/29 2.12% - /
CCB Ruixiang Pure Bond 2023/2/2 4.99% 3.86% 619/1337
Jianxin Xinhong 180 days 2023/8/23 3.99% - /
Jianxin Xinhong 180 days 2023/8/23 3.91% - /
6 CCB Kaiyuan 2023/11/21 0.59% - /
6 CCB Kaiyuan 2023/11/21 0.38% - /
CCB China Bond 1-3 Year Plan 2023/11/1 2.26% - /
CCB China Bond 1-3 Year Plan 2023/11/1 2.28% - /
CCB Stable Xinli Bond 2023/12/5 0.08% - /
Jianxin Tianfu Youyou enjoys stability 2023/12/8 1.60% - /
Three CCB Kaiyuan Ruixiang 2024/2/5 0.78% - /
Three CCB Kaiyuan Ruixiang 2024/2/5 0.71% - /
CCB Ningyuan 90 days holding 2024/2/26 0.81% - /
CCB Ningyuan 90 days holding 2024/2/26 0.76% - /
CCB Kaiyuan enjoys 6 2024/5/7 0.07% - /
CCB Kaiyuan enjoys 6 2024/5/7 0.04% - /
CCB China Bond 0-5 Year Policy 1970/1/1 - - /
CCB China Bond 0-5 Year Policy 1970/1/1 - - /
CCB China Securities Internet of Things E 2021/6/3 -23.02% - /
CCB Credit Enhancement Bond 2014/6/16 49.24% 2.63% 1155/1337
Policy fund of CCB Securities 2017/8/9 11.78% 2.60% 1144/1203
Policy fund of CCB Securities 2017/8/9 20.80% -0.12% 1413/1581
CCB stable interest increasing bonds 2008/6/25 151.83% 1.46% 2345/2652
CCB income enhancement bonds 2009/6/2 103.30% 0.79% 290/438
CCB interest rate bonds 2012/8/28 12.43% 2.01% 2/2
CCB double interest dividend bond 2011/12/13 100.77% 0.75% 293/438
CCB Convertible Bond Enhancement Bond 2012/5/29 183.50% -4.93% 399/438
CCB Pure Bond A 2012/11/15 63.09% 4.13% 461/1337
CCB Short term Bond C 2012/12/20 13.16% 2.57% 54/56
CCB Rongyuan one-year fixed term 2013/1/29 11.67% 2.26% 42/42
CCB Zhouying Anxin Financial Management 2013/9/17 4.48% 1% 274/438
CCB stable interest increasing bonds 2014/9/29 63.24% 1.88% 203/438
CCB income enhancement bonds 2009/6/2 91.49% 0.35% 307/438
CCB Biweekly Wealth Management B 2012/8/28 36.83% 2.31% 1/2
CCB double interest dividend bond 2014/9/1 58.30% 0.48% 2435/2652
CCB Convertible Bond Enhancement Bond 2012/5/29 171.50% -5.24% 402/438
CCB Pure Bond C 2012/11/15 56.25% 3.76% 671/1337
CCB Short term Bond A 2012/12/20 13.69% 2.87% 28/56
CCB's bimonthly financial management 2013/1/29 31.78% 2.56% 32/42
CCB Zhouying Anxin Financial Management 2013/9/17 5.06% 2.04% 2/3
CCB double interest dividend bond 2016/6/22 15.53% 0.75% 2420/2652
Product name date of establishment 7-day annualization 10000 earnings Ranking in the same category in the past year
Jianxin Jiaxuebao Currency A 2014/6/17 1.77% zero point four eight five three 140/537
CCB cash plus interest currency 2014/9/17 1.68% zero point four five eight three 141/537
Jianxin Jiaxinbao Currency B 2016/5/9 2.02% zero point five five zero eight 12/282
CCB Cash Profit Increase Currency 2016/7/26 1.82% zero point four nine nine five 104/537
CCB cash profit adding currency 2016/9/2 1.89% zero point five one seven two 71/537
CCB cash plus interest currency 2016/8/4 1.82% zero point four nine six seven 59/282
CCB Currency B 2016/9/19 1.94% zero point five two nine five 33/282
Jianxin Tiantiantianyi Currency A 2016/10/18 1.92% zero point five two seven eight 45/537
Jianxin Tiantiantianyi Currency B 2016/10/18 1.64% zero point four five eight four 219/282
Jianxin Tiantiantianyi Currency C 2016/10/18 1.92% zero point five two seven eight 51/282
CCB Jiebao Currency 1970/1/1 - - /
CCB Cash Profit Increase Currency 2020/11/17 1.97% zero point five four zero three 28/282
CCB cash profit adding currency 2021/5/14 1.65% zero point four four nine seven 302/537
CCB cash plus interest currency 2023/8/16 1.57% zero point four two nine nine 249/537
CCB cash profit adding currency 2016/9/2 1.65% zero point four five one six 304/537
CCB Currency A 2006/4/25 1.70% zero point four six three eight 201/537
Product name date of establishment Since its establishment Last year Ranking in the same category in the past year
CCB FTSE 100 Index 2020/1/10 23.54% 13.98% 32/82
CCB FTSE 100 Index 2020/1/10 22.03% 13.98% 31/82
CCB FTSE 100 Index 2020/1/10 20.49% 13.52% 33/82
CCB NASDAQ 100 2010/9/14 135.61% 29.80% 15/231
CCB emerging market mix 2011/6/21 5.80% 38.85% 4/231
CCB FTSE 100 Index 2012/6/26 16.64% 14.41% 75/231

Performance ranking percentile
a year three years

Robust bond
Robust hybrid
Radical bond
Radical hybrid
General stock type
Exponential type
Pure bond
Currency A
Currency B
Short term financing
Robust bond
Robust hybrid
Radical bond
Radical hybrid
General stock type
Exponential type
Pure bond
Currency A
Currency B
Short term financing
Stock Closed equity mixed type Closed end debt Bond type Currency type QDII type

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