Xinhua News Agency uncovers the ticket routine of the scenic spot: some will only reduce 3 yuan, while others will not reduce in real terms

Xinhua News Agency uncovers the ticket routine of the scenic spot: some will only reduce 3 yuan, while others will not reduce in real terms
14:57, September 25, 2018 Xinhua News Agency

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 25! Why is it so difficult to reduce the ticket price of some scenic spots?

Ke Gaoyang and Liu Huaipi from Xinhua News Agency's "Xinhua Perspective"

The high ticket price of scenic spots has been a hot issue of public concern for many years. According to the relevant policies of the National Development and Reform Commission, before the "National Day" Golden Week, the high ticket prices of a number of key state-owned scenic spots were effectively reduced. Recently, the price authorities in many places announced to reduce the ticket prices of some key state-owned scenic spots.

Up to now, there have been 314 scenic spots with price reduction or proposed price reduction, including 30 free scenic spots and 29 scenic spots with price reduction of more than 30%. In addition, the reporter from "Xinhua Viewpoint" found that there were some scenic spots with a decline of less than 5%, and some scenic spots did not decline by various means.

   The ticket price of 29 scenic spots dropped by more than 30%, and some scenic spots only dropped by 3 yuan

According to the statistics of the National Development and Reform Commission, as of August 29, 21 provinces have introduced 157 scenic spots with price reduction or free opening measures, and 25 provinces have identified 157 scenic spots with price reduction or free opening plans before the "National Day", totaling 314 scenic spots. Among them, there are 121 5A level scenic spots and 155 4A level scenic spots.

The reporter found that 29 of the 314 scenic spots had a decrease of more than 30%, and some scenic spots even had a decrease of 80%, amounting to more than 100 yuan. For example, the Xiyuan Temple in Suzhou, Jiangsu, dropped from 25 yuan to 5 yuan, a drop of 80%. The peak season of pass in Kanas, Hemu and Baihaba in Xinjiang dropped from 295 yuan to 195 yuan.

In addition, there are 30 free scenic spots. Suzhou Muchun Garden Scenic Area with the original ticket of 55 yuan and Hohhot General Office Museum with the ticket of 35 yuan have been opened to tourists free of charge.

It is noteworthy that some places have introduced preferential measures for special groups. According to the regulations of Sichuan Province, starting from October 1 this year, the tourist attractions with government fixed and guided prices will be free of admission for the elderly aged 65 or above. Hunan Taohuayuan Scenic Area has reduced the ticket price from 180 yuan to 128 yuan, and at the same time, it has also added free admission for active servicemen and retired military cadres.

The reporter noticed that some scenic spots only dropped by 35 yuan, a small drop. The ticket price of the 4A level scenic spot Gulongzhong in Xiangyang, Hubei Province was reduced from 98 yuan to 95 yuan, and the actual price was reduced by 3 yuan, just over 3%; The ticket for Jiugong Mountain Scenic Spot in Xianning was adjusted from 75 yuan in peak season to 70 yuan and 60 yuan in off season to 55 yuan, reducing 5 yuan respectively.

   Some claimed that the price was not actually reduced, and some disassembly charges were falsely reduced

Although more than 300 scenic spots have confirmed the price reduction, the reporter found that some scenic spots secretly maintain the ticket price by various means.

——Some of them have not yet done so. Two national 4A scenic spots in Beijing, Hongluo Temple and Qinglong Gorge, have been included in the list of scenic spots with reduced prices according to the National Development and Reform Commission. It is said that the ticket price has been reduced from 70 yuan to 54 yuan since August 1 this year, with a reduction of 23%.

In the first half of this year, the official websites of the two scenic spots successively announced that the ticket price would be adjusted from 54 yuan/person time to 70 yuan/person time from August 10. However, the reporter found that in fact, these two scenic spots have never implemented a 70 yuan ticket. The staff of Hongluo Temple Scenic Area said that the ticket price of 54 yuan has been kept for many years. It was originally determined that the ticket price would be raised to 70 yuan this year, but the notice of price reduction was received before the implementation date of the new price, so the actual implementation ticket price has been 54 yuan unchanged.

"When I heard of the price reduction, I took advantage of the weekend to visit, only to find that the ticket price has not changed at all," said Mr. Yang, a resident of Huairou, Beijing.

——Some disassembly sales fake price reduction. Yuantouzhu Scenic Area, a 5A level scenic spot in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, recently announced that the ticket price will be reduced from 105 yuan/person time to 90 yuan/person time from September 10. However, some tourists reported that after the adjustment of the ticket price of Yuantouzhu Scenic Area, the ticket of the scenic area, which was originally included in the 105 yuan ticket, will be charged additionally.

When interviewed by the reporter, the staff of the scenic spot said that after the adjustment of the ticket price of Yuantouzhu, the ticket and ship ticket will be charged separately, including 5 yuan for bus round-trip and 10 yuan for ship round-trip. The main purpose of separate sales is to change the original mode of bundled sales and give tourists more choices.

"It is said that there is no bundling, but in fact, there is still bundling." Mr. Sun, a citizen of Wuxi, said that the 90 yuan ticket already includes the ticket for the Taihu Lake Fairy Island. Tourists must buy a boat ticket to travel to and from the Taihu Lake Fairy Island, so "after the price is reduced, a visit to the scenic spot will not save a penny".

   Supervise those who do not obey orders, and take comprehensive measures to reduce prices

According to the reporter's survey, the sharp price cut has driven the popularity of some scenic spots. Summer is the off-season for tourism in Yangzhou Slender West Lake Scenic Area, with the daily tourist volume hovering in the thousands for a long time. After the thin West Lake scenic spot reduced its off-season ticket from 120 yuan to 60 yuan this year, the average number of tourists per day in July exceeded 10000, a new record for summer tourists.

The National Development and Reform Commission clearly requires that all regions should not avoid the important and take the light, become formalistic and prevaricate; It is not allowed to drop in the open and rise in the dark. While lowering the ticket price, it is necessary to increase the price of transportation and other tourist services in the scenic spot, which will increase the burden of tourists in a disguised way. Relevant experts said that the competent department should supervise and urge the implementation of those regions where orders are not followed and progress is slow. At the same time, it is also necessary to take comprehensive measures to improve the ticket price formation mechanism of national scenic spots, and effectively promote the reduction of ticket prices to achieve obvious results.

"It is a general trend that the ticket price of state-owned scenic spots will be reduced, and it may be further reduced in the future." He Jingjun, associate professor of the School of Political and Public Management of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, believes that state-owned scenic spots built by using public resources should return to the positioning of quasi public products, and restore the public welfare attribute of tourism that benefits and serves the people.

Yang Yanfeng, director of the online tourism research center of Beijing Union University, said that the absolute proportion of the price reduction of key state-owned scenic spots in the total number of scenic spots nationwide was not high, but because of the high popularity and large number of tourists, the benefits of the price reduction were wide, which had a model effect on the pricing of other types of scenic spots.

"After the ticket price of the scenic spot is reduced, although it may cause some pressure and challenges to the operation in the short term, it will help to force the scenic spot to improve its operation and management level and reduce its dependence on the ticket income in the long term." Yang Yanfeng suggested that the scenic spot can increase the added value of tourism, improve the comprehensive income of tourism, and achieve the goal of "ticket economy" through the implantation of scenes and the development of related products and services The transformation to "industrial economy". (End)

Editor in charge: Sun Jiansong

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